Tucker Carlson just uncovered an FBI conspiracy to cover up Hunter Biden’s crimes

Hunter Biden’s scandals are a thorn in the side of the Democrats. But the Deep State has been hard at work to cover for him.

But Tucker Carlson just uncovered an FBI conspiracy to cover up Hunter Biden’s crimes.

In the wake of the New York Post’s scoop regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop’s contents during the 2020 presidential campaign, Tucker Carlson had a shocking interview with Biden family leaker Tony Bobulinski.

Joe Biden said he never discussed business ventures with his son, but Bobulinski went into business with Hunter Biden and admitted as much to Carlson.

Additionally, Bobulinski informed Carlson that Joe Biden was the subject of compromising information held by the Communist Chinese as a result of the Biden family’s business dealings in China.

In a follow-up interview on Tuesday night, Bobulinski provided more details about how the FBI hid the criminal accusations against Hunter Biden in order to rig the election in Joe Biden’s favor.

According to Bobulinski, he spent five hours with the FBI going over all the information he had regarding possible illegal activity regarding Hunter Biden’s international business dealings.

“And so, on the morning of October 23, the morning after the debate, I spent five-plus hours sitting in a room with, at one point, I think as [many] as six federal agents, walking through all the facts of my knowledge of the Biden family, how I got involved in this, the trips around the world, CEFC, Chairman Ye, and stuff like that. At the end of that meeting, and remember, I voluntarily went there, so they were happy to take any information I provided to them.”

“I wish I had pictures of the faces of the two main agents that were interviewing me. Because I would say something and you could just see the shock in their face and they would say, let’s take a minute, they’d get up and walk out of the room, and the agents would sort of convene and then come back and restart the interview. Because these facts are just for the sake of our country, for national security, at that point, he was candidate Joe Biden, now he’s the sitting President of the United States, the most powerful person in the free world, and daunting,” Bobulinski told Carlson.

The FBI officers promised to get in touch, according to Bobulinski, and told him that Tim Thibault would be his point person for this situation.

But Bobulinski was never contacted by the FBI again.

”So, at the end of that five-plus hour interview, the head of station told my lawyers, listen, an individual named Tim Thibault is going to run point on all of this. We’re definitely going to have Tony come back in for a follow-up interview… And I haven’t heard from them since,” Bobulinski added.

Tim Thibault is a subject of intense debate.

Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin provided specific whistleblower accusations against Thibault and other FBI agents, alleging that they were pressured to put the Hunter Biden investigation on hold and attribute it to Russian disinformation in order to help Joe Biden win the 2020 election.

The FBI’s actions during the Hunter Biden investigation will come under even more scrutiny as a result of this Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson, and calls for Republicans to establish a select committee to look into this scandal should they take back control of Congress will grow.

This is evidence that’s hard to deny or ignore.

It seems as though it’s only a matter of time before the strings are pulled and the truth about the Biden family scandals are laid bare for all Americans to see.

And if that happens, it would be a catastrophe unlike any other for the Democrats as it would erode their trust completely.

Prudent Politics will keep you up to date on the latest news.

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