Republicans make shocking demand that exposes just how much trouble Biden is in

With Donald Trump not bowing to their demands, the Left has tried to change their tactics. But now, they are not liking where things are going.

And Republicans have made shocking demands that expose just how much trouble Biden is in.

Multiple prominent Republicans are calling for President Joe Biden to submit to a drug test before debating former President Donald Trump.

The calls come amid concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and alleged use of performance-enhancing substances to boost his public appearances.

These demands gained traction following Biden’s notably energetic performance during his State of the Union address earlier this year, which stood in stark contrast to his often more subdued public demeanor.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina addressed the issue on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” suggesting that a drug test for the president would be beneficial.

“Why not?” Scott responded when asked about the necessity of such a test. “The truth of the matter is if you saw the State of the Union and you watched that performance, it was surreal. There was something going on, and if we could find the truth of what it was, we’re all better off. If it takes artificial stimulation to make the President of the United States perform, how often can he do that?”

Representative Anna Paulina Luna of Florida echoed Scott’s sentiments, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the president’s mental fitness given the gravity of his responsibilities.

“We’re talking about someone who has the ability to launch nukes,” Luna stated.

She linked these concerns to the ongoing efforts by House Republicans to obtain audio recordings of Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur, which the White House has shielded under claims of executive privilege.

Former President Trump has been the most vocal advocate for drug testing Biden, repeatedly questioning the current president’s cognitive abilities and hinting at possible artificial enhancement.

During a rally in Minnesota last week, Trump reiterated his demand for a pre-debate drug test. “I just want to debate this guy … and I’m going to demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump declared. “I am. No, I really am.”

Referring to Biden’s State of the Union performance, Trump said, “I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite. I said is that Joe up there? … And by the end of the evening … he was exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”

North Carolina Representative Greg Murphy, a trained surgeon, supported these claims, suggesting that Biden’s performance during the State of the Union was likely enhanced by some form of stimulant.

“I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint, actually I have a little bit of good knowledge that that happened,” Murphy said. “He can’t stand it. He can’t stand under the lights for that long. And I don’t think he can keep a concept in his brain that long.”

The insistence on drug testing stems from broader concerns about Biden’s fitness for office.

At 81 years old, Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history, and his opponents have frequently highlighted moments of apparent confusion or memory lapses as evidence of cognitive decline.

These concerns have fueled the idea that Biden is not fully capable of handling the demands of the presidency, particularly in high-pressure situations like debates.

The debate over Biden’s mental fitness is not new. Throughout his presidency, Republicans have questioned his ability to perform the duties of the office effectively. This latest push for a drug test is seen by many as an extension of these ongoing concerns.

While the White House has not directly responded to the latest calls for a drug test, it has consistently defended Biden’s mental and physical fitness.

White House officials have pointed to Biden’s packed schedule and active engagement in policy discussions as evidence of his capability.

Nonetheless, the administration has not addressed the specific allegations regarding possible artificial stimulation during public appearances.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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