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Donald Trump just made Mitch McConnell’s nightmare come true with this fateful decision


Trump and Mitch McConnell have been waging a cold war for years. But Trump has now gone all-in.

And Donald Trump just made Mitch McConnell’s nightmare come true with this fateful decision.

Conservatives are still enraged at Mitch McConnell for capitulating to Joe Biden on government funding.

McConnell’s support for a $1.7 trillion spending measure that prohibited funds from being used to control the border while pouring another $45 billion into Joe Biden’s war in Ukraine pushed conservatives to delay Kevin McCarthy’s election as Speaker of the House until the 15th ballot.

Conservatives utilized the delay to pressure McCarthy into locking spending at 2022 levels and supporting a debt-ceiling-raising plan in exchange for severe spending cutbacks.

Trump channeled his rage into a call for a primary fight against McConnell and the other RINOs who voted in support of fully funding Joe Biden’s program, including Utah Senator Mitt Romney.

“We must now stop Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow [Chao],” he wrote in a Truth Social post-Monday.

“It’s as though he just doesn’t care anymore, he pushes through anything the Democrats want. The $1.7 TRILLION quickly approved Bill of the week before was HORRIBLE. Zero for USA Border Security. If he waited just ten days, the now ‘United Republican Congress’ could have made it MUCH BETTER, or KILLED IT. Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him. PRIMARY THEM ALL!” Trump posted.

In 2024, Republicans will have an extremely advantageous Senate map.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are fed up with McConnell and the present Senate leadership.

Over the previous two years, McConnell and Biden have worked together to award the Democrats victory after victory.

Because McConnell voted like the 51st Democrat Senator, Joe Biden was able to force through Congress the most broad gun control law in decades, a large chunk of the Green New Deal, $100 billion with no accountability to Ukraine, and trillions of dollars in socialist expenditures.

McConnell and RINOs like Romney who are due for re-election in 2024 and 2026 will have to decide whether to run against a conservative Primary candidate, most likely one endorsed by Donald Trump, or step aside and retire.

Establishment donors and Super PACs will have to spend money in primaries to defend McConnell and the RINOs if they compete for re-election.

McConnell brought this on himself by refusing to fight for conservatives and instead acting like Joe Biden’s top Senate ally.

Their desperate attempts to cling to their power in Congress will be made even harder by the fact that Donald Trump is running in 2024.

No RINO will be safe from him exposing them on the campaign trail. And if he takes the nomination, they won’t know what to do.

Needless to say, McConnell will be sweating for years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN just gave Joe Biden the shock of his life with this epic betrayal


Joe Biden’s fortunes have clearly shifted. Biden can’t even rely on his most trusted allies.

And CNN just gave Joe Biden the shock of his life with this epic betrayal.

CNN exposed Joe Biden for stealing secret papers.

Even a dependable Swamp voice, David Gergen, who worked for four Presidents and is a staple in Washington, D.C. media, warned that this story would cause Biden massive electoral damage.

“How big a mess is this for the Biden administration?” host Anderson Cooper asked Gergen.

“It’s very, very big. Not legally, but politically, it’s a very, very big deal,” Gergen responded.

Gergen explained that while Biden had gained some momentum following the midterm elections, that impetus had vanished now that he was facing an all-consuming Special Counsel inquiry.

“This is a President that was marching upward for the first time in his Presidency. He got his numbers up. People are feeling better about the economy. There are all sorts of reasons to believe that he can now present himself–the fears that people like me have about how old he is and can he govern well? Those fears would be dissipated if he were able to stay on that track,” Gergen stated.

Cooper questioned why the Biden administration maintained claiming that stolen information had been discovered in different locations.

“You would think they might have just, you know, announced that all at once,” Cooper wondered.

Gergen said the obvious.

“That long delay in putting it out there is going to encourage people to believe, ‘What are they hiding?’” Gergen responded.

One month before the midterm elections, Biden’s lawyers discovered the first set of stolen documents.

However, Gergen was not the only CNN personality who slammed Biden over the controversy.

Jake Tapper, a former Democrat campaign operative and Joe Biden fan, derided the concept that his garage in Delaware was a secure storage facility for confidential data.

Many Americans were perplexed as to why CNN would abandon Biden after years of staunch support.

The polling data says it all.

If Republicans pick a conservative like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Joe Biden may not be able to win the 2024 election.

Democrats do not want to leave anything to chance, and this issue could be viewed as an opportunity to run a stronger candidate in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff is fleeing for his life after this shocking report leaked


Adam Schiff’s world is unraveling. His lies have caught up with him, and he has no one to blame but himself.

And Adam Schiff is fleeing for his life after this shocking report leaked.

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes prepared a memo in 2018 based on his investigation into the Russian collusion hoax.

According to the Nunes memo, the FBI used a fabricated dossier to paint Trump campaign aide Carter Page as a Russian agent in order to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Page.

In addition, Nunes’ memo highlighted multiple additional instances of FBI malfeasance in constructing the insane conspiracy theory that Donald Trump colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.

The FBI retaliated, alleging that Nunes’ memo should not be released because it would jeopardize sources and methods.

On Twitter, the hashtag #releasethememo went widespread as Americans demanded to know the truth about the FBI attempting to conduct a coup against Donald Trump.

Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, claimed that the social media activity was caused by Russian bots.

However, Matt Taibbi reported in the latest batch of Twitter Files that Twitter researched this claim and discovered that the activity around the #releasethememo hashtag was organic and tied to American accounts and Members of Congress.

Yoel Roth, Twitter’s pro-censorship head of Trust and Safety, made that apparent to Democrats in emails.

“Roth couldn’t find any Russian connection to #ReleaseTheMemo – at all. “I just reviewed the accounts that posted the first 50 tweets with #releasethememo and… none of them show any signs of affiliation to Russia,” Taibbi reported.

“We investigated, found that engagement as overwhelmingly organic, and driven by VITs” – Very Important Tweeters, including Wikileaks and congressman Steve King,” Roth relayed, according to Taibbi.

What Schiff and the Democrats really wanted to hide was the reality that Nunes’ memo was absolutely factual and exposed the fact that Schiff spent two years lying to the American people about his alleged “evidence” that Donald Trump cooperated with the Russians on CNN and MSNBC.

For years, Schiff touted that he had information related to Trump’s supposed crimes, but would never elaborate.

He told the American people that it would all come out in the Mueller Report – Trump was exonerated.

Rep. Schiff has proved that he lies through his teeth, and now he’s even making the rounds in media appearances throwing Joe Biden under the bus.

Since it was uncovered that Biden had improperly taken and stored classified documents, Schiff told ABC it may have damaged national security.

“I don’t think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts,” Schiff said on ABC’s “This Week” in an interview with Jonathan Karl. “I’d like to know what these documents were, I’d like to know what the [special counsel’s] assessment is.”

Of course, we all know why he’s taking jabs at Biden – he’s trying to shift focus from his own corruption.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden received a warning from Russia that you need to hear


The conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to rage on. Democrats are fueling it with American taxpayer dollars.

Now Joe Biden’s received a warning from Russia that you need to hear immediately.

Decades ago, Democrats were known as the anti-war party who wanted to bring the soldiers home from Vietnam and prevent nuclear proliferation.

But those days are now long gone.

When it comes to the current turmoil in Ukraine, which is unrelated to the United States in any way, Democrats and even some Republicans sound the war drums every day.

More than $100 billion has already been approved for the Ukrainian war effort by Joe Biden and his congressional friends.

Naturally, this tremendous military assistance that is being used by Ukraine to defend itself, has Russia enraged.

There is no doubt that what is occurring in Ukraine at this time is a tragedy.

However, subsidizing foreign wars is wrong, and America should be well aware of this bitter lesson by this point.

Given how well-armed and serious Russia is, it is not surprising that they are incensed by Joe Biden’s extensive pro-Ukrainian war activities.

According to a statement from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in response to American military assistance to Ukraine, “These deliveries can add pain to the Ukrainian people and prolong its sufferings but principally they will be unable to solve anything [or] disrupt the process of achieving the goals of the special military operation.”

In particular, these deliveries “cannot and will not be able to change anything in Ukraine,” he continued.

These Kremlin statements are extremely ominous.

The heartbreaking reality is that now more than at any other time since the Cold War, America is closer to beginning World War III.

America’s chances of forging positive ties with Russia have been entirely shattered under Joe Biden’s leadership, and it seems probable that things will only grow worse from here on out.

And it is not a good idea to deploy highly sophisticated military hardware and vast sums of money to a country with a history of extreme instability like Ukraine.

Time will tell whether this taxpayer-funded investment in the Ukrainian military is a wise one, but so far all signs point to unanticipated consequences.

From the outside looking in, it definitely doesn’t seem like Joe Biden and his Democrats in the White House are exhausting all diplomatic options.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A U.S. Senator just gave Joe Biden a hard pill to swallow


Joe Biden thought he was bulletproof because of his D.C. Swamp connections. But he’s got another thing coming.

Because a U.S. Senator just gave Joe Biden a hard pill for him to swallow.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., claimed on Newsmax that the newest “double standard” in the processing of cases involving sensitive data is showing that America is no longer a “fair place” when it comes to the administration of the law under President Joe Biden.

Graham stated “There’s a double standard when it comes to how to deal with conservatives and liberals under this administration,” on Wednesday that “The Record With Greta Van Susteren.” “It needs to stop.”

Graham asserted to Van Susteren that Democrats virtually control the media, Big Tech, and the administration of justice.

Graham claimed that “The media is complicit; social media companies need to be regulated — you know, they’re an extension of the Democratic Party in many ways,”

“So, no, America is not a very fair place now when it comes to administration of the law.”

According to Graham, the only appropriate response to Biden’s possession of sensitive papers is the appointment of a special counsel into the office of the president given that Biden’s Justice Department has designated a special counsel to look for crimes committed by his political adversary.

“The attorney general of the United States should appoint a special counsel — someone outside of politics, outside the Department of Justice hierarchy — to look into whether or not there was any wrongdoing here,” Graham said. “The attorney general of the United States should do the same thing for President Biden it did for President [Donald] Trump.”

“I have no idea if there was any wrongdoing, but I do know this: We can’t live in a country where if you’re a Republican president, they appoint a special counsel regarding how you handle classified documents. You’re a Democratic vice president, now president? Nothing happens to you.”

That was “an unacceptable standard” according to Graham.

“So the easy answer to this problem is appoint a special counsel to look at what happened on Biden’s watch,” Graham concluded.

“Do I think Trump and Biden are intentionally doing anything? No, but I do want to find out what happened in both cases; and I think a special counsel’s warranted to look at what Biden did.”

Lindsey Graham isn’t always right, but he’s right with this take.

In fact, the DOJ has already announced that Robert Hur will be the special counsel overseeing the Biden classified documents investigation.

There was too much smoke around this classified documents fire for Democrats and the Deep State to brush it all under the rug.

Americans would’ve been outraged to hear that President Trump would be treated one way while a sitting Democrat President would be treated differently in apparently similar cases.

What will be interesting is whether or not Joe Biden actually faces consequences for his actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden will be terrified by Donald Trump’s inquiry regarding confidential papers


Joe Biden is currently embroiled in his own classified documents crisis. This is a setback for the Democrats.

And now, Donald Trump has posed an inquiry regarding confidential materials that would frighten Joe Biden.

Joe Biden’s lawyers claim they discovered a cache of stolen secret information in Biden’s office at his Washington, D.C. think tank.

There are numerous unsolved questions regarding these stolen materials.

Why did Joe Biden steal these confidential materials when he left Washington, D.C. after his stint as Vice President expired in 2017?

Why were Joe Biden’s attorneys still looking for them after several years when the National Archives had no indication they were missing?

Who had access to the stolen sensitive materials, which were kept in an unsafe location?

The announcement that Joe Biden took sensitive documents drew unavoidable similarities to the FBI storming Mar-a-Lago last August following a disagreement between the National Archives and Donald Trump over document ownership.

This prompted Donald Trump to pose his own inquiries.

Trump’s initial inquiry was why the Justice Department withheld this information until after the election.

“Why didn’t the ‘Justice’ Department announce the Highly Classified documents found in the Biden Office before the Election?” Trump wondered on his Truth Social platform.

One week before the midterm elections, Biden’s lawyers discovered the stolen sensitive materials.

However, the Department of Justice remained silent on the news because it would muddy the Democrats’ Midterm pitch that Donald Trump posed a criminal threat to the United States.

Trump then alluded to the Penn Biden Center’s overseas funding, including over $54 million from Communist China, as a huge red flag concerning Biden preserving America’s secrets at the think tank.

“Wow! The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!! Also, a V.P. cannot Declassify documents, which are covered by the Federal Records Act, which is Criminal and MUCH TOUGHER than the Presidential Records Act, which is NOT Criminal. A President, me, can Declassify. How much more information has China been given?” Trump wrote.

Joe Biden’s legal team put out a spin that the corporate-controlled media embraced hook, line, and sinker.

However, Trump’s questions sparked serious national security concerns about Joe Biden stealing confidential data.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe this hilarious reason Ilhan Omar lost her job


Ilhan Omar is one of Congress’s most infamous members. However, the Minnesota Congresswoman is now paying the price for her previous troubles.

You won’t believe this hilarious reason Ilhan Omar lost her job.

Kevin McCarthy, the newly elected Speaker of the House, indicated that he was following through on his promise to remove Democrats Ilhan Omar, Eric Swalwell, and Adam Schiff from their committees.

McCarthy expelled Schiff and Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee because Schiff lied for years about the Russian collusion hoax and Swalwell compromised himself by having sexual contact with a Communist Chinese spy.

“Swalwell can’t get a security clearance in the private sector. I’m not going to give him a government security clearance,” McCarthy explained. “Schiff has lied too many times to the American public. He should not be on Intel.”

McCarthy told Punch Bowl News that he was simply following Nancy Pelosi’s pattern from the last Congress.

“I made all [three] cases before. It’s not like it’s anything new… Remember, this is what Nancy Pelosi, this is the type of Congress she wanted to have,” McCarthy stated.

McCarthy will need to win a vote in the whole House to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Republicans will seek to punish Omar for a lengthy history of anti-Semitic remarks.

In a tweet, Omar promoted the conspiracy idea that secret Jewish money dominates American politics, saying, “it’s all about the Benjamins, baby.”

Ilhan Omar also promoted the anti-Semitic myth that Jews had dual loyalty to the US and Israel.

“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” Omar said.

She later doubled down, saying that “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee.”

Finally, Omar equated Israel’s defense to terrorism, adding, “we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.”

“We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity,” Omar concluded.

When Democrats controlled the House, they refused to hold Omar accountable.

Now that the GOP is in control, they will take steps to ensure that Omar’s history of racist remarks is not forgotten.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Fox News did this favor for Joe Biden that left him grinning from ear to ear


Fox News Channel is not recognized for being a haven for Joe Biden defenders. That’s why millions of people were stunned by their latest broadcast.

And Fox News did this favor for Joe Biden that left him grinning from ear to ear.

The shocking revelation that Joe Biden took and buried confidential materials from the Obama administration stunned Washington, D.C.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is attempting to imprison Donald Trump on similar accusations, and the news that Biden kept confidential materials has thrown that investigation into disarray.

However, on Fox News, RINO analyst Karl Rove defended Joe Biden, who took the records while serving as Vice President and had no authority to declassify them, by stating that he did not do the same thing as Donald Trump.

According to Rove:

Well, there are differences, but you can’t make this stuff up. But there are differences.

For example, how many documents in Biden’s case, there appear to be about 10. In the case of President Trump, hundreds.

How did they get there? We don’t yet know how the documents got to the Biden office connected with his activities on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania. We know that President Trump ordered the removal of the documents to Mar-a-Lago.

How responsive were they? When the Biden people found out about it, they called immediately, called the appropriate authorities and turned them over. We spent a year and a half watching the drama unfold in Mar-a-Lago and it had to end in a police search to recover the documents.

Rove certainly has a hidden agenda at work.

Karl Rove is one of several elite RINOs that secretly hopes Garland prosecutes, arrests, and imprisons Donald Trump.

This is because Rove and his associates want to force Trump out of the Republican Party and reclaim power from his conservative followers.

Rove is a member of the Republican Party’s Bush faction, which advocates open borders, perpetual wars, and globalist trade treaties.

When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, he and his supporters pushed the Bush establishment out of the Right’s coalition.

Fox News is not in the business of carrying Joe Biden’s water.

Burr Karl Rove has his own set of political goals.

Excluding Donald Trump from the Republican Party is at the top of that list.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff’s been caught in the most embarrassing lie yet


Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is known for being untrustworthy, even in Democrat circles. But he’s really stepped into it now.

Because Adam Schiff’s been caught in the most embarrassing lie yet.

If your borders are not well-protected, you cannot have an independent state.

Furthermore, open borders are incompatible with welfare states.

You truly have no control over what happens inside your country if you can’t manage who and what enters it.

And if violent gangs and illegal immigrants are to blame for what’s happening in American towns and on neighborhood streets, then what purpose does our federal government serve?

Many people are now asking that question as they realize the severity of the catastrophe occurring along the Rio Grande.

There is nothing less than a full-scale, horrific act of war taking on at our southern border.

More violent crime, drug-related fatalities, and human trafficking are occurring across the nation as a result of our southern border turning into nothing more than a beacon for terrorists and criminals.

Anything you can think of is crossing our border illegally.

The border is being overrun by drugs, prostitutes, gangs, human trafficking, and possibly terrorism.

Our border has been swamped with enough of the lethal narcotic fentanyl to kill our entire country numerous times over.

And a street near you will soon be the scene of all this crime and destruction.

Over 2.7 million illegal immigrants entered the US between September 2021 and September 2022 alone, making their way to all 48 states with unknown purposes.

To put that in context, the US military as a whole has 1.4 million personnel, making that almost twice as large.

And for years, many Republicans who couldn’t give a damn about the crisis at our southern border have been made to use it as a prop by lefties who are gleefully ignoring it.

The radical Left achieves its greatest successes by causing death, damage, and disorder.

But it was Congressman Adam Schiff of the Democratic Party who told one of the biggest lies we have ever heard.

Adam Schiff was questioned about the Democrats’ lack of response to the issue at the southern border while he was on The View.

Schiff grinned and asserted:

“I think it has been a very strong priority, and what we really need is a comprehensive approach to the border that is fair and humane and enforceable, and it’s very hard to do that on a — on a single-party basis. We really need to work together on this. We have come close at times, but — but at the moment it seems to be, again, the third rail of American politics.”

To utter those things without missing a beat live on national television, one must be a certain brand of a pathological liar.

Adam Schiff is obviously not above that.

The southern border has never been a concern for Democrats.

No matter how many Americans and illegal immigrants have to die as a result of their actions, they will stop at nothing to keep the floodgates open.

Leftists are losing their minds over what bill Republicans just passed


For too long, Leftists have acted like it’s their way or the highway. But all that is changing.

Because now Leftists are losing their minds over this bill that Republicans just passed.

The last several years have brought a ton of controversy surrounding what’s known as “drag shows.”

While drag shows have been around for a while in America, the problem is that there’s been multiple instances where kids as young as five or six years old have been exposed to them.

The far Left says that it’s perfectly acceptable for young, innocent kids to be exposed to the drag queens dancing, usually suggestively.

However, many more Americans have been disgusted that there are kids being exposed to this.

It’s become a major point of contention for conservatives and Republicans in an attempt to protect kids.

In fact, The Hill reported on Monday that a bill introduced in the Arkansas Senate would classify drag shows as adult-oriented businesses and impose location limitations on them.

Sen. Gary Stubblefield and Rep. Mary Bentley, both Republicans from Arkansas, are the primary sponsors of Senate Bill 43, which will add “drag performance” to the state’s list of adult-oriented companies.

The legislation defines a drag performance as one where a performer “exhibits a gender identity that is different from the performer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, or other accessories that are traditionally worn by members of and are meant to exaggerate the gender identity of the performer’s opposite sex.”

A performance is defined under the law as someone who seeks to “to appeal to the prurient interests.”

The word “prurient” is described as “having or expressing lustful ideas or desires” or “tending to excite lust; lascivious; lewd” in the Webster’s New World College Dictionary.

The bill’s other crucial provision prohibits adult-oriented businesses from being situated on or near public property or in areas where children can see them.

After being introduced on Monday, the bill was sent to the City, County & Local Affairs Committee.

This is a huge win for conservatives looking to combat the radical Left’s war on our children.

There’s no reason why we shouldn’t shield children from the things of this world, at least until they become an adult in the eyes of the law.

When someone becomes an adult, it’s their decision what they do on their own time.

But a six-year-old has no idea what is going on at a drag show and shouldn’t be exposed to it at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer went white as a ghost after being caught in this illegal scheme


Chuck Schumer will do anything to keep his grasp on power. But now it’s all coming back to bite him.

And Chuck Schumer went white as a ghost after being caught in this illegal scheme.

After the Midterm Elections, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) thought he was on top of the world.

But Schumer and the Democrats could face campaign finance charges because of an illegal campaign payment.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is closely linked to Schumer and is the official campaign committee for Senate Democrats.

A report from the Washington Free Beacon said that the DSCC may have broken federal campaign finance law by paying an illegal alien for campaign work during the Midterm Elections.

Before the election, the Democrats gave $500,000 to La Machine Consulting in Arizona to do canvassing in three close Senate races.

The consulting firm paid to talk to voters in Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, which were the three Senate races with the most competition.

Antonio Valdovinos is the owner of La Machine Consulting. He brags about being an “undocumented” immigrant.

Valdovinos has a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that lets the children of illegal aliens stay in the country. This program was made illegally by former President Barack Obama.

Under federal law, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) thinks of DACA recipients as “foreign nationals.”

Under federal campaign finance law, foreign nationals can’t be involved “directly or indirectly” in any political campaign or committee’s “decision-making process.”

Valdovinos would almost certainly be involved in making decisions as the owner of La Machine Consulting, especially after getting a half-million-dollar payment from the DSCC.

Dan Backer, a campaign finance lawyer who has argued and won cases at the Supreme Court, told the Free Beacon that the payment could break federal campaign finance laws.

“If the DSCC knowingly engaged a non-citizen/resident in a capacity that they are prohibited from participating in for federal election law purposes, then they ought to be held accountable,” Backer said.

Because he is an illegal alien, Valdovinos has had to deal with possible campaign finance violations in the past.

In 2021, the FEC looked into him to see if he had done anything wrong, but decided not to charge him because of “prosecutorial discretion.”

The FEC noted that his company’s work “raises the prospect that the company could provide the type of services that the commission has previously found resulted in prohibited foreign national contributions.”

This is the latest campaign finance scandal involving illegal immigrants and the Democrats.

The FEC fined Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2020 presidential campaign $15,000 because it broke the law by hiring three DACA recipients to reach out to Hispanic voters.

Chuck Schumer is starting the New Year with a campaign finance scandal that could hurt Democrats in three important Senate races that the Party won in 2022.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Dan Crenshaw said one word that could stop his career dead in its tracks


Texas RINO Dan Crenshaw is in the hot seat again. There’s nothing he can do to stop what’s coming.

Because Dan Crenshaw said one word that could stop his career dead in its tracks.

Crenshaw became one of the strong supporters of Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House from the old guard.

In the past, Crenshaw spoke in favor of red flag laws and backed Joe Biden’s plan to give Ukraine a blank check for spending.

It was important for Crenshaw to stand up for McCarthy because keeping things as they make it easier for his policy goals to pass.

Crenshaw called conservatives “terrorists” when they stood in the way of McCarthy until they got concessions that would weaken the Swamp and make it harder for leaders to pass trillion-dollar spending bills at the last minute.

Conservatives did not like Crenshaw’s attack.

Ted Cruz, a senator from Texas, criticized Crenshaw for calling his colleagues names.

“My view is settle down. This will work out and it’ll be fine,” Cruz stated on an episode of his The Verdict podcast.

“That kind of overheated rhetoric, calling people ‘terrorists,’ is not terribly conducive to anything resembling Republican unity. It’s not conducive to having strong leadership for the next two years in the House, engaging in vitriol and personal attacks.”

Crenshaw then went on a tour of cable news networks to apologize for his nasty attack.

“Look, I do not think these people are terrorists to the extent that my colleagues took offense to that,” Crenshaw told Fox News host Neal Cavuto. “I’ve gone up to them and said, ‘of course, I didn’t mean it that way.’ We were speaking in terms of a very difficult negotiation where sometimes you use a turn of phrase about not giving into terrorists.”

“The only thing I disagree with them on is how long it could have taken to get to this point,” Crenshaw continued.

“This rules package that we’ve agreed on, these processes that we’ve agreed on, these are very agreeable things. They will make it more difficult, but that’s what we want.”

Crenshaw then officially apologized on CNN’s State of the Union by telling host Jake Tapper that he did not mean that his conservative colleagues who were negotiating with McCarthy were actually terrorists.

“I’ve got thick skin. I’m called awful, vile things by the very same wing of the Party that I was fighting at that moment. So I was a little taken aback by the sensitivity of it. But to the extent that I have colleagues that were offended by it, I sincerely apologize to them. I don’t want them to think I actually believe they’re terrorists. It’s certainly a turn of phrase that you use in an intransigent negotiation,” Crenshaw declared.

Likely, Crenshaw didn’t mean any of these apologies.

But Crenshaw wants to be the next John McCain, and he knows that the conservative base came together to fight against McCarthy.

And Crenshaw knows that he can’t be on their bad side if he wants to run for a higher office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.