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CNN released the truth about Ron DeSantis and the Left is losing its mind


Ron DeSantis is the constant target of Democrats and the media. But it looks like things could be changing.

And CNN released the truth about Ron DeSantis and the Left is losing its mind.

Democrats and the corporate-controlled media were actively politicking Hurricane Ian before it hit Florida.

They want to leverage Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s mistakes to make the hurricane into his Katrina.

The corporate-controlled media attempted to stir up false controversy by asserting, for example, that the evacuation order for Lee County, which was severely damaged by the hurricane, was incorrectly postponed because one uninhabited barrier island was in its route.

But none of the assaults on DeSantis were successful.

In the wake of Hurricane Ian, the governor of Florida demonstrated remarkable leadership and silenced his detractors in the media.

Electricity was rapidly restored during one of the greatest hurricanes in state history, and bridges were reconstructed without delay.

President Joe Biden, a regular DeSantis critic, conceded that he did a “good job” responding to the disaster.

“What the Governor’s done is pretty remarkable,” Biden said. “I think he’s done a good job.”

And now CNN is breaking terrible news to Democrats regarding Biden’s enthusiastic support of DeSantis.

In the run-up to the November election for governor, Democrat Charlie Crist was preparing to use Hurricane Ian as a political tool against Republican Ron DeSantis.

Crist intended to draw attention to DeSantis’ votes against “climate change,” “property insurance,” and the timing of the Lee County evacuation order.

Florida Democrats and the Crist campaign promoted a false local TV report that claimed DeSantis was on the ground assessing the damage, preventing Floridians from receiving relief in storm-damaged areas.

CNN reported that Biden’s praise of DeSantis “closed the door” for Crist to attack him over Hurricane Ian.

Biden “closed the door to that,” according to a Florida Democratic strategist, who spoke to CNN.

“The dynamics of the race needed to shift, and this was an opportunity for it to shift,” the strategist said. “The President complimenting the Governor takes that whole issue off the table.”

Charlie Crist’s campaign to unseat DeSantis was already going to be difficult.

His willingness to politicize a natural tragedy in order to attack his political rival shows how desperate and nasty he is.

Sean Shaw, a former state representative for the Democrats in Florida, claimed that Democrats are in a panic over how Biden’s support for DeSantis could hurt Crist.

Democrats made every effort to exploit Hurricane Ian as leverage against Ron DeSantis, but their attempts to discredit the governor of Florida once more failed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer could lose everything after what this Democrat candidate just said


The Democrats’ majority in the Senate is hanging by a thread. One battleground state has been a thorn in their side.

And Chuck Schumer could lose everything after what this Democrat candidate just said.

The outcome of the midterm elections in November may depend on Pennsylvania.

The fight for Pennsylvania’s open Senate seat has turned into one of the more competitive races this autumn since incumbent Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) retired.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, is all-in on the effort to flip the seat in favor of the party.

After getting former President Donald Trump’s support, Dr. Mehmet Oz narrowly prevailed in a competitive Pennsylvania Republican Primary.

John Fetterman, the state’s Democratic Party nominee for lieutenant governor and a supporter of Bernie Sanders

The race is on a knife’s edge going into election day.

Due to Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies and the state’s struggles with the national crime wave, crime has emerged as one of the key topics in the election.

The Fetterman campaign is currently being plagued by a questionnaire from a left-wing organization of anti-cops individuals after being hounded by his pro-criminal history.

Fetterman sought the backing of the anti-police organization Reclaim Philadelphia during his 2018 race for lieutenant governor.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2016 presidential campaign inspired the formation of Reclaim Philadelphia, which promoted cutting the city’s police budget.

The group asserted that money “stolen from communities” funds the police department’s budget in Philadelphia.

According to Fetterman, Larry Krasner, the city’s prosecutor who is supported by George Soros, is “very excited” about the city and is opposed to “tough on crime” tactics.

Philadelphia’s violent crime rate increased dramatically as a result of Krasner’s lenient prosecutor’s office’s soft on crime policies.

From 352 homicides the year Krasner entered office in 2018 to 562 murders the following year, a roughly 60% rise.

The group was informed by Fetterman that he would use his position as lieutenant governor “as a bully pulpit for the larger issue of criminal justice reform,” which is code for letting criminals escape the hook.

“There is a real opportunity to create a statewide platform that elevates and exposes the damage created by the school-to-prison pipeline, the prison industrial complex, and ‘tough on crime’ policies like ‘Stop and Frisk’ and cash bail,” Fetterman said at the time in an interview with Reclaim Philadelphia.

By doing away with cash bail, violent offenders are allowed to leave custody before their cases are heard and commit new crimes.

Republicans and Dr. Oz have already attacked Fetterman for his record of being lenient toward criminal activity.

Fetterman oversaw the state’s Board of Pardons and cast numerous votes to pardon murderers who had already served their sentences. He even employed a couple of them for his senate campaign.

For the struggling Fetterman campaign, this latest revelation will be even another challenge.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Michelle Obama raised everyone’s eyebrows with this comeback announcement


The Obama family has been out of the spotlight for a while now. But that could all be coming to an end.

And Michelle Obama raised everyone’s eyebrows with this comeback announcement.

One week after the Midterm elections, Michelle Obama said that she would begin a six-city book tour to promote The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times.

Conan O’Brien, David Letterman, Ellen DeGeneres, and Oprah Winfrey will join Obama in serving as the event moderator.

As per Axios:

“Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, and Ellen DeGeneres are among the celebrity moderators joining former First Lady Michelle Obama on a monthlong, six-city theater tour for her upcoming book, “The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times,” out Nov. 15.

Why it matters: The tour, which has its own branding (above), is a sequel to an arena tour that was part of the blockbuster success of her first book, “Becoming,” which sold 2 million copies in all formats in the first two weeks, and was the bestselling book of 2018.

Other moderators include Conan O’Brien, Tracee Ellis Ross, Gayle King, and Michele Norris, “Today” show co-host Hoda Kotb, poet Elizabeth Alexander and advocate Heather McGhee, AP’s Hillel Italie writes.””

Some have questioned whether this is the soft launch of Michelle Obama’s presidential campaign in 2024 due to the time, location, and high-profile nature of the book tour.

Polls reveal that Joe Biden is extremely unpopular and that Democrats want the Party to pick a different candidate, even though he claims he plans to seek for re-election.

Michelle Obama would consistently rank as the top pick for Democrats in a primary, according to polls.

Additionally noteworthy was the tour’s setting.

After the midterm elections, Obama begins her tour in Washington, D.C.

Prospective White House contenders usually begin to seriously consider a run for office right after a midterm election.

Michelle Obama receives the most political attention by launching in Washington, D.C.

Obama’s campaign then stops in the populous swing cities of Philadelphia and Atlanta before wrapping up in San Francisco and Los Angeles, two significant locations for Democratic fundraising.

In the past, Michelle Obama has stated that she has no plans to run for president.

Democrats, meanwhile, do not want Joe Biden to run and do not think Kamala Harris is capable of defeating Donald Trump.

The Party may turn to Michelle Obama, their biggest and most well-known name if Trump runs for president again and polls indicate he will defeat the other Democratic rivals.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump gave Biden an ultimatum that he never saw coming


Joe Biden and the Democrats thought they had rid themselves of Trump’s power over them. They were dead wrong.

That’s because Donald Trump just gave Biden an ultimatum that he never saw coming.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been hoping to look past the Trump tenure ever since Biden took the White House in January 2021.

But their colossal failures have made that impossible.

Inflation is at record levels, energy crises are popping up all across the country, crime is on the rise, and international tensions have been hotter than ever.

Particularly concerning has been the threats coming out of Russia from Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine war.

He’s demanding that he gets what he wants and he has said he will not take using nuclear warfare off the table to do so.

Putin has also threatened to use nuclear warfare not just on Ukraine, but also on anyone who interferes with his end goal of annexing most, if not all of Ukraine.

What has been Joe Biden’s response?

Not much.

He’s acknowledged that nuclear tensions are higher than ever, but instead of diplomatically approaching the issue of the war between Ukraine and Russia, he’s largely done nothing at all.

In fact, he’s only really lobbed insults back at Putin like calling him reckless, which is incredibly foolish considering the threat Russia poses to the rest of the world.

Donald Trump has had enough of these games, for one.

Speaking at a rally in Arizona recently, Trump demanded of Biden that he negotiate the peaceful end of the war between Ukraine and Russia to prevent World War III from commencing any day now.

“With potentially hundreds of thousands of people dying, we must demand the immediate negotiation of the peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III and there will be nothing left of our planet all because stupid people didn’t have a clue,” Trump said in Arizona.

This is even stronger rhetoric coming from Donald Trump compared to an event from a week ago in Miami when Trump said the Ukraine-Russia war wouldn’t have happened on his watch and that “it’s got to stop.”

“You would never in a million years — they wouldn’t be there. So sad,” Trump said in Miami. “When I see all these people being killed, it’s got to stop. They’ve got to negotiate a deal.”

Some have pointed out that Donald Trump seems to be the only major political figure in America who is calling for a peaceful end to the war immediately.

Even those within the GOP have bent their knee to arming Ukraine more and fueling the fire of the war.

Joe Biden and the Democrats may not like it, but Donald Trump is right.

These international threats were not an issue when Trump was President, and it’s not just a coincidence that it’s all popping up on Biden’s watch.

Prudent Politics will keep you up-to-date on this story.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats don’t want you to see this video utterly exposing them


Vice President Kamala Harris might be the most unlikeable VP ever in U.S. history. Nothing she says or does seems trustworthy in the slightest.

Now Kamala Harris and the Democrats are trying to hide this video that utterly exposes them.

When it came time for Joe Biden to pick a running mate for the 2020 Presidential election, many thought he’d pick someone without controversy since his ticket was being sold as a “moderate” one.

But he boxed himself in when he literally promised to pick a black woman to be his Vice President for no other reason than just having a black female in the office.

That severely limited his choices, so he was eventually forced to go with Kamala Harris – who does have a ton of controversy in her political career.

During her time in California politics, it’s heavily rumored that she would swindle just about anyone for her own political gain and ladder-climbing.

It was her time in California that got her the reputation of being a lying, no-good career politician.

But even though she’s made it to the office of the Vice President – apparently just based on being a black woman and no merits – her days of political deceit haven’t passed.

Recently, the Biden administration announced that they would be handing out mass pardons to criminals found guilty of federal drug crimes.

As many outlets have pointed out, this is merely an attempt to buy votes ahead of critical midterm elections this November. The same is true of his student loan “forgiveness” which just transfers the debt to the taxpayer.

Commenting on this measure to pardon these individuals, Vice President Harris said in a speech that “Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.”

That’s all fine and dandy, but you might recall former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard completely bodying Harris on this issue, exposing how Harris literally put thousands of people in prison for smoking maryjane.

But all of a sudden, she’s changed her tune.

Tulsi Gabbard is largely credited with destroying Kamala Harris’s chances of winning the White House both in 2020 and in the future.

As Gabbard pointed out, there’s no arguing with Harris’s record as the Attorney General in California, which is one of deep corruption and the status quo for San Francisco and California-esque politics.

If it wasn’t for Biden picking Harris as the Vice President, her political career would’ve met a dead end because even the majority of the Leftist base doesn’t like her and perceive her to be a liar through and through.

Maybe Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump will win in 2024 and we won’t have to deal with her unbearable fake laughs and corrupt politics in Washington, D.C. any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez freaked out when this journalist went off script


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Leftist pals want to transform America into their socialist utopia. She never thought the media would double cross her.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez freaked out when this journalist went off script.

One of the key problems the nation is currently facing during Joe Biden’s unsuccessful Presidency is the rising cost of gas.

Gas prices doubled and skyrocketed to record highs after Biden declared war on American energy.

While motorists are suffering at the pump, the Biden administration is promoting green energy as a fix for the issue they caused.

Government representatives boasted that the “great transition” to green energy will be aided by high gas costs.

Marc Thiessen, a columnist for the Washington Post, is one of the few journalists who speaks truth to power in the corporate-run media.

Thiessen disclosed Democrats’ “dirty little secret” of desiring high gas costs to wean the nation off fossil fuels during an appearance on Fox News.

“When gas prices were going up, he [President Biden] blamed Vladimir Putin, and when gas prices were going down, he took credit,” Thiessen remarked. “As we just saw, gas prices are going up again and guess what – out comes Vladimir Putin again.”

When it comes to gas costs, Biden tries to play both sides of the fence by taking all the credit when they go down and blaming everyone and everything when they go up.

Thiessen said, “If you want to take credit when gas prices are falling, then you have to take the blame when gas prices are going up,”

“The dirty little secret is that Democrats really want high gas prices,” Thiessen went on. “They don’t want the political blowback from high gas prices, but it’s part of their strategy to get us to give up fossil fuels, just like the government raised the price of cigarettes to get us to stop smoking.”

Energy Secretary under former President Barack Obama, Steven Chu, revealed the Democrats’ strategies.

“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” Chu stated.

In most of Europe, a gallon of gasoline costs close to $10.

“You had Pete Buttigieg who was on Cavuto today, and he said we are taking all these temporary measures to grow, we’re encouraging Venezuela and Russia and all these other people like Saudi Arabia to increase it, but if they really cared about long-term, keeping gas prices down, they would be unleashing everything,” Thiessen said.

Joe Biden asserts that he is doing everything in his ability to bring down gas costs, but he won’t stop putting pressure on the oil industry.

He is imploring antagonistic foreign nations to enhance oil output in an effort to preserve his skin.

“Instead, the lowest number of acres opened up to federal gas and oil — federal lands opened for gas and oil exploration since World War II — that’s their real policy,” Thiessen noted.

The Democratic Party has covertly endorsed Alexandria Ocasio-Green Cortez’s New Deal ideas.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris is under fire for making her latest tone-deaf move


Harris has to be one of the most unlikeable politicians in the country. Her grating voice and terrible ideas haven’t helped her in the least.

And now Kamala is under fire for taking her latest tone-deaf move.

There aren’t many practical duties associated with the vice president’s position.

One of the few tasks that Vice President Kamala Harris was given by President Joe Biden, she managed to thoroughly fumble.

By designating Harris as the government’s “border czar,” Biden made her his “point person” on the border.

The nation is currently experiencing the worst border crisis in its history, all under Vice President Harris’ watch.

Illegal immigrants and hazardous substances like fentanyl are flooding across the wide-open southern border in biblical proportions.

Harris has been stumbling around looking for the alleged “root causes” of illegal immigration in Central America while the border issue escalates out of control.

Harris hasn’t even ventured to the border in his capacity as “border czar,” instead making one trip to El Paso, Texas.

Vice President Harris stated in an interview that “the border is secure,” despite the visible disarray at the border.

Harris is currently traveling to Texas, the epicenter of the border problem, yet she is once again passing up an opportunity to perform her job and actually go to the border.

In advance of the midterm elections in November, Kamala Harris is the featured speaker at a significant Democratic fundraising event in Austin, Texas.

She will meet with pro-abortion advocates in Austin while attending the Johnson-Jordan Reception for the Texas Democrat Party, which is asking for contributions between $250 and $10,000.

The New York Post was informed by a Texas Democrat source that they were unaware of any plans to travel to the border.

Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX), whose district includes a significant portion of the border between the United States and Mexico, criticized the Vice President for visiting Texas but skipping the border.

Vice President Harris is scheduled to visit Texas in a few days, but before she must raise money in Austin, according to Rep. Gonzales.

The mayhem brought on by the influx of thousands of illegal immigrants into Texas each day is overwhelming his district.

“I don’t understand why the Vice President just won’t take an hour plane ride to the border and just listen, talk to people, just show up and say, ‘Hey, we are here to help.’ Just say, ‘The administration hasn’t abandoned you’ … something!” Gonzalez quipped.

While Kamala Harris may travel to Texas to collect money for Democrats, she is not even interested in carrying out her duties as the “border czar.”

Outside Kamala Harris’ residence at the official Vice Presidential residence in Washington, D.C., Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott was transporting illegal immigrants.

Harris is absent from her duties as the “border czar” despite having the problem at the border brought to her attention.

“The only place ‘Border Czar’ VP Kamala Harris should be visiting in Texas is the disaster area formerly known as the US-Mexico border,” Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) said. “It is unbelievable that this administration has the gall to face the people of Texas who they have abandoned and ask for money.”

The Biden border crisis was handled poorly by Kamala Harris, making her the least popular vice president in the previous 50 years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump just made one move that Joe Biden never saw coming


If there’s one thing that Joe Biden is most fearful of, it’s a Trump 2024 run. That’s why he spends so much time demonizing “MAGA Republicans.”

But Donald Trump just made one move that Joe Biden never saw coming.

For many Americans, the raid on Mar-a-Lago was a step too far.

And poll after poll demonstrates that the Biden administration made a serious error in judgment.

A former President has never previously in American history been the target of an FBI raid.

He is probably also the final one, going by how the American people are reacting.

So far the raid has been a severe setback for Biden and the Democrats.

The biggest issue for Democrats is that the conflict has not yet been resolved.

In actuality, it has just just begun.

And the worse it gets for Democrats, the more it makes headlines.

It’s obvious that Democrats weren’t prepared for Donald Trump to respond.

The legal team for former president Donald Trump has now taken their legal dispute all the way up to the US Supreme Court.

The Justice Department’s review of the classified records collected during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago was put on hold by the court, but Trump’s attorneys have asked Justice Clarence Thomas, who has jurisdiction over the 11th Circuit, to lift that order.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon first imposed an injunction prohibiting the DOJ from using the secret documents for investigation reasons.

The 11th Circuit overruled Cannon’s decision and barred Raymond Dearie, the Special Master appointed by the court, from studying such records.

Only the non-classified documents taken from Mar-a-Lago were included in Dearie’s examination by the panel.

Trump and his crew were only enraged by that ruling, so it is not a surprise that they went on the offensive and filed a scathing petition with the Supreme Court.

“The unprecedented circumstances presented by this case—an investigation of the Forty-Fifth President of the United States by the administration of his political rival and successor—compelled the District Court to acknowledge the significant need for enhanced vigilance and to order the appointment of a Special Master to ensure fairness, transparency, and maintenance of the public trust,” the filing states.

“That appointment order is simply not appealable on an interlocutory basis and was never before the Eleventh Circuit. Nonetheless, the Eleventh Circuit granted a stay of the Special Master Order, effectively compromising the integrity of the well-established policy against piecemeal appellate review and ignoring the District Court’s broad discretion without justification,” the filing goes on.

This “unwarranted stay should be vacated as it substantially impairs the ongoing, time-sensitive work of the Special Master,” Trump’s legal team continued.

“Moreover, any limit on the comprehensive and transparent review of materials seized in the extraordinary raid of a President’s home erodes public confidence in our system of justice,” the filing adds.

Certainly, Trump is right on that score.

Americans are aware that Joe Biden and the Democrats have reduced the Department of Justice and FBI to serving as their personal Party police.

Because of this, a lot of Americans now support eliminating the FBI and cutting funds to the Department of Justice.

They also understand that anyone may become a target if even a former US President can.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden started hyperventilating when he was handed this bad news


Biden’s Presidency has been an unmitigated disaster so far in the eyes of millions of Americans. He’s been handed loss after loss since he took office.

That’s because Joe Biden started hyperventilating when he was handed this bad news.

A Texas district court was instructed to reevaluate Barack Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty for children of illegal aliens after a three-judge majority on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found the policy was unconstitutional.

“A district court is in the best position to review the administrative record in the rulemaking proceeding and determine whether our holdings as to the 2012 DACA Memorandum fully resolve issues concerning the Final Rule,” the court ruled.

The Biden administration was prohibited from issuing any new work permits, but the court permitted the 600,000 so-called “DREAMers” to continue participating in the program.

Biden cried foul when judges put the brakes on one of his mass amnesty and open immigration plans.

“I am disappointed in today’s Fifth Circuit decision holding that DACA is unlawful. The court’s stay provides a temporary reprieve for DACA recipients, but one thing remains clear: the lives of Dreamers remain in limbo,” Biden complained.

Then, Biden lamented that Republican Attorneys General opposed a plan to draw millions of illegal immigrants to their states.

“Today’s decision is the result of continued efforts by Republican state officials to strip DACA recipients of the protections and work authorization that many have now held for over a decade,” Biden added.

Then, Biden urged Congress to enact a substantial amnesty bill that would give illegal immigrants citizenship and voting rights.

“And while we will use the tools we have to allow Dreamers to live and work in the only country they know as home,” Biden said.

Biden added that “it is long past time for Congress to pass permanent protections for Dreamers, including a pathway to citizenship.”

Finally, Biden made care to emphasize that “MAGA Republicans” pose a threat to democracy in his speech for the midterm elections.

“My Administration is committed to defending Dreamers against attacks from Republican officials in Texas and other states,” Biden stated.

“This challenge to DACA is just another example of the extreme agenda being pushed by MAGA-Republican officials.”

Republican state attorneys general battled to halt the unlawful presidential amnesty program for many years.

And at last, it appears as though they are about to succeed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump sent this RINO into a tailspin with his latest announcement


RINO Republicans hate that Donald Trump and his supporters are the driving force in the conservative movement. They’ve made it their mission to ensure he never sees the White House again.

But Donald Trump sent this RINO into a tailspin with his latest announcement.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), a RINO, has been conducting a full-scale assault against former President Donald Trump for more than a year and a half.

Rep. Cheney acted as the Vice Chair of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) witch hunt against the former President after she voted to impeach Trump.

Liz Cheney, however, is from Wyoming, the state which Trump previously won with the biggest margin in both 2016 and 2020.

And during the Wyoming Republican Primary, GOP voters made Cheney pay dearly for her left-wing campaign against Trump and his supporters, helping Trump-backed lawyer Harriet Hageman defeat the Congresswoman by nearly 40 points.

Despite her humiliating loss, Congresswoman Cheney vowed to keep fighting for Trump’s removal from the White House, telling NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, “I will be doing whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office.”

Most lately, Cheney intensified her campaign against Trump by assisting Democrats in unseating the November candidates he backs.

Liz Cheney promised to use any means at her disposal, including running for Democrat Katie Hobbs, to prevent Trump-backed Republican Kari Lake from winning the governor’s race in Arizona.

As a result, the presenter questioned Cheney, “Are you going to campaign for Katie Hobbs, the Democratic candidate for governor in Arizona?”

Cheney replied, “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Kari Lake doesn’t get elected.

Trump’s backing helped former TV news reporter Kari Lake defeat a RINO candidate backed by former Vice President Mike Pence and the Republican establishment in the Republican Primary.

In the general election in November, she will compete against Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs.

In recent weeks, Lake’s campaign has seen a surge in the polls.

Just over four weeks until election day, Lake is currently running neck-and-neck with Hobbs thanks to the momentum in her favor.

Rep. Cheney advised voters not to “give people power who have told us that they will not honor elections” at a rally on Wednesday at Arizona State University, accusing Kari Lake of endangering the “survival of our Republic.”

But Donald Trump has just made Cheney’s attempts to defeat Kari Lake difficult.

Trump’s announcement that he will organize a sizable event for Blake Masters and Kari Lake on October 9 put Cheney and her Democratic allies into a panic.

In the Wyoming GOP Primary, Liz Cheney already made a fool of herself by losing by over 40 points.

Cheney, though, is afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And by supporting Democrat Katie Hobbs in Arizona, she is positioning herself for yet another severe embarrassment.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tucker Carlson just uncovered an FBI conspiracy to cover up Hunter Biden’s crimes


Hunter Biden’s scandals are a thorn in the side of the Democrats. But the Deep State has been hard at work to cover for him.

But Tucker Carlson just uncovered an FBI conspiracy to cover up Hunter Biden’s crimes.

In the wake of the New York Post’s scoop regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop’s contents during the 2020 presidential campaign, Tucker Carlson had a shocking interview with Biden family leaker Tony Bobulinski.

Joe Biden said he never discussed business ventures with his son, but Bobulinski went into business with Hunter Biden and admitted as much to Carlson.

Additionally, Bobulinski informed Carlson that Joe Biden was the subject of compromising information held by the Communist Chinese as a result of the Biden family’s business dealings in China.

In a follow-up interview on Tuesday night, Bobulinski provided more details about how the FBI hid the criminal accusations against Hunter Biden in order to rig the election in Joe Biden’s favor.

According to Bobulinski, he spent five hours with the FBI going over all the information he had regarding possible illegal activity regarding Hunter Biden’s international business dealings.

“And so, on the morning of October 23, the morning after the debate, I spent five-plus hours sitting in a room with, at one point, I think as [many] as six federal agents, walking through all the facts of my knowledge of the Biden family, how I got involved in this, the trips around the world, CEFC, Chairman Ye, and stuff like that. At the end of that meeting, and remember, I voluntarily went there, so they were happy to take any information I provided to them.”

“I wish I had pictures of the faces of the two main agents that were interviewing me. Because I would say something and you could just see the shock in their face and they would say, let’s take a minute, they’d get up and walk out of the room, and the agents would sort of convene and then come back and restart the interview. Because these facts are just for the sake of our country, for national security, at that point, he was candidate Joe Biden, now he’s the sitting President of the United States, the most powerful person in the free world, and daunting,” Bobulinski told Carlson.

The FBI officers promised to get in touch, according to Bobulinski, and told him that Tim Thibault would be his point person for this situation.

But Bobulinski was never contacted by the FBI again.

”So, at the end of that five-plus hour interview, the head of station told my lawyers, listen, an individual named Tim Thibault is going to run point on all of this. We’re definitely going to have Tony come back in for a follow-up interview… And I haven’t heard from them since,” Bobulinski added.

Tim Thibault is a subject of intense debate.

Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin provided specific whistleblower accusations against Thibault and other FBI agents, alleging that they were pressured to put the Hunter Biden investigation on hold and attribute it to Russian disinformation in order to help Joe Biden win the 2020 election.

The FBI’s actions during the Hunter Biden investigation will come under even more scrutiny as a result of this Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson, and calls for Republicans to establish a select committee to look into this scandal should they take back control of Congress will grow.

This is evidence that’s hard to deny or ignore.

It seems as though it’s only a matter of time before the strings are pulled and the truth about the Biden family scandals are laid bare for all Americans to see.

And if that happens, it would be a catastrophe unlike any other for the Democrats as it would erode their trust completely.

Prudent Politics will keep you up to date on the latest news.

Donald Trump’s comeback could be inevitable after this huge news was announced


The Fake News Media thought they had Donald Trump finally dead to rights. But they were dead wrong.

That’s because Donald Trump’s comeback could be inevitable after this huge news was announced.

The Democrats, the Fake News Media, and the Washington, D.C. political establishment all decided they would do everything in their power to keep Donald Trump away from the White House, no matter the cost.

Democrats have been conducting witch hunt after witch hunt and desperately tried to impeach Trump on two occasions for basically no reason at all.

The Fake News Media has spent six years completely obsessed with Trump and smearing him almost every day on networks like CNN and MSNBC.

And the Washington, D.C. political establishment and Deep State have been behind the scenes working with the Democrats to drum up fake crimes to throw Trump behind bars.

And in the modern age, one of the most obvious attempts to censor Trump has been all the social media networks banning him from their platforms, including Twitter.

With Trump potentially making a 2024 run, he just got huge news that would make a comeback even easier for him.

In early 2022, Silicon Valley billionaire Elon Musk announced that he would be buying Twitter outright.

Twitter is largely a Leftist-dominated platform, so the radical Left freaked out about Elon Musk – a new Republican voter – announcing that he would be buying the platform and being the sole owner.

He’s already made clear that he’s tired of the censorship games that the platform has historically played, which is a major tool of the radical Left.

And it appears that the deal is about to go through.

This could mean Trump could be welcomed back on Twitter by Elon Musk as early as this month, who has already said Trump was wrongly kicked off the platform.

TechCrunch reports:

On Tuesday, representatives of the billionaire notified Twitter through a letter that he intends to move forward with the tumultuous deal, confirming earlier reports that things were back on track.

“We write to notify you that the Musk Parties intend to proceed to closing of the transaction contemplated by the April 25, 2022 Merger Agreement, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein,” reads the notice, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Elon Musk being the sole owner of the company would mean he would have the sole discretion to re-enable Donald Trump’s account with millions upon millions of followers.

Meaning if Trump is welcomed back on the platform by Musk, he may not even have to start from scratch and garner all those followers yet again.

Though it’s hard to imagine that it would be difficult for Trump to do so, as his Truth Social account has 4.15 million followers even though it’s a platform with a tiny fraction of the traffic.

Trump has also made clear he intends to stay on Truth Social and hasn’t indicated that he’d be interested in returning to Twitter.

Either way, the chips seem to be falling in his favor.

All of this could make a 2024 Presidential run that much easier for Trump, which would be one of the most insane political comebacks in U.S. history.

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