Biden’s allies jump ship thanks to this idiotic blunder

The Biden administration has caused countless crises since Joe Biden took office. And the effects are starting to show now more than ever.

Now Biden’s allies are jumping ship thanks to this idiotic blunder.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is worsening, with a record number of migrants apprehended at the southern border in August.

This is just the latest sign of Biden’s incompetence and his failure to uphold his oath of office to protect the American people.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), agents encountered 203,600 migrants at the southern border in August.

This is the highest number of migrant encounters in any month since March 2000. The number of migrant encounters in August was also 24% higher than the number of encounters in July.

Joe Biden is encouraging illegal immigration and is rolling back Trump-era border policies.

Some on the Radical Left have defended the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis, arguing that it is working to address the root causes of migration from Central America.

However, the American people are losing trust in Biden’s ability to handle the border crisis. A recent poll found that only 33% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance on immigration.

Now, many of Biden’s own supporters and fellow Democrats are calling for him to do more to address the crisis.

Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas has said that the Biden administration is “losing control of the border.” Cuellar has also said that the Biden administration is “not doing enough to deter illegal immigration.”

Both the Massachusetts Governor and NYC Mayor have been harsh critics of Joe Biden’s handling of the border, even going so far as to declare a state of emergency and call in the National Guard.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is a threat to national security, public safety, and the economy.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are also encouraging drug cartels and other criminal organizations to smuggle drugs and other contraband into the United States.

Joe Biden spends billions of dollars each year on illegal immigrants while continuing to let Americans suffer and struggle to even pay for simple things like gas and groceries.

The American people deserve a secure border. The Biden administration needs to take immediate action to secure the border and stop the flow of illegal immigration.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is a direct result of Biden’s incompetent leadership and his reckless open border policies.

With support failing among the American people and his own supporters in politics, many expected Joe Biden to address the border crisis, however, things have only continued to get worse.

Joe Biden is a disgrace to this amazing country, and his handling of the situation on the border further proves his incompetence.

The American people need a president who will put the needs of the American people before the desires of violent and illegal criminals entering our country illegally.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you more updates on this story and others.

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