

U.S. State Dept helps place American journalists on Ukraine “hit-list”

The U.S. government has grown increasingly hostile towards Americans who speak the truth. But now they have crossed a major line in this recent...

Incriminating report from Ukraine has Joe and Hunter shaking in their boots

The war in Ukraine has been all over the news for over a year now. But recently, the news has taken an unexpected twist. And...

The CIA smacked Joe Biden with a jaw-dropping warning that made all hell break loose

Joe Biden and intelligence agencies have been working hand-over-fist to help each other. It's exactly what you'd expect from the D.C. swamp. But the CIA...

Ilhan Omar exploded in rage after she was called out by this major Republican

House Democrat Ilhan Omar has been a controversial figure for years now. Her disgusting comments about Israel have put her in a ton of...

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