Devastating military news just hit Joe Biden’s desk

President Biden’s handling of the military has been a disaster. Now it’s putting Americans at risk.

Because this devastating military news just hit Joe Biden’s desk and caused total mayhem.

There’s no getting around the fact that many of America’s enemies and adversaries view President Biden as a feeble man who isn’t really capable of leading the nation well.

That’s why Russia, China, and Iran have all grown more and more emboldened since Joe Biden has taken office in January of 2021.

They simply don’t think there’s going to be any consequences for their actions, even if they are in direct contradiction with the interests of America and her people.

A prime example is what’s happening off the coast of Alaska in the Aleutian islands.

There, about 11 different military ships that belonged to China and Russia were detected by the U.S. Navy.

The U.S. sent four Navy Destroyers in response to the news of the Chinese and Russian naval ships appearing on the coast of Alaska, but now questions are being raised about what the Chinese and the Russians are planning.

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), the Senate Armed Services ranking member, said earlier this week that China and Russia are sending the United States a “signal” that spells bad news for Joe Biden.

“The scale and complexity of this Russian and Chinese naval deployment is unprecedented,” Roger Wicker said on Monday after being debriefed on the issue.

“While I am glad the U.S. Navy deployed four destroyers and a P-8 aircraft to monitor the fleet, the exercise serves as a stark signal that generational investments in U.S. shipbuilding and ship maintenance to maintain deterrence are more necessary than ever,” he added.

The Biden Pentagon said that they don’t believe the Russians and the Chinese on the coast of Alaska poses any threat at all for America.

“They were in international waters. At no point in time were they deemed to pose a threat. And so like any country, they are free to conduct exercises in international airspace, international water,” a Pentagon official shared with members of the media.

This tone from the Pentagon under the direction of Joe Biden seems to be a stark difference to what the Chinese are saying right now.

In fact, a former military analyst for the Chines, Fu Qianshao, told the communist, state-controlled news outlet Global Times that the U.S. should get used to this flex of power by China and Russia.

“In the future, the Chinese Navy could conduct more far sea patrols like this, either alone or together with other countries,” he said.

While the Biden Pentagon seems to be downplaying the importance of this news, Congress seems more concerned that China is up to no good.

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) says that this news of the 11 Russian and Chinese ships being discovered in Alaskan waters should be a “reminder that we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression.”

The ball is in the court of the Biden administration to see how they respond, if they do in any meaningful at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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