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Illegal Immigration

Shocking report exposes the truth of the American border crisis

Joe Biden’s border crisis is the worst this country has ever seen. And unless we act quickly, there will be no solution. And now a...

Joe Biden’s border problems have come back to bite him in a big way

Joe Biden has completely destroyed any border security this nation had. And the consequences are severe. Now Joe Biden’s border problems have come back...

Texas mayor’s desperate cry for help serves as a warning to the nation

We live in a very dangerous time for our country. And unless something changes soon, we have no hope. And one Texas mayor’s desperate cry...

One Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason

The National Guard are only ever put on alert for emergencies. This one goes far beyond anything we've ever seen before. And one Republican just...

Joe Biden just had the rug pulled out from under him by this military order

Joe Biden refuses to lift a finger on the southern border crisis. But now a decision has been made for him. Because now Joe Biden's...

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