Mike Pence shocked the world with one comment about Donald Trump

The relationship between Mike Pence and Donald Trump is a curious one. Everyone wants to know what Mike Pence truly thinks about Donald Trump.

Now we know because Mike Pence shocked the world with this one comment about Donald Trump.

At the conclusion of Donald Trump’s term as President, there was a ton of strain between Donald Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence.

Conservatives were split over how Mike Pence should approach the controversy surrounding the 2020 election and certifying the results in the U.S. Senate.

Regardless, the Fake News Media outlets tried to spin the truth to make it seem like Mike Pence hated Donald Trump all along, which is completely untrue.

Pence has certainly distanced himself from the circle of Donald Trump since then, though.

He’s even been aligning himself with an ilk of old-guard RINOs like Liz Cheney.

He even said he appreciates the “conservative stance Congresswoman Cheney has taken over the years,” which is a stark difference to how Donald Trump has criticized Liz Cheney for years.

And now millions of Americans want to know if Mike Pence and/or Donald Trump will be running in 2024 for the Republican nomination for President.

Pence was recently asked about that possibility at an event at Georgetown University for a Young America’s Foundation event.

He was asked if he would vote for Donald Trump in 2024 if Trump won the nomination when all is said and done.

His response indicated that he intends to run himself.

“Well, there might be somebody else I’d prefer more,” Pence responded.

Pence then cracked a smile and the crowd laughed and applauded the former Vice President.

He then went on to say he is confident that the Republican party will have strong leadership in the years ahead, but that he’s focusing on the midterms that are right around the corner.

That certainly sounds like a man who plans on running in 2024, and he seems to not have Trump in his vision at all.

That could definitely be a mistake too. Polls indicate that the vast majority of attention from conservative voters is on Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.

Mike Pence lost some favorability in the eyes of conservatives as he’s aligned himself with the Liz Cheneys of the world rather than no-nonsense conservatives like DeSantis.

So if he expects to run in the 2024 and win just because he was Vice President at one point, he might have another thing coming.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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