Biden’s newest foreign policy moves are so anti-America even Democrats are furious

Joe Biden seems to hate America. And if it wasn’t clear before, it certainly is now.

Because Biden’s newest foreign policy moves are so anti-America that even Democrats are furious.

The Biden administration released guidelines on Friday for its electric vehicle (EV) tax credit program, which have drawn sharp criticism for loopholes that benefit Chinese car manufacturers.

The program includes exemptions that allow significant use of Chinese materials, despite earlier assurances that the policy would limit dependence on “foreign entities of concern,” particularly China.

Initially, the Biden administration promised that the EV tax credit, part of a broader push to force their climate agenda on everyone, would bolster domestic manufacturing and reduce America’s reliance on adversarial nations for critical supply chain components.

However, the final guidelines reveal carve-outs that many see as a backtrack on these commitments.

Under the new policy, consumers can receive up to $7,500 in tax credits for purchasing a new electric vehicle.

Yet, due to stringent restrictions on where parts like batteries can be sourced, only about 20% of current electric models qualify for this incentive.

Critics argue that these limitations not only stifle consumer choice but also hinder the broader adoption of electric vehicles.

One of the most contentious aspects of the guidelines is a temporary exemption for graphite and synthetic graphite, essential components of lithium-ion batteries.

Since the majority of graphite is sourced from China, this exemption effectively allows Chinese companies to continue supplying American car manufacturers with minimal restrictions.

This decision has sparked outrage among policymakers and the public alike, with accusations that it undermines national security and economic interests in favor of short-term industry gains.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) expressed his frustration with these guidelines, accusing the Treasury of creating a “long-term pathway” for Chinese involvement in the U.S. supply chain.

“It’s outrageous and illegal,” he stated, reflecting a growing dissatisfaction within his own party and beyond about the administration’s handling of the issue.

This policy not only contradicts the Biden administration’s stated goals of reducing reliance on foreign components but also raises concerns about the influence of lobbying by major automakers like Tesla, General Motors, and Toyota.

These companies have been vocal about the challenges posed by stringent sourcing restrictions, arguing that American suppliers of battery materials are years, if not decades, behind their Chinese counterparts.

Many critics suggest that the administration’s capitulation to industry pressure could compromise national security and economic independence.

John Podesta, senior White House advisor for climate change, defended the administration’s strategy, emphasizing a commitment to transitioning toward electric vehicles as a key component of its climate agenda.

“The direction we’re headed is clear—toward a future where many more Americans drive an EV or a plug-in hybrid and where those vehicles are affordable and made here in America,” Podesta stated.

However, this vision seems compromised by the current policy’s allowances for continued Chinese involvement.

The implications of these guidelines extend beyond environmental and economic concerns, touching on broader geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China.

By allowing Chinese materials to dominate the EV battery market, the Biden administration may bolster China’s strategic position in global supply chains at a time when reducing this dependence should be a priority.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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