Top official changes the narrative regarding Trump

The race for the White House is heating up every day. And Trump continues to be top in the news.

And now a top official has set out to change the narrative regarding Trump.

In a bold move, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray has filed an amicus brief with the Colorado Supreme Court, challenging a lower court ruling that deemed former President Donald Trump an “insurrectionist.”

Gray’s action comes amidst a growing trend of leftist attempts to weaponize the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from appearing on the ballot in 2024.

Gray argues that the Colorado judge’s ruling was “frivolous” and “should have been dismissed immediately.”

He further contends that the judge erred in admitting the biased report of the House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack as evidence.

Gray’s stance aligns with his campaign promise to uphold election integrity.

He views these frivolous lawsuits as a blatant attempt to silence conservative voices and manipulate the electoral process.

Joining Gray in this fight are Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose.

Their amicus brief urges the Colorado Supreme Court to vacate the lower court’s order and dismiss the case entirely.

Gray’s efforts extend beyond Colorado. He previously wrote to New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan, expressing concerns about similar attempts to disqualify Trump in that state.

Gray emphasizes the importance of defending the integrity of the electoral process.

He warns that allowing such lawsuits to stand sets a dangerous precedent that could be used to disenfranchise any candidate.

Gray’s actions demonstrate his unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all Americans.

He serves as a beacon of hope for those who believe in fair and just elections.

This pivotal case will determine whether Trump’s name will appear on the ballot in Colorado and potentially other states.

A victory for Gray and his allies would be a significant blow to the Left’s efforts to rig the system against Trump and other conservative candidates.

All eyes are now on the Colorado Supreme Court as they deliberate this critical issue.

Will they stand up for the integrity of the electoral process or succumb to the Left’s agenda?

The future of American politics hangs in the balance and if the Radical Left succeeds, democracy will never be safe.

The American people need to rally around the truth and stand up for what is right instead of letting Democrats walk all over us.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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