New development in Trump’s NYC trial will leave your jaw on the floor

The Radical Left is pursuing Trump like nothing else. And they will stop at nothing to hinder him from running.

But now, a new development in Trump’s NYC trial will leave your jaw on the floor.

The civil fraud case against former President Donald Trump brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James is quickly unraveling.

Testimony from Deutsche Bank executives this week has directly contradicted the state’s allegations, making it increasingly clear that the case has no merit.

One executive testified that it is not unusual for loan clients to overstate their net worth and that the bank does its own due diligence in determining eligibility for loans.

This directly undermines James’s claim that Trump intentionally inflated his net worth to deceive the bank.

Another executive testified that the bank had benefited from its business relationship with Trump and had wanted to continue that relationship.

This also runs counter to James’s claim that Deutsche Bank was harmed by Trump’s alleged fraud.

The case is particularly troubling because it is the first in New York history in which a borrower is being sued for fraud when no one is claiming actual harm.

The state is seeking a $250 million fine against Trump and wants him to be forced to give up control of his businesses.

This is an outrageous overreach of power by the state. There is no evidence that Trump committed any fraud, and there is no reason to punish him for simply trying to do business.

The testimony from Deutsche Bank executives is further evidence that James’s case is a political witch hunt.

She was elected on a specific promise to use the courts to pursue Trump, and this case is nothing more than an attempt to fulfill that promise.

The people of New York deserve a better Attorney General than Letitia James. They deserve someone who is focused on upholding the law, not on pursuing political vendettas.

The testimony from Deutsche Bank executives is not only damaging to James’s case, but it is also damaging to the credibility of the entire legal system.

When politicians can use the courts to attack their political opponents, it undermines the rule of law.

The people of New York need to send a message to James and other politicians like her that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

They need to demand that the Attorney General’s office focus on its job of prosecuting criminals, not on harassing political opponents.

This civil fraud case against Donald Trump is a sham. There is no evidence that Trump committed any fraud, and there is no reason to punish him.

This is nothing more than a political witch hunt, and it is a stain on the legal system and it has shown the whole world what Democrats truly care about.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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