Hunter Biden is terrified after a pair of Republicans made this unexpected move

Hunter Biden’s issues continue to mount with no end in sight. But with this one decision, he was given a curveball.

And Hunter Biden is terrified after a pair of Republicans made this unexpected move.

Federal prosecutors in Delaware are considering charging Hunter Biden with a crime.

A federal grand jury is investigating whether Hunter committed tax evasion in connection with his corrupt overseas business agreements that were contingent on his father’s political position.

According to the Washington Post, federal investigators investigating the case feel there is more than enough evidence to charge Hunter with tax evasion and lying on a federal guns background check form about his drug usage.

Now, a pair of Republicans are assisting the federal prosecutor in Delaware, David Weiss, with information on Hunter’s alleged offenses as he considers charging the President’s son.

Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) have led the Senate investigation into Hunter Biden.

The couple provided Weiss over 200 pages of data detailing payments made by Chinese corporations to Hunter-owned companies.

The Republican Senators supplied the materials to ensure that Weiss’ inquiry into Hunter is “thorough.”

“If you are conducting a full and complete investigation, you should already possess these records. In the case that you are not and do not possess these records, we suggest that you review them in detail,” the Senators wrote to Weiss.

The majority of the financial transactions described in the documents include payments made by the now-defunct Chinese business CEFC China Energy.

After the firm fell due to irregularities, CEFC China Energy was dubbed the “Enron of China.”

The corporation went bankrupt after being caught attempting to bribe African officials in an oil deal.

The communist government also kidnapped its President.

CEFC China Energy and its associates paid Hunter about $6 million through Hudson West III, a company he founded.

According to the bank records obtained by the Senators, Hunter and his Uncle James went on a “spending spree” after receiving the money.

“We are also providing bank records showing that credit cards were collateralized by a $99,000 preauthorized withdrawal from Hudson West III,” Grassley and Johnson wrote.

The money was spent on meals, hotels, travel, and Apple stores, according to the report.

David Weiss has refused to answer Johnson and Grassley’s queries about the Biden administration’s political influence in the case.

“We are providing these records because you have failed to answer our legitimate Congressional oversight questions with respect to how you are conducting the Hunter Biden criminal case, whether you have been provided all necessary resources and support from the Justice Department and if you’ve acquired these bank records – as well as others – during the course of your review,” the letter concluded.

Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson provided David Weiss with material that could be crucial in bringing Hunter Biden down.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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