Megyn Kelly just obliterated Leftists with one incredible rant

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly has had her ups and downs. But she’s pulled off the gloves.

And Megyn Kelly just obliterated Leftists with one stunning rant you need to see.

When Fox News allowed its greatest talent to leave the network, the entire globe was startled.

Conservatives from coast to coast are anxiously awaiting the news of where Tucker Carlson, the most well-known and prominent primetime television news host in America, will go next after abruptly leaving Fox News.

Republicans were taken aback and eventually stopped watching Fox News in large numbers, while the Left has reacted entirely differently.

On social media, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) compared Carlson to a Marvel villain and said that “deplatforming works.”

And The View ladies celebrated with a stack of ballpark hot dogs in their laps, just like they were at a baseball game.

The studio audience cheered as Whoopie Goldberg read the news of Carlson’s departure from Fox News.

The alleged former “comedian” then announced a spontaneous wave, to which the entire self-described “bipartisan” panel responded as though they were attempting to pass the time by watching a baseball game that nobody had ever wanted to attend.

Then, View co-host Ana Navarro, a self-described Republican who never misses an opportunity to criticize conservatives and advance the radical Left’s agenda, led the crowd in a rousing performance of Steam’s “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.”

When one starts dancing in celebration of a rival’s bad luck, it’s always a beautiful display of professionalism and decency, right?

Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News host, criticized the ensemble for being catty and expressed her displeasure with the entire event.

“Not one of these women could solo host a show and get ratings,” Kelly tweeted. “Not one. They are and will always be ensemble players. Their jealousy is on full display here, and ideological hatred too, of course.”

The unhinged and infamous former ESPN and MSNBC talking head Keith Olbermann saw Kelly’s analysis and immediately went into attack mode, as he never misses an occasion to verbally assault a conservative lady.

“What would you know about successfully hosting a show?” the oft-fired Olbermann wrote to Kelly. “Fired by Fox, fired by NBC. You’re 0-for-2 and you couldn’t get a job cleaning the studio at The View.”

For clarification, Olbermann has been expelled twice from ESPN, once from Fox Sports Net, once from Current TV, and twice from MSNBC.

In addition, Olbermann’s assertion regarding Kelly was untrue despite being malicious.

The former Fox News personality wasted no time in putting the record straight.

Kelly responded on her show, “First of all, you misstate the circumstances of my departure from NBC, sir. That’s all I’m allowed to say about it.”

“As for Fox, there was a widely reported fact that I was offered $100-Million to stay there. But the record is very clear that I left voluntarily because I wanted to raise my family,” she continued.

After Kelly claimed that donning blackface as part of a child’s Halloween tradition honoring Diana Ross was distinct from donning blackface to mock black people, her NBC program was canceled.

As part of her settlement with NBC, Kelly reportedly received payment equal to her whole $69 million contract.

And Olbermann couldn’t get away with lying about her record with the brash blonde.

“I wanted to raise my family – something you don’t know anything about because no one would marry you,” Kelly replied to Olbermann. “And you have no children. You have a cold, lonely life in which you’ve become a bitter, bitter man. Something I wouldn’t know anything about because my life is joyful and I’ve managed to raise my own children. And someday I hope you have that pleasure. But I don’t have high hopes it’s going to happen.”

Kelly just exposed the sad truth about radical Leftists. They can be so insufferable and lonely that they celebrate the demise of others around them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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