Top Biden official under investigation for horrific actions against children

The Biden-Harris administration is full of creeps. But this one incident highlights how truly dangerous things are.

And a top Biden official is under investigation for horrific actions against children.

The Biden-Harris administration’s appointment of Dr. Rachel Levine as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services has sparked significant controversy, particularly regarding her role in advocating for harmful transgender policies that target vulnerable children. Dr. Levine, a former pediatrician who underwent a s*x change as an adult, has used her position to push a dangerous agenda that risks the health and well-being of minors across the nation.

Recent revelations have brought to light disturbing allegations that Dr. Levine pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to abandon age limits in their guidelines for child s*x changes.

These guidelines are globally recognized as the standard for diagnosing and treating transgender individuals, including children. Emails obtained and published by the New York Times in June reveal that Levine, along with her then-Chief of Staff Sarah Boateng, actively advocated for the removal of specific age limits from WPATH’s Standards of Care, Version 8 (SOC-8).

According to the House Oversight Committee, these communications suggest that Levine was “very eager” for the release of the updated guidelines and supportive of integrating them into the health policies of the Biden administration.

The push to remove age limits has been met with fierce opposition from conservative groups and lawmakers, who argue that this move endangers children by expanding the pool of minors eligible for irreversible medical procedures, including puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and surgeries.

The Biden-Harris administration has been at the forefront of promoting transgender rights, often at the expense of protecting vulnerable populations, particularly children. Despite claiming in June that they oppose s*x changes for minors, the administration is currently engaged in a legal battle with the state of Tennessee over its ban on such practices.

This hypocrisy underscores the administration’s true intentions—pushing a radical agenda that prioritizes ideology over the safety and well-being of children.

Dr. Levine’s involvement in the consultation process for WPATH’s guidelines further exposes the administration’s willingness to bend the rules to fit their narrative. By removing age restrictions, WPATH’s guidelines now allow for a broader interpretation of when a child can undergo gender-affirming medical interventions.

This is not only irresponsible but also potentially criminal, as it places countless children at risk of undergoing life-altering procedures they may later regret.

Dr. Levine’s advocacy for removing age limits is not an isolated incident. Her track record as a transgender advocate is marred by reckless decisions that have put children in harm’s way.

Levine’s influence over WPATH’s guidelines is particularly concerning given the organization’s global reach and the weight their standards carry in the medical community.

WPATH’s current president, Dr. Marci Bowers, a transgender surgeon who has performed thousands of s*x change operations, including on the reality television star Jazz Jennings, has openly admitted that children who undergo these procedures before reaching Tanner Stage 2 of development often experience irreversible consequences, such as loss of s*xual function. Despite these grave concerns, Levine and the Biden administration continue to push forward with policies that expose children to these risks.

The actions of Dr. Levine and the Biden-Harris administration in promoting these dangerous policies must be thoroughly investigated and held accountable. Chairwoman Lisa McClain of the House Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services has issued a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, demanding documents and records related to Levine’s communications with WPATH. McClain rightly called the administration’s push to expand the pool of vulnerable children for gender transition procedures “reprehensible.”

The House GOP’s investigation into Dr. Levine’s conduct is a crucial step in protecting children from the harmful effects of these radical policies. If Levine’s actions are found to be in violation of ethical or legal standards, she should face the full consequences of her actions, including potential prosecution for endangering minors.

The Biden-Harris administration’s appointment of Dr. Rachel Levine and her subsequent advocacy for removing age limits on child s*x changes is a dangerous and irresponsible move that puts countless children at risk.

The push to allow minors to undergo irreversible medical procedures without appropriate safeguards is a blatant disregard for their well-being and future. As the House GOP continues its investigation, it is imperative that the American people remain vigilant and demand accountability from those in power. The safety and health of our children must always come first, and those who endanger them must be held to account.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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