

This incriminating report was just slammed on a Supreme Court Justice’s desk

The Court has come under attack for years now. But this is despicable. And now this incriminating report was just slammed on a Supreme Court...

CNN turns the script on Joe Biden with one bombshell confession

The mainstream media has always been in the Democrats' back pocket. But the old alliances could be changing. And now CNN turned the script...

Federal Court smacks Democrats with a reality check they never saw coming

The tide is turning in America. And the Left is powerless to stop it. And now a federal court smacked Democrats with a reality check...

These federal agencies are on the chopping block thanks to Donald Trump

The bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. has gotten out of hand. Things are about to change. And now these federal agencies are on the chopping block...

Devastating test result is the nail in the coffin for Joe Biden

Biden's time is almost up. There's no hiding it anymore. And now a devastating test result is the nail in the coffin for Joe Biden. ...

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