Kamala Harris made one move that sent Dianne Feinstein spiraling

Feinstein’s mental competency has come into question recently. And she couldn’t have ever guessed Kamala would do this to her.

And Kamala Harris made one move that sent Dianne Feinstein spiraling.

According to a report on the problems the elderly legislator encounters as she wants to continue serving, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was perplexed by the sight of Vice President Kamala Harris presiding over the upper house last year to cast a tie-breaking vote.

The New York Times report comes as the California Democrat fights to reassert herself in her position after recovering from shingles and encephalitis.

According to Times White House writer Annie Karnie, Feinstein voiced surprise to her colleagues when she saw Harris appear in the Senate in one of the numerous tie-breaking votes the vice president has had to cast in fulfilling her constitutional job.

“What is she doing here?” Feinstein inquired about the report’s specifics. According to the publication, the observation was made by “a person who witnessed the scene.”

Feinstein’s continuous health fight has been well documented, according to Breitbart News.

She only returned to work in D.C. earlier this month, following a three-month leave during which she apparently experienced “several complications,” many of which were not publicly acknowledged, after being hospitalized for shingles.

During her absence, several Democrats asked for Feinstein to resign from her seat, which she flatly refused.

She agreed to have her place on the Judiciary Committee temporarily filled, but Republicans blocked Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) from replacing her with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) in April.

Despite the calls to quit, Dianne Feinstein has stayed strong – or at least her staff has – in the idea that she should remain in office.

Meanwhile, 52% of registered voting Democrats in California believe she should resign.

Among Democrats, two-thirds believe she is unfit to serve regardless of if she resigns or not.

Despite this, Feinstein has one steadfast friend left in the political realm.

According to Breitbart News, Hillary Clinton has warned her to stay in the face of Republicans who would seek to obstruct Democrats from filling a vacancy on the Judiciary Committee and stall President Joe Biden’s judicial choices.

You read that right, Hillary Clinton doesn’t even care that Feinstein is nearing the end of her life.

Instead she wants her to be wheeled around Capitol Hill on life support if it means sticking it to Republicans.

A word of advice, maybe don’t take tips from a two-time failed presidential candidate.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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