Border Patrol went scorched earth on Joe Biden in this viral statement

The crisis at the border is at a breaking point. It’s all thanks to Joe Biden.

And Border Patrol went scorched earth on Joe Biden in this viral statement.

Biden’s border boondoggle will go down in history as one of his greatest failures.

Thanks to his incompetency or malice, over six million illegal immigrants have come into this country since he took office.

That’s more people flooding into this country than the entire population of Maryland.

But don’t call it a crisis. That would play too much into the hands of Republicans according to the Left.

While Biden and the Democrats may pontificate from their ivory tower about how this crisis isn’t as bad as it seems, the men and women at ground zero see the reality every single day. And they’ve had enough.

The Border Patrol Union blasted the Department of Homeland Security on Monday night for announcing a “targeted enforcement operation” in Texas to remove or jail illegal immigrants, accusing the feds of informing migrants about the operation hours before it was intended to take place.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are set to carry out the initiative on Tuesday in El Paso, where approximately 2,200 migrants are currently camped out or living on the streets just a few blocks from major ports of entry connecting the city to Juárez, Mexico.

“Nothing like publicly announcing that dangerous people will be arrested, while warning them ahead of time exactly where to run and hide to avoid arrest,” the Border Patrol Union tweeted late Monday evening.

According to the National Border Patrol Council, which represents nearly 18,000 Border Patrol agents and support personnel, the entire operation was a “sad joke” and “another pandering PR stunt.”

“Serious law enforcement leaders don’t behave this way,” the union added.

According to the CBP, agents will “process individuals for vetting and placement into Title 42 expulsion or Title 8 removal proceedings, as applicable,” and any individuals posing a national security concern will be brought to ICE for detention.

The Title 42 public health order, which was used to hastily deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants because to the COVID-19 pandemic, is slated to expire on Thursday. It was first issued in 2020, during the presidency of then-President Donald Trump.

Nearly half of all migrant interactions in March resulted in a Title 42 expulsion.

According to government statistics, a border surge in El Paso resulted in over 26,000 apprehensions and over 7,000 “gotaways” in just 72 hours, according to Fox News Digital.

Despite the Biden administration’s frequent denials of the continued migrant crisis, the White House stated last week that 1,500 troops will be deployed to the border to assist local border officers.

The White House has likewise mostly avoided visits to the southern border.

After nearly two years in office, President Biden made only one visit in January 2023. Despite being named immigration czar, Vice President Kamala Harris visited a CBP facility in El Paso in June 2021.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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