President Biden started screaming after being backstabbed by this major Democrat

Joe Biden’s presidency is a total disaster for the country. Even his allies are starting to jump ship.

And President Biden started screaming after being backstabbed by this major Democrat.

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was previously seen as one of the Democratic Party’s rising stars.

Despite his horrifying mistakes, such as placing infected people in nursing homes, the media adored him during the pandemic.

Cuomo’s political career ended abruptly when he resigned following numerous sexual assault charges.

However, the former New York Governor raised eyebrows by admitting that Republicans such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott are correct about the border situation.

Cuomo attacked President Joe Biden for his terrible handling of the border situation on his Matter of Fact podcast, saying that the “southern states were right.”

“It was a mistake for President Biden to open the border without having a plan to handle the tremendous flow of people,” Cuomo said. “President Biden had said he would do it in the campaign but you can’t change a policy unless you have the program in place to manage the change.”

Cuomo revealed what Biden officials and other Democrats have long denied: Joe Biden purposefully opened the border.

He explained that the Biden administration was unaware of the “consequences of enacting those promises.”

“The southern states were right that opening the border created a tremendous hardship for them to handle,” Cuomo said in a nod to states like Florida, Arizona and Texas. “They were right that the federal government was not prepared.”

The former New York Governor did say he disagreed with DeSantis, Abbott, and former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s policies of transporting illegal immigrants to sanctuary states like New York.

Joe Biden demolished former President Donald Trump’s successful border security programs, and the repercussions have been disastrous.

Under Biden, more than six million illegal immigrants have entered the country, nearly as many as the left-wing state of Massachusetts.

Cuomo blamed Joe Biden for precipitating the border situation.

“This is a federal problem,” Cuomo explained. “Immigration is a federal responsibility.”

Cuomo claimed that the influx of illegal immigrants under Biden was wreaking devastation across the country.

“The border is not just the gateway for people, but for drugs,” Cuomo said.

With the southern border open, drug overdose deaths, particularly from fentanyl, are on the rise.

Mexican drug cartels are smuggling record volumes of fentanyl into the United States over the United States-Mexico border.

“This is on top of a homeless problem that had already strained resources in urban areas,” Cuomo added.

New York City and other Democrat-led cities are collapsing under the weight of their increasing illegal populations and are asking federal disaster help to deal with them.

Joe Biden’s border crisis has been such a fiasco that even Democrats like Andrew Cuomo have given up on supporting his dictatorship.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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