

Joe Biden betrays major ally in stunning act he’ll live to regret

Joe Biden has made his fair share of idiotic mistakes. But this most recent one takes the cake. Because Joe Biden betrays major ally...

George Soros reveals shocking plot to silence free speech

George Soros has always been involved in fishy business dealings. His desire to control the world has led to some interesting moves. And George...

Biden unveils shocking plan that leaves border states terrified

The state of the border is an abysmal failure, and the Biden administration is fully to blame. Many officials on both sides of the...

Republicans are furious after Democrats demolished this piece of American history

The Left doesn't care about the principles America was founded on. In fact, they want to erase it from everyone's memory. And Republicans are furious...

Kamala Harris makes a shocking claim that leaves Americans outraged

Kamala Harris has the lowest approval rating of any VP in US history. And she has a habit of saying the most ridiculous things....

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