Biden goes back on previous lies, now he’s in a world of trouble

Joe Biden is known as a complete liar. But now, he has been caught in an issue so big that there is no escape.

And Biden has gone back on his previous lies and is now in a world of trouble.

President Joe Biden is reportedly preparing an executive order to shut down the U.S. southern border if daily encounters exceed a 4,000-a-day threshold.

This potential move contradicts Biden’s previous claims that he couldn’t take unilateral action on the border without Congress.

The New York Post first reported the executive order, which is strikingly similar to a provision in an immigration bill that failed to pass the Senate in February.

That bill included a mechanism for the president to close the border if encounters averaged 4,000 per day over a week, with mandatory closure triggered at 5,000 per day or a single-day spike to 8,500.

Despite the White House’s continuous blame on Congress for the ongoing immigration crisis, claiming that legislative action is necessary, this executive order indicates that Biden does have the authority to act on the border issue.

Republicans have long argued that the president already possesses the necessary authority to address the border crisis without waiting for Congress.

Public opinion on Biden’s handling of the border is overwhelmingly negative, as illegal immigrants continue to pour into the country.

According to a New York Times/Sienna poll released this week, immigration ranks as the second most important issue for voters in swing states.

However, Biden’s approval rating on immigration is abysmally low, sitting just over 33%, with a disapproval rating around 63%, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average.

In 2019, Jeh Johnson, who served as Homeland Security Secretary during the Obama administration, stated that a daily average of 1,000 encounters would overwhelm Border Patrol.

At 4,000 per day, Johnson declared the situation a “crisis.” Reflecting on his time in office, Johnson described how he monitored apprehension numbers daily.

“I’d look at them every morning, it’d be the first thing I’d look at. And I probably got too close to the problem, and my staff will tell you if it was under 1,000 apprehensions the day before, that was a relatively good number, and if it was above 1,000, it was a relatively bad number, and I was gonna be in a bad mood the whole day,” Johnson said at the time.

“On Tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like, so we are truly in a crisis.”

Biden’s potential executive order suggests a significant policy shift, acknowledging the severity of the border situation, which his administration has downplayed.

The president’s reluctance to act until now has exacerbated the crisis, leading to a surge in illegal crossings and overwhelming local communities and resources.

The administration’s handling of the border has been marked by inconsistency and mixed messages.

Initially, Biden reversed many of Trump’s successful border policies, such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed.

This reversal led to a sharp increase in border encounters, as migrants perceived a more lenient stance from the U.S. government.

Republicans have criticized Biden’s open-border policies, arguing that they incentivize illegal immigration and compromise national security.

They contend that the administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws has created a humanitarian and security disaster at the southern border.

The Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis has not only undermined public confidence but also strained relationships with key allies.

The recent revelation that Biden is considering an executive order to shut down the southern border suggests a belated acknowledgment of the crisis’s severity.

However, critics argue that this action comes too late and fails to address the root causes of the problem.

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