Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty surprise he never saw coming

Rep. Schiff has been a thorn in Trump’s side for years. He isn’t going away anytime soon.

And Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty surprise he never saw coming

Schiff is tied to Trump for one reason and one reason only – he made his name and fame from peddling lies about the former president.

Throughout Trump’s entire term, Schiff claimed there was irrefutable evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Of course, all of that turned out to be a lie, and since he was caught in the act, he’s been trying to find a new way to target Trump.

And he thinks he’s finally stumbled upon an ace in the hole.

Thirty-eight House Democrats, led by California Rep. Adam Schiff, have demanded that former President Trump’s federal criminal trials be televised for the public.

“We are writing to request the Judicial Conference explicitly authorize the broadcasting of court proceedings in the cases of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump,” they said in a Thursday night letter to federal officials.

“It is imperative the Conference ensures timely access to accurate and reliable information surrounding these cases and all of their proceedings, given the extraordinary national importance to our democratic institutions and the need for transparency,” they wrote.

It was issued only hours after Trump pleaded not guilty to four charges stemming from his and his associates’ alleged efforts to derail the 2020 presidential election.

On Thursday, Trump was arrested in a federal court in Washington, D.C., after Special Counsel Jack Smith announced the second of two federal grand jury indictments against him. He is also the subject of a previous criminal indictment in New York City.

With a few exceptions, cameras are not permitted in federal courts.

However, scores of Democrats who spoke to the Judicial Conference, which controls federal court policy, maintained that broadcasting Trump’s trials is necessary for Americans to “fully accept” their outcome.

“As the policymaking body for the federal courts, the Judiciary Conference has historically supported increased transparency and public access to the courts’ activities. Given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings,” the lawmakers wrote.

“If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted, the strength of the evidence adduced and the credibility of witnesses,” they wrote.

Schiff was censured this year for advancing suspicions that the Trump 2016 campaign collaborated with Russia to win the election while chairing the Intelligence Committee last Congress.

He also played a key role in both of House Democrats’ impeachment attempts against Trump. During the first impeachment, he was an impeachment manager and a member of the January 6 select committee when the former president was impeached over the Capitol riot.

Other members of the now-defunct Jan. 6 panel, including its chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Reps. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Pete Aguilar of California, and Zofgren of California, signed Schiff’s letter.

A request for response from Trump’s spokeswoman was not immediately returned.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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