Nancy Pelosi was just caught paying hush money to cover up this crime

Democrats don’t like to play by the rules. They rarely are punished.

But Nancy Pelosi was just caught paying hush money to cover up this crime.

The old guard in the Democrat Party is fighting for its life every day.

They’re getting older, younger talent is edging them out, and the money is drying up.

And some, like Nancy Pelosi, are going to extreme measures.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s campaign settled a lawsuit brought by an Illinois man accusing it of breaking federal robocalling laws by paying him $7,500.

In October 2022, the man, Jorge Rojas, filed a lawsuit against Pelosi’s campaign for $31,500, claiming that the campaign’s frequent messages violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.

The law, which also applies to text messages, forbids solicitors from calling those who have registered with the Do Not Call Registry.

Rojas registered with the Do Not Call Registry in 2008, but between November 2021 and July 2022, she still received 21 texts from Pelosi’s campaign, according to Business Insider.

Rojas demanded $1,500 in damages from Pelosi, claiming that the texts showed her “malicious, intentional, willful, reckless, wanton and negligent disregard” of the law.

Rojas received $7,500 on February 21, 2023, according to a report submitted by Pelosi’s campaign to the Federal Elections Commission, with the stated purpose being “Settlement.”

The following day, Rojas formally filed a motion to dismiss his complaint, according to Business Insider.

Fox News Digital contacted Pelosi’s office for a response, but they didn’t get back to them right away.

Pelosi raised tens of millions of dollars for herself and her Democratic colleagues during the decades she served as leader of the House Democrats.

Pelosi left her position as Democratic leader after the 2022 election, so it’s uncertain whether she’ll still be a key player in fundraising.

Early this year, Pelosi accompanied Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-New York, her successor, on a tour to California to meet with prominent Democratic donors.

A significant portion of the leadership function in the House involves fundraising for party members.

The political operation of Speaker Kevin McCarthy raised $500 million for his Republican colleagues during the midterm election season.

Recent years have seen an increase in the frequency of fundraising texts and emails, with campaigns frequently taking advantage of current events to ask supporters for donations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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