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Barack Obama turns his back on Democrat Party with surprise betrayal


Barack Obama is considered by many to be one of the Democrat Party’s top allies. But all of that has changed.

Because Barack Obama has turned his back on the Democrat party with a surprising betrayal.

In a move that could completely end things for Democrats, former President Barack Obama has refrained from endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee after President Joe Biden announced the end of his re-election campaign.

This decision has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, leaving many to question the future direction of the Democratic Party. The absence of Obama’s endorsement for Harris highlights the deep divisions and uncertainties within the party as it braces for a tumultuous 2024 election against the formidable Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump.

Obama’s statement on Biden’s retirement from the presidential race was a masterclass in political tact. Praising Biden’s “remarkable career in public service,” Obama acknowledged Biden’s decision to pass the torch as one of the toughest in his life.

However, the conspicuous omission of any endorsement for Harris speaks volumes. Obama expressed confidence that the Democratic Party would navigate these uncharted waters and produce an outstanding nominee, but his silence on Harris is a glaring indication of her precarious standing within the party.

Obama’s deliberate choice to avoid endorsing Harris raises significant questions about her qualifications and electability. By withholding his endorsement, Obama may be signaling a lack of confidence in Harris’ ability to lead the party to victory against a revitalized Trump campaign.

This move could be interpreted as a subtle nudge for the party to consider alternative candidates who might have a better chance of uniting the party and appealing to a broader electorate​.

In contrast, Biden’s endorsement of Harris was unequivocal. “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” Biden declared. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”

Biden’s enthusiastic support for Harris may be seen as a desperate attempt to consolidate the party’s base amid growing discontent and fragmentation. However, Biden’s endorsement alone may not suffice to propel Harris to the forefront of the Democratic primary.

Biden’s endorsement comes at a time when his own approval ratings are sinking, and his administration is mired in numerous controversies, from the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to economic challenges.

This context makes his endorsement of Harris seem more like a strategic necessity rather than a genuine belief in her capabilities. It appears as though Biden is attempting to ensure party unity by throwing his weight behind his vice president, but this move may backfire if Harris is unable to garner the necessary support from key party members and voters​ (Megyn Kelly)​.

Kamala Harris’ tenure as Vice President has been fraught with controversy and criticism. Her handling of the border crisis, often characterized by awkward public statements and perceived inaction, has been a significant point of contention.

Harris’ infamous interview where she dismissed the need to visit the border by saying, “I haven’t been to Europe either,” was widely panned as tone-deaf and out of touch​​. Such missteps have fueled doubts about her readiness for the presidency and her ability to handle the rigorous demands of the office.

Moreover, Harris has struggled to define her role within the administration. Her portfolio includes handling the migration crisis and voting rights, yet her efforts in these areas have been largely ineffective and met with criticism from both sides of the aisle.

Republicans have capitalized on her missteps, portraying her as an ineffective leader who is out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans. Her approval ratings have remained consistently low, with many Americans viewing her as unprepared and lacking the gravitas needed for the presidency​​.

From a conservative viewpoint, Harris’ potential candidacy is seen as a boon for Republicans. Figures like Megyn Kelly have been vocal in their criticism, arguing that Harris lacks the authenticity and competence required to lead the nation.

Kelly’s pointed remarks about Harris being unfit for the highest office resonate with many conservatives who view Harris as a weak candidate who would be easily defeated by Donald Trump. Kelly’s analysis highlights Harris’ reliance on scripted lines and her inability to connect with voters on a personal level​​.

Kelly has often pointed to Harris’ lack of compelling public presence and her failure to articulate a clear vision for the country. During interviews and public appearances, Harris has been criticized for her repetitive and often incoherent statements.

For example, during a recent interview with ABC News, Harris struggled to articulate her campaign’s strategy and fell back on generic talking points that failed to resonate with the public​​. Such performances have only reinforced the perception that Harris is out of her depth in the national political arena.

As the Democratic Party grapples with its internal struggles, the Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, is capitalizing on the disarray. Trump’s rallies continue to draw massive crowds, and his message of restoring American greatness resonates with a significant portion of the electorate.

The contrast between Trump’s dynamic, unfiltered communication style and Harris’ perceived inauthenticity could not be starker. Trump’s ability to tap into the frustrations and aspirations of everyday Americans gives him a distinct edge as the 2024 election approaches.

Trump’s recent speeches have focused heavily on the failures of the Biden-Harris administration, highlighting issues such as inflation, crime rates, and immigration. He has positioned himself as the candidate who can rectify these problems and restore order and prosperity to the nation.

Trump’s robust and straightforward rhetoric stands in sharp contrast to Harris’ often convoluted and scripted responses, making him appear more relatable and trustworthy to a significant portion of the electorate​.

Obama’s reluctance to endorse Harris underscores the existential crisis facing the Democratic Party. With Biden stepping down, the party is left without a clear frontrunner, and the internal divisions are becoming increasingly apparent. The lack of enthusiasm for Harris among party elites and grassroots activists alike points to a broader dissatisfaction with the current direction of the party.

As the party prepares for its convention in August, the search for a unifying candidate who can energize the base and appeal to swing voters becomes ever more critical. Obama’s call for the party to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges is a veiled acknowledgment of the monumental challenge ahead. The Democratic Party must navigate these turbulent times with caution and clarity if it hopes to mount a credible challenge against Trump in November.

The internal discord within the Democratic Party could lead to a contentious primary season, further weakening the party’s chances in the general election. Potential challengers to Harris, such as Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, or even newcomers, may seize this opportunity to present themselves as viable alternatives, deepening the divisions within the party.

The lack of a clear and strong leader could prove disastrous for the Democrats as they face an emboldened and unified Republican Party​.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Democrat senator completely breaks down regarding Biden’s decision


People all across the world have had unique reactions to Biden’s decision. But this one reaction is completely embarrassing.

And a Democrat senator completely broke down when he heard about Biden’s decision.

In a historic move that has both baffled and amused political observers, President Joe Biden has announced his decision to bow out of the 2024 presidential race.

The announcement, hailed as “brave” and “selfless” by Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), left the senator visibly emotional, a sight that has sparked ridicule and raised eyebrows across the political spectrum.

Senator Coons, known for his unwavering support of Biden, did not shy away from showing his emotions during a recent event. With tears streaming down his face, Coons praised Biden’s decision as a noble sacrifice for the country. He emphasized Biden’s achievements, particularly during the pandemic, and lauded his dedication to the nation.

“President Biden has always put the nation’s needs above his own ambitions. His decision to step aside demonstrates his unwavering commitment to our country’s future,” Coons sobbed.

Biden’s decision to step down is a clear sign of the turmoil within the Democratic Party. Calls for Biden to bow out had been growing, with key figures like former President Barack Obama and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi hinting at the need for a new candidate.

However, the dramatic way this unfolded, complete with Coons’ public display of emotion, has turned a serious political maneuver into a spectacle.

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) didn’t miss the opportunity to point out the chaos. “This decision is indicative of the disarray within the Democratic Party. It’s clear they are uncertain about their direction moving forward,” McConnell quipped, capturing the sentiment of many Republicans who view the situation as a Democratic debacle.

The reactions to Biden’s decision have been mixed. While some Democrats breathe a sigh of relief, others express disappointment. Meanwhile, Republicans see this as a prime opportunity to highlight the instability and lack of leadership within the Democratic Party.

As Biden prepares to exit the political stage, his legacy is under intense scrutiny. Supporters tout his administration’s legislative victories on infrastructure, climate change, and economic recovery.

However, critics are quick to point out ongoing issues like inflation and border security, areas where Biden’s leadership has faced significant criticism.

Senator Coons, in his tearful tribute, tried to frame Biden’s presidency in a positive light, stating, “History will remember Joe Biden as a president who faced unprecedented challenges and worked tirelessly for the American people. His decision to step aside now ensures that the Democratic Party can put forward a candidate who can continue this vital work.”

Yet, this attempt at a noble narrative rings hollow for many who see it as a desperate attempt to salvage a floundering administration.

With Biden stepping down, the Democratic Party faces the challenge of selecting a new candidate. Vice President Kamala Harris, despite being a potential frontrunner, suffers from inconsistent approval ratings.

Other names being considered include California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. The upcoming primary season will be crucial as the party seeks to find a unifying candidate amidst internal divisions.

Biden’s withdrawal may alter the dynamics of the race, creating new opportunities for both parties.

President Joe Biden’s decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race is a pivotal moment in American politics.

While many on the left claim it reflects his sense of duty and prioritizing the nation’s needs, the way it was handled, particularly with Senator Coons’ tearful display, has added an element of comedy to the situation.

As the Democratic Party moves forward, it must navigate these turbulent waters and prepare for a competitive election.

The spectacle of Coons’ emotional tribute has left many questioning the party’s direction and readiness for the upcoming electoral battle. As the 2024 election approaches, the stakes are higher than ever, and both parties must strategize to secure their future.

In the words of Senator McConnell, “This decision is indicative of the disarray within the Democratic Party. It’s clear they are uncertain about their direction moving forward.” The Democrats have a long road ahead, and only time will tell if they can emerge from this with a strong, unified front.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are going off the rails with a wild conspiracy about Trump’s shooting


The Left can’t accept that the government failed the former president. Now they’re making some wild claims.

And Democrats are going off the rails with a wild conspiracy about Trump’s shooting.

A recent poll reveals that one-third of Democrats suspect the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, was staged.

The Morning Consult poll found that 34% of Democratic voters surveyed believed it was either definitely or probably credible that Trump staged the shooting, while only 45% found the theory implausible.

Prominent figures on the left have voiced doubts about the shooting’s authenticity or whether Trump’s injury was actually caused by a bullet.

Dmitri Mehlhorn, an advisor to Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman, reportedly suggested in an email that the shooting might have been “encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash,” as reported by Semafor.

“Hoffman has given $7 million to a Biden-aligned super PAC and $6 million to the anti-Trump Republican Accountability PAC so far this election cycle,” The Washington Free Beacon noted.

In the email, which Semafor indicated was addressed to sympathetic journalists and also sent to them, Mehlhorn speculated that one “possibility — which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally — is that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash.”

He compared this tactic to a “classic Russian” strategy, similar to when “Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power.”

He also mentioned that “Hamas on October 7” used a similar tactic. Mehlhorn asserted that if any Trump officials encouraged or knew of this attack, it would be “morally horrific,” and called on Republicans of decency to demand Trump step down as unfit.

While Mehlhorn acknowledged the possibility of “some crazy anti-Trumper” attempting to assassinate the former President, he leaned towards the theory of a staged event, citing Trump’s behavior and preparedness at the rally.

“Look at the actual shot. Look at the staging. Look at how ready Trump is to rally,” he wrote.

He urged people to consider this possibility, stating that while it feels uncomfortable to discuss, the high odds and significant stakes necessitate asking the question.

MSNBC host Joy Reid also raised doubts, questioning the medical reports and the nature of Trump’s injury.

She wondered about the location of the injured attendees relative to Trump and why Trump was allowed to pose for photos while there could have been additional shooters.

She questioned how the gunman managed to get on the roof of the building where local police were present.

Former CNN reporter John Harwood expressed skepticism, writing, “How often have AR-15 bullets ‘pierced’ part of someone’s body, ‘ripping through the skin,’ while leaving the body part intact and without serious injury? On the other hand, it’s easy to imagine a shard of shattered glass causing the bleeding Trump suffered.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

ICE catches violent illegal immigrant being hidden by shameful Democrats


The Democrat Party is no longer anti-illegal immigration. They just won’t say it anymore.

And now ICE has caught a criminal illegal immigration who Democrats were hiding from justice.

Deportation officers captured a registered s*x offender residing illegally in a “sanctuary” jurisdiction following his conviction for false imprisonment and s*x crimes, according to reports.

In the early morning hours of Thursday, July 11, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents apprehended 21-year-old Honduran national Darwin Adonai Garcia-Garcia. This arrest occurred approximately two months after a Maryland court decided to suspend nearly all of his 30-year prison sentence for crimes involving the false imprisonment and s*xual assault of a child, as stated by ICE. Garcia-Garcia faced charges of kidnapping, child abduction, second-degree assault, and a fourth-degree s*x offense.

The capture took place around 6 a.m. outside Garcia-Garcia’s home in Riverdale Park, Maryland. Numerous ICE agents had been monitoring his apartment complex and moved in to arrest him as he exited the building, making the arrest in the parking lot.

Garcia-Garcia, who did not appear to speak English, communicated with deportation officers solely in Spanish during his apprehension.

How An Illegal Immigrant Was Able To Get Away With Unspeakable Crimes

Initially detained by Border Patrol on December 4, 2018, after crossing into the U.S. near San Luis, Arizona, Garcia-Garcia was given a notice to appear before an immigration judge and subsequently transferred to ICE custody the next day, only to be released into the U.S. shortly thereafter.

Years later, Garcia-Garcia was apprehended by local law enforcement for allegedly abducting and s*xually assaulting a minor, as reported by ICE. He was arrested by Prince George’s County Police on January 4 and faced charges of kidnapping, child abduction, second-degree assault, and a fourth-degree s*xual offense.

The Circuit Court for Prince George’s County in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, convicted him of a fourth-degree s*x offense and false imprisonment on May 13, sentencing him to 30 years in prison. However, the court suspended all but 229 days of his sentence, allowing his release back into the community.

ICE’s Baltimore office closely monitored Garcia-Garcia’s daily activities and anticipated when he would leave his residence in Prince George’s County. Reporters accompanied the deportation officers during the early morning stakeout, resulting in Garcia-Garcia’s arrest as he was apparently heading to work.

The operation proceeded without incident, as Garcia-Garcia showed no signs of resisting arrest or attempting to escape. He is currently held in Enforcement and Removal custody, awaiting the outcome of his removal proceedings.

According to the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Garcia-Garcia is registered as a s*x offender.

Baltimore deportation officers emphasized their focus on apprehending dangerous illegal migrants who pose significant threats to the local community, with a particular aim to increase arrests of s*x offenders.

The reasoning behind the circuit court’s decision to suspend nearly all of Garcia-Garcia’s 30-year prison sentence, despite the severity of his offenses, remains unclear. The court did not respond to a request for comment regarding the case.

Prince George’s County is recognized as a “sanctuary” jurisdiction by the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for stricter immigration law enforcement.

ICE has previously criticized Prince George’s County for policies of non-cooperation with federal immigration authorities, arguing that these policies protect criminal illegal migrants.

“The county leadership has chosen misguided politics over public safety,” the Baltimore field office director stated. “We are not asking Montgomery County or Prince George’s County to conduct immigration enforcement. We are asking them to honor a lawful request to transfer these individuals into our custody so they can face due process in the immigration court system.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more.

Biden campaign official’s statement on live TV confesses it’s over for Joe


Everyone’s waiting for the shoe to drop. It feels inevitable.

And now a Biden campaign official’s statement on live TV has confessed it’s over for Joe Biden.

The reality is that Donald Trump is far ahead of Joe Biden in all the polls. All the swing states are heavily in Trump’s favor right now, the national surveys and polls are in his favor, and all the publicity is going his way as well. Pollsters are even saying it’s entirely possible Trump doesn’t just win the electoral college but also wins a majority of the popular vote. Leftist data strategists, independent data strategists, and conservative data strategists all agree about this.

The Joe Biden campaign, however, insists that everyone else is lying. Joe Biden in his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos seemed to indicate that he doesn’t believe anyone telling him he’s behind the eight ball in this election and that his internal team’s data shows him ahead of former President Donald Trump. That’s truly stunning.

It seems to only be getting worse for Biden and company as well. A new CBS poll shows Trump has his largest lead he’s ever had at any point in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections.

Despite the best efforts from media members to get a clear answer from Joe Biden and his campaign on why they keep saying he’s ahead of Donald Trump, they continue to stonewall and keep their secrets. Just recently, a Biden official went on MSNBC and refused to provide a real answer to the question of whether they had tangible data showing Biden is doing better than Trump.

Chris Jansing Corners Biden Official For Answers, Biden Official Weasles Out

Ms. Chris Jansing of MSNBC had on Biden campaign official Quentin Folks, and directly asked him about the dire polling for Joe Biden and the Democrats. She pointed out that all of the major pollsters agree Trump is well ahead. There’s no getting around this.

So, she wanted to give the Biden campaign an opportunity to produce their explanation for why they believe Joe Biden is alive in this race. She called on Mr. Fulks to share just some data backing what they are claiming. The response is telling, that’s for sure.

“I want to ask you very clearly, do you have polling that shows Joe Biden ahead or specifically shows you a path to victory that you’re willing to release publicly given the number of calls for him to step aside?” the MSNBC host asked of Mr. Fulks.

We are not going to release any of our public polling data. We have polls that show this race in a margin of error victory in several of the battleground states and there is a clear pathway to victory,” Fulks responded in a cold manner.

He went on to say that they have “multiple” realistic ways of winning this election against Donald Trump, which is the opposite of what almost every other pollster and surveyor is saying about this race.

“In fact, there are multiple pathways to victory in our polling, and our campaign is going to continue on our strategic mission of making sure we’re implementing our research findings into the field using campaign resources to make sure we’re carrying out the ways in which we feel like we are going to get to that path to victory,” he went on to say.

At this point in the 2020 election, Donald Trump was nine to ten points behind Joe Biden in all the national survey polls. Joe Biden was supposed to win a landslide, according to the polls, and yet it came down to the wire. It was extremely close with just small shifts of voting behavior potentially changing the outcome in another universe.

Today, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by two to four points, depending on who you consult. That’s an 11 to 14 point swing in Donald Trump’s favor. Not only that, but Joe Biden’s approval ratings are now 16 points lower than when he took office in January 2021.

The fact remains that no one has data showing Joe Biden is doing well. It’s just impossible to say he’s faring well right now. Yet the Biden campaign insists he is.

Which makes you wonder why they are gaslighting their own voters who are trying to say he should consider stepping down since it looks so dire for him. The likely answer is you have to stonewall for as long as you can. If the answer is trying to get someone else to step in for Joe Biden, you can’t demoralize your base by giving up the ghost and making that known.

They’re saving face for whatever the outcome is. If they show any cracking before anything official is announced about Joe Biden stepping aside, it would be a disaster for the Democrat Party to deal with. Which is a little funny considering they already have a disaster on their hands.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any major developments in this story.

MSNBC host started foaming at the mouth in alarming new moment caught on camera


Those on the left are losing their minds. But this is just ridiculous.

And an MSNBC host started foaming at the mouth in alarming new moment caught on camera

On the third day of the Republican National Convention, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow expressed concern about Sen. JD Vance being former President Trump’s choice for vice president, while also criticizing the far-right’s affection for “Lord of the Rings.”

Maddow highlighted Vance’s connection to former PayPal CEO and Republican donor Peter Thiel, noting, “Peter Thiel has named his companies after things in the Lord of the Rings series of J.R.R. Tolkien books.”

She remarked, “Lord of the Rings is a sort of favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of far-right and alt-right figures, both in Europe and the United States. Peter Thiel names all these things after Tolkien figures in places like his company Palantir, for example.”

As Maddow continued to discuss Vance’s association with Trump, she pointed out that the name of Vance’s venture capital firm is part of what she sees as a troubling pattern.

“Like his mentor, like Peter Thiel, who had given him all his jobs in the world, Mr. Vance also when he founded his own venture capital firm with help from Peter Thiel, named it after a Lord of the Rings thing. He called it Narya, N-A-R-Y-A, which you can remember because it’s ‘Aryan,’ but you move the n to the front,” she said.

“Apparently that word has something to do with elves and rings from the Lord of the Rings series, I don’t know.”

While Maddow seemed to imply a sinister connection between Narya and “Aryan,” the truth is that Narya is named after one of the rings of power in the Lord of the Rings lore, specifically the ring of fire given to the elven kings.

Also, Maddow seems to forget that The Lord of the Rings movies came out in the early 2000s and garnered nearly $3 billion.

That and the books, along with Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” have sold hundreds of millions of copies, making them some of the highest-selling books of all time.

Are we to believe that Vance and anyone who went and saw those movies or read the books is a crypto-racist?

This is probably one of the biggest stretches anyone has made.

But what else would you expect from the likes of MSNBC?

It’s not like Vance or really anyone other than MSNBC’s dwindling fan base cares.

At the convention, Vance took center stage, sharing his journey from humble beginnings in Ohio to becoming a significant figure in American politics.

He emphasized Trump’s “America First” agenda, vowing to ensure that allies contribute fairly to global peace rather than exploiting “the generosity of the American taxpayer.”

On foreign policy, Vance promised a cautious approach to military engagement, stating that the administration would deploy service members to war “only when we must.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Obama confidant exposes what Democrats fear most about Donald Trump


Trump is at the apex of his power right now. It’s making Democrats sweat.

And now an Obama confidant exposed what Democrats fear most about Donald Trump.

Van Jones, former adviser to Obama and now a CNN senior political commentator, drew a striking comparison between the energy at this week’s Republican National Convention (RNC) and the enthusiasm he witnessed when Obama was first nominated in 2008.

Jones described the “spirit” and enthusiasm at the RNC as palpable. “The last time I was at a convention that felt like this was Obama 2008. There’s something happening,” he observed.

After CNN contributor Scott Jennings shared his excitement about speeches from Hulk Hogan, UFC head Dana White, and former President Trump, Jones added, “This spirit that this guy [Jennings] has, you guys think it’s because he’s drunk, he’s not, this whole thing is like this.”

One panelist quipped that Jones had “written a headline” with his statement.

Earlier in the evening, Jones reflected on Trump’s tumultuous journey to the Republican nomination. “Dreams become nightmares and nightmares become dreams. You’re watching a nightmare become a dream for Donald Trump,” Jones said.

“He has had a nightmarish summer with, you know, convictions and indictments and all kinds of stuff, almost got shot. It’s becoming a dream for him.”

Jones contrasted this with President Joe Biden’s situation, asserting that Biden’s dream has turned into a nightmare.

“Biden’s the opposite. The dream that he had for himself as a young man to stand up and to rescue this country and to move it in a positive direction he actually delivered, he actually delivered on that. He did beat all those odds. He has done extraordinary things. He is an extraordinary man,” Jones remarked.

“But by holding on too long it’s becoming a nightmare. And the donors who have written huge checks for him, I mean the biggest checks are the ones who are stepping back.”

He also noted the shift among Biden’s allies.

“Biden’s peers, like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are now turning on him, and now tonight he’s sick and he’s watching all this happen.

It may take him a moment, but I believe he will get where he needs to go. This is a terrible, terrible moment for Joe Biden.”

Jones has been critical of Democrats and has credited Republicans for their strong moves, especially after Biden announced he had COVID-19 shortly after Trump narrowly avoided an assassination attempt.

“If you pull back and look at this thing: strength versus weakness. A bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden,” Jones commented following the COVID news.

He also called TV personality Amber Rose’s RNC speech in support of Trump the “most dangerous speech” for the Democratic Party.

“That is a young woman of color. She’s describing the experience a lot of people have, feeling that maybe if you’re around too many liberals you might get criticized too much, or you might not be able to speak your mind. And she spoke to it really well,” Jones remarked.

In early July, Jones openly acknowledged the internal turmoil within the Democratic Party.

“Everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff, but behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic,” he admitted.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tragic test result could kick Biden out of the race for president


The Biden camp has been trying to stick it out. But it may just be too late.

And now a tragic test result could kick Biden out of the race for president.

A new poll reveals that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe President Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and let another candidate take his place.

This sentiment challenges Biden’s recent claims that “average Democrats” remain on his side despite notable defections among prominent party figures.

According to the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, Biden’s efforts to recover from a disastrous debate performance are faltering.

The poll shows that only around 30% of Democrats are highly confident in his mental capacity to serve effectively, down from 40% in February.

These numbers underscore the significant obstacles facing the 81-year-old president as he attempts to fend off internal party pressure to drop out and persuade Democrats that he is the strongest candidate to face off against Donald Trump.

The survey was conducted largely before the recent assassination attempt on Trump during a Pennsylvania campaign rally.

It remains uncertain whether this incident influenced perceptions of Biden, but early post-shooting interviews did not indicate any improvement in his prospects.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also under increased scrutiny amid discussions about Biden’s future, has a favorability rating comparable to Biden’s. However, the proportion of Americans who view her unfavorably is slightly lower.

The poll suggests that Biden’s strongest support comes from Black Democrats, with around half believing he should continue his campaign. In contrast, only about 30% of white and Hispanic Democrats feel the same.

Overall, 70% of Americans think Biden should step aside, with Democrats only marginally less likely than Republicans and independents to support a new nominee.

“I genuinely question his ability to hold office,” remarked Andrew Holcomb, a 27-year-old Democrat from Denver. “He’s simply too old for the role.”

In contrast, Janie Stapleton, a 50-year-old lifelong Democrat from Walls, Mississippi, argued that Biden remains the “best candidate” for the presidency.

This dissatisfaction isn’t limited to Biden alone. About 60% of Americans want Trump to withdraw, though few Republicans share this view.

Young Democrats, in particular, are inclined to see Biden withdraw and are notably discontent with his performance. Three-quarters of Democrats under 45 support his exit, compared to around 60% of older Democrats.

“I find both candidates to be a disappointing choice,” said Alexi Mitchell, a 35-year-old civil servant from Virginia. While she believes Biden might still be mentally fit, she fears that recent declines in support have weakened his candidacy.

“If he can’t control his own party, it’s a critical flaw,” she said. “He’s put us in a precarious position where Trump could win.”

Despite optimistic talk from Biden’s campaign prior to the debate, his performance has only exacerbated dissatisfaction among Democrats. Approximately half are now dissatisfied with Biden as their nominee, up from about 40% in June.

Conversely, about 60% of Republicans felt satisfied with Trump as their candidate following the debate. Too few interviews were conducted after the assassination attempt to determine if this has further solidified Republican support for Trump.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden signs an unholy deal with California Governor Newsom


All the attention is on the 2024 election. But Biden is behind the scenes making wild moves.

And Joe Biden just signed an unholy and unexpected deal with California Governor Gavin Newsom.

U.S. Department of Energy Commits $12.6 Billion to California Hydrogen Hub

In a groundbreaking initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has signed a $12.6 billion agreement to establish a clean, renewable hydrogen hub in California. This landmark deal, announced on Wednesday, represents a significant step in advancing the state’s renewable energy infrastructure.

Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the DOE will contribute $1.2 billion to the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), with the remaining $11.4 billion being sourced from public and private matching funds. This initiative has garnered strong support from Democratic politicians, including California Governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Alex Padilla.

“I was proud to help secure $1.2 billion of federal investments through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to build a hydrogen hub right here in California,” said Senator Padilla. “California is leading the nation with the first hydrogen hub to sign a cooperative agreement, and we will continue to lead by decarbonizing goods movement, the energy sector, and heavy industry.”

However, the project faces criticism regarding the practicality and cost-effectiveness of clean hydrogen technology. Critics point to the high production costs and the challenges in scaling the technology effectively. Currently, hydrogen produced using natural gas costs approximately $1.50 per kilogram, while clean hydrogen costs around $5.00 or more per kilogram, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The production of clean hydrogen requires significant energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. As a result, producers may need to rely on the electric grid as a power source, raising concerns about the overall environmental impact. Clean energy advocates, such as Vestas and Intersect, argue for regulatory measures to ensure that the emissions from electricity consumption do not negate the benefits of renewable hydrogen production.

The $1.2 billion federal funding from the DOE represents about 17% of the $7 billion allocated for clean hydrogen projects under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This law, passed in November 2021, has earmarked $70 billion for clean-energy technology and demonstration projects. However, only 18% ($218 billion) of the $1.2 trillion package is dedicated to traditional infrastructure like roads, bridges, railroads, airports, and ports, as reported by Newsweek in 2021.

The establishment of this hydrogen hub marks a significant milestone in California’s efforts to lead the nation in renewable energy and decarbonization, despite the challenges and criticisms surrounding clean hydrogen technology.

Ironically, Newsom and the Biden teams are facing criticism from within their own Democrat circles, specifically the “progressive” wings, for the potential impact on the local environment for fracking for hydrogen.

Outlet “Progressing California” suggests that the immense impact that the resource gathering for the hydrogen needed for this energy effort isn’t worth the risk.

Meanwhile, those on the Right continue to be confused as to why the Democrats are doing everything they can to ignore the potential that nuclear energy has to make the United States the dominant force and producer of clean and highly efficient energy in the world.

Some believe that the Left is only using so-called “green” policies and bills as a trojan horse for extreme socialist and Marxist economic policies to control the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more.

Leaked phone call with Biden is sinking the Democrats completely


The extent of Biden’s decline is far worse than the media let on. It’s getting scary, frankly.

And now a leaked phone call with Biden is sinking the Democrats completely.

According to a new report, President Biden engaged in a “tense” Zoom call with dozens of moderate Democrats, which was described as “even worse than the debate” — taking place less than an hour before the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The 81-year-old president frequently lost his train of thought during the call and dismissed concerns from the Democrats about his 2024 re-election campaign, following his disastrous debate performance last month, Puck reported Wednesday, citing multiple sources.

“The call was even worse than the debate. He was rambling; he’d start an answer then lose his train of thought, then would just say ‘whatever.’ He really couldn’t complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him,” one participant on the call commented.

“The president was rambling, dismissive of concerns, unable or unprepared to present a campaign strategy,” added a second source, who is a member of Congress.

The sniper attack on Trump at his rally in Butler, Pa., effectively halted the Democrats from leaking details of the call and speaking out against Biden, the source noted.

“Had the assassination attempt not occurred an hour later, I imagine 50 people on that Zoom were ready to come out publicly against him,” the member of Congress said.

In one particularly heated moment, sources recounted Biden lashing out at Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.) when the congressman questioned the significance of national security to voters.

“First of all, I think you’re dead wrong on national security,” Biden told him, according to a recording of the call.

“You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me!” he continued.

“Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son.”

Biden concluded the Zoom call just after 5 p.m., telling his fellow Democrats he had to go to church, according to those on the call.

The Biden campaign, however, has dismissed claims that the president was rambling during the call.

“Just in the past week, the president has met with Democratic leaders in both chambers and numerous congressional groups to solicit their feedback and answer their questions,” a campaign official stated.

“Engagement with House and Senate members is ongoing, and the campaign will continue to have candid and robust conversations with congressional offices.”

But what else should we expect from the Biden campaign. They’re the ones who said he had a cold when his debate performance went sour.

They’re the ones who told us he’s sharp and with it behind closed doors, only for that facade to melt away.

If Biden is fine, then why are more and more Democrats calling for him to step aside.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Incriminating report just raked the Biden administration over the coals


The Democrat Party is rotten through and through. And we’re starting to learn how deep that rot goes.

And now an incriminating report just raked the Biden administration over the coals.

The Biden administration has been quietly flying migrants from overwhelmed California to Texas, where Governor Greg Abbott’s strict border control measures have effectively reduced illegal crossings, The New York Post reveals.

For the past month, Border Patrol has been using costly charter flights on commercial-sized planes to transport border crossers from San Diego to Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

These weekly flights, known for their high cost, are estimated at $80,000 each, according to sources.

Photographs show dozens of migrants shackled by the ankles boarding the planes, operated by a contractor, in San Diego.

Migrant holding facilities in San Diego are overrun, operating at 150% capacity, despite the Biden administration’s June announcement of a new “crackdown” to expedite the removal of asylum seekers without credible claims of fear, according to internal federal data obtained by The New York Post.

San Diego’s border facilities lack the capacity to manage the influx of migrants, exacerbated by loopholes in the Biden administration’s border policies that make it harder to deport certain individuals.

Unaccompanied children, people with medical issues, and migrants from countries that do not permit charter repatriation flights can stay in the U.S., according to Border Patrol documents previously reported by The New York Post.

Since the Biden administration’s asylum restrictions began on June 6, Border Patrol has released roughly 400 migrants into Texas’ Rio Grande Valley region, where the flights are landing, according to internal federal data.

In Texas, Abbott’s measures, such as increasing National Guard troops and setting up border barricades, have successfully limited migrant crossings.

For instance, after Texas troops secured Shelby Park in Eagle Pass this spring, crossings dropped dramatically from 2,000 to 3,000 a day to around five, according to Texas’ Department of Public Safety (DPS).

Meanwhile, in April, San Diego became the top area for illegal crossings for the first time in 20 years, with 37,370 encounters, according to NewsNation.

A CBP official told The New York Post that some new migrants at the southern border, eligible for exceptions to removal, will still be given future court dates and released into the U.S. if holding facilities are full.

“There might be some that we can’t return to Mexico, it’s going to take longer to return to their country of origin because we might not have agreements with them,” the official said.

“But the number of releases since the Presidential Proclamation and the interim final rule has gone into place have plummeted,” the official added.

Migrants crossing into San Diego come from “all over the world,” a border patrol agent in the region recently told The New York Post.

“China, India — there’s a lot of Indians, there’s just like a s–t ton — and Central Americans,” the agent said.

In June, over 30,000 migrants were released into the country, according to internal data obtained by The New York Post.

From May to June, Border Patrol migrant encounters at the southern border dropped from 117,901 to 83,536, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

CBP did not respond to The New York Post’s request for comment.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

What Kamala Harris just said about J.D. Vance sent the Trump campaign into a fit of rage


The vice president has already made it known she doesn’t approve of the former president and his allies. But her latest comments are stunning.

And what Kamala Harris just said about J.D. Vance has sent the Trump campaign into a fit of rage.

In a recently released video, Vice President Kamala Harris sharply criticized former President Trump’s selection of Senator JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his vice-presidential running mate.

Harris accused Trump of choosing Vance to be a “rubber stamp” for his “extreme agenda.”

This announcement comes just ahead of Vance’s scheduled acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday. Trump, now officially the Republican nominee for president, revealed his decision to select Vance on Monday.

“Trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda,” Harris asserted in the video.

“Make no mistake: JD Vance will be loyal only to Trump, not to our country,” she added.

Following Vance’s nomination, Harris and Vance had a brief and respectful phone conversation, according to Fox News’ Alexis McAdams. Harris also left a congratulatory voicemail for Vance.

In her video, Harris criticized Vance for his earlier statements during an ABC News interview, where he mentioned that he would not have certified the 2020 election results had he been vice president at the time.

“Unlike Mike Pence, Vance said he would have carried out Trump’s plan to overturn the 2020 election,” Harris remarked.

Harris also highlighted Vance’s position on abortion, referencing his support for a national abortion ban at 15 weeks with exceptions for protecting the life of the mother during his 2022 Senate campaign.

She pointed out Vance’s recent vote against a Democrat-led bill aimed at protecting access to in vitro fertilization (IVF), which was ultimately blocked by Republicans in the Senate.

“He supports a national abortion ban and voted against protecting IVF,” Harris stated.

Additionally, Harris mentioned Project 2025, a controversial initiative by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

The project, supported by several conservatives including former Trump administration officials, outlines right-wing policy recommendations for a potential second Trump term.

Trump has attempted to distance himself from Project 2025, dismissing components of it as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal” and claiming to know nothing about it.

“And if elected, [Vance] will help implement the extreme Project 2025 plan for a second Trump term, which would target critical programs like Head Start and Medicare,” Harris warned. “But we are not going to let that happen.”

You can watch the full video below:


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