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Joe Biden makes disgusting statement that has Republicans red with rage


Joe Biden seems to be adamantly against America. And even though the Left tries to cover for him, it is all too obvious.

And now, Joe Biden makes disgusting statement that has Republicans red with rage.

Shortly after attributing the nation’s founding to the middle class and labor unions in his State of the Union speech, President Biden faced criticism for remarks he made in a recent interview in which he claimed that “undocumented” immigrants were responsible for the country’s development.

In an attempt to emphasize the achievements of union members and the middle class, Biden reiterated in his State of the Union speech his opinion that the middle class is the backbone of America and that unions were essential in its development.

“Wall Street didn’t build America. They’re not bad guys. They didn’t build it, though. The middle class built the country, and unions built the middle class,” said Biden during his State of the Union address.

However, he seemed to take back all of those comments in a recent interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart where he claimed “undocumented” immigrants built the country.

“I’m not gonna treat any of these people with disrespect. They built this country,” claimed Biden.

The use of the word “undocumented” follows Biden’s apology for calling Jose Ibarra, a Venezuelan national and active gang member, “illegal” during his State of the Union speech.

Ibarra is accused of murdering Laken Riley, a nursing student in Georgia.

After explaining to Capehart that the term “undocumented” should have been used instead, Biden continued, saying that illegal immigrants are “the reason our economy is growing.”

During a recent campaign rally, former President Trump attacked Biden for retracting his claim that Laken’s killer was an immigrant.

“They have a new name that’s even worse. You know what the new name is? Neighbor,” said Trump.

“A newcomer to our country… are we going crazy or what? Is this country going crazy? How about that one, newcomer… no, he was an illegal. And I say he was an illegal alien. He was an illegal immigrant. He was an illegal migrant. And he shouldn’t have been in our country, and he never would have been under the Trump policy,” he added.

If Joe Biden’s refusal to admit an illegal immigrant killed Laken Riley wasn’t already a massive slap in the face, his recent comments surely are.

Joe Biden could quite possibly be the most un-American president this nation has ever had.

He has the audacity to claim that illegal immigrants built this country and they are the reason the economy is thriving.

Well, the economy is in the toilet because of many of Joe Biden’s policies, and his immigration crisis certainly contributes to the awful economy.

We cannot keep allowing such an un-American and corrupt administration hold office.

It is past time the American people took back the power and voted these politicians out of office.

We must vote for leaders who will make America stronger.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The federal government just abandoned American citizens in an alarming display of incompetence


The federal government has a way of making problems worse. But no one expected things to get this bad.

And now, the federal government just abandoned American citizens in an alarming display of incompetence.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston proposed budget cuts to city services on Friday in order to compensate for the city’s current illegal immigration crisis, which is predicted to cost more than $180 million.

Denver’s mayor claimed that the city has the largest number of illegal immigrants per capita among US cities, citing the arrival of roughly 40,000 during the past year, as reported by the Colorado Sun.

In his speech, Mayor Johnston said, “I want to thank every resident in the city who has showed up to cook a meal for someone who has arrived, who has welcomed somebody to their home, who has offered them a job, who said, We will help you find your way.”

“You’ve done your part. The city will do our part. The federal government did not do their part,” he added.

Among the budget cuts are the elimination of in-person vehicle registration renewals, reductions in landscaping costs, and a reduction in leisure center hours.

It is anticipated that the plan will save $5 million, or around 25% of the projected crisis management expenses.

According to Fox News, Mayor Johnston and the city have a plan in place to slash their budget by around $60 million, and the cuts that were revealed on Friday are just the first step of it.

It is apparently the intention to close or combine the current shelters that house the undocumented immigrants, and locals are being asked to help with their accommodation.

A Denver Human Services employee, John Ewing, told Fox News “We put out a feeler to all the landlords we have connections with.”

“Basically said, listen, we’re going to have some newcomers who are going to need housing,” he added.

Apparently, the city of Denver has also reached out to local landlords to see if they are willing to rent to illegal immigrants.

Ewing specified that “We’ve got kind of a rent cap – $2,000.”

With 710,000 residents, Denver is a sanctuary city.

Earlier this year, as its shelters filled up, illegal immigrants started to set up tent camps.

The co-owner of Denver’s “One Shot Back” bar, Samantha Menendez, mentioned the “200 plus tents around our business” in a January interview with Fox.

The reality is chilling, and Americans are terrified.

The Federal Government has turned its back on the people, and we are completely alone in this fight.

Some leaders, like Mayor Johnston, are trying to rely on citizens to clothe and house illegals, but others, like Governor Greg Abbott, are fighting back against the oppression of the Biden administration.

This crisis is not going anywhere until we hold our elected leaders accountable.

The situation is unacceptable, and we will not tolerate it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Disgusting act by this Democrat has Republicans scratching their heads


It is common knowledge that the Radical Left hates America and all she stands for. But no one expected them to take things this far.

Because now, a disgusting act by this Democrat has Republicans scratching their heads.

Pittsburgh police have announced modifications to their response rules, including the removal of officers from responding to calls that are not deemed “in-progress emergencies,” in an effort to manage resources from staffing shortages.

These calls would be related to theft, harassment, and alarms for break-ins.

WPXI Channel 11 reports that calls will instead be routed to a telephone recording unit where reports can be filed over the phone.

In addition, there will be no desk officers present at any of the city’s six police stations between 3 am and 7 am.

Only roughly twenty officers will be available for overnight shifts to cover the entire city during these hours.

During this time, there will be 911-linked call boxes available for emergencies.

Chief of Police Larry Scirotto of Pittsburgh has made an effort to reassure locals that these steps are adequate.

He underlined that the staffing strategy is made to take into account the scarce resources that are accessible during these late-night hours.

“There is not any data to support us having our zones manned by personnel from 3 am to 7 am. For the very one off instance I can’t make an exception,” Scirotto stated.

The Pittsburgh Police Officers’ Union, however, voiced reservations about the policy change and explicitly linked it to the understaffing of the department.

Union President Bob Swartzwelder emphasized the difficulties encountered by police personnel and issued a warning about possible contract violations brought on by the police department’s overcommitment and lack of resources.

“The staffing plan designed by police command is a direct response to a seriously understaffed police department,” said President Swartzwelder.

“Only time will tell if the plan works or the Chief will need to pivot and modify his plan quickly,” he added.

“The FOP will be watching carefully for any contract violations that develop especially when non-emergency events come up such as St. Patrick’s Day, parades, large concerts, July 4th, etc. In short, the FOP believes that the police department is seriously over-committed and under-resourced.”

This is just the latest in a long list of Liberal cities and states that have made it clear that they hate their citizens.

No matter what we do, the Left will always try and destroy us in one way or the other.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer.

The Left has abandoned America, and it is time to support leaders who will keep the country great.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden got utterly betrayed from the last person he ever expected


Joe Biden is losing support every single day. And it seems he has very few allies left.

And now Biden got utterly betrayed from the last person he ever expected.

In an interview over the weekend, Democratic businessman Gary Cohn, the former director of the National Economic Council under President Donald Trump, stated that consumers had every reason to be upset about the inflation brought on by President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

Cohn made the comments when discussing Biden’s recent remarks against billionaires in an interview with Margaret Brennan on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” on Sunday.

In response to Biden’s assertions that billionaires do not pay any taxes in the United States, Cohn stated that the assertion was blatantly false and that every billionaire with an income in the country pays taxes of at least 20 percent.

“We do a very good job in this country of taxing income. That’s what the Constitution talks about. The Constitution talks about taxing your income,” said Cohn.

“There is no income in this country unless you buy a tax-free bond that doesn’t get taxed at a minimum of 20 percent. Whether it’s interest or dividends or capital gains. So, there’s no billionaire in this country that has income that is not paying at least 20 percent,” he added.

Cohn then called out Biden for trying to rile up anger against companies claiming that they were “taking advantage of the little guy.”

Cohn said, “Let’s talk about inflation for a minute because I think there [are] really important concepts for everyone to understand.”

“Inflation has a compounding effect. Meaning, as you look at inflation year over year, you’re adding up those numbers. You’re not starting at a zero every year.”

He continued and expanded on this point saying, “So, if we had 6 percent inflation last year … and now we have 4 percent inflation, that’s 10 percent inflation. So, if you take a basket of groceries at the beginning of 2020, just a simple basic basket that costs $100, it costs well over $125 today because those 4 percent one year and 7 percent one year, and 7 percent the next year, they add up. They’re cumulative. So, there’s a huge cumulative effect to inflation.”

Brennan then interrupted to clarify, “So, when people are being told, ‘consumers, you’re wrong, inflation’s heading–‘ — no, they’re right, it is actually more expensive?”

“They’re completely right,” said Cohn. “They’re completely right.”

Cohn highlighted just why exactly Americans were so frustrated.

He emphasized that people are “losing purchasing power” because of the absurd inflation as well as not being able to invest because of Biden’s high interest rate problems.

“So, people got very frustrated because the costs of their everyday lives got very expensive and the cost of investing in their future by buying a home got nearly impossible,” Cohn added.

This is just one more example of Democrats turning on Joe Biden.

Americans of all political backgrounds and affiliations understand that Joe Biden has destroyed the economy in this country, and he is doing nothing to fix it.

We cannot keep living under the oppressive regime of the Biden administration any longer.

People are getting desperate.

We must rally together and vote for leaders who will help save this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

House passes major immigration bill that could change everything


Immigration has been on everyone’s minds for months. And people are starting to wonder if anything will ever change.

But now, the House has passed a major immigration bill that could change everything.

By a vote of 251 to 170 on Thursday, the House of Representatives enacted the Laken Riley Act; all of the “nay” votes came from Democrats.

The 22-year-old student who was killed earlier this month by an unauthorized immigrant is honored in the bill’s name.

If the bill is approved, it would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to require the Department of Homeland Security to hold anyone who entered the nation illegally and who “is charged with, is arrested for, is convicted of, admits having committed, or admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of any burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting offense.”

“The Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue a detainer for an alien described in paragraph (1)(E) and, if the alien is not otherwise detained by Federal, State, or local officials, shall effectively and expeditiously take custody of the alien.”

Riley’s body was found near a lake on February 22, and shortly after Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, was accused of killing Riley.

He is being jailed without bond after entering the country illegally in September.

In October, he was taken into custody for shoplifting theft, but the police later freed him.

After the vote, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson took to X to tear into the Democrats who opposed the bill.

“170 House Democrats just voted against the Laken Riley Act, refusing to require the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants who have been caught committing a crime,” he said.

“Sadly, if these Democrats have their way, there will be more victims like Laken Riley,” Johnson added.

Other key figures took to X to express their frustration with the Democrats who seem so opposed to protecting American lives.

“Doesn’t it seem odd to vote against deporting illegal immigrants who commit a crime?” said Elon Musk in a post on X.

We cannot allow the Left to keep opposing the protection of American citizens’ lives.

We must elect politicians who will protect America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Disturbing attack during SOTU address leaves Americans furious


Biden’s State of the Union address has been all over the news. But big media companies are refusing to report on what actually happened.

And a disturbing attack during the SOTU address has left Americans furious.

Steve Nikoui, the father of Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, started yelling from the upstairs visitor galley when Biden declared, “America is safer today than when I took office,” during his speech.

He shouted “Abbey Gate” and “13 Marines” during Biden’s State of the Union speech.

People then noticed that Nikoui was being led from the galley.

The father of a US soldier who was killed in Afghanistan during Biden’s botched retreat was arrested for exercising his First Amendment rights.

“Abbey Gate” refers to the site of ISIS-K’s bombing attack, which killed 170 civilians in Afghanistan and 13 US service men during the chaotic evacuation.

Nikoui was invited to attend the address by Rep. Brian Mast a Republican from Florida.

After the arrest, Mast posted on X, “The Sergeant at Arms is holding my State of the Union guest for yelling at POTUS in protest because his son was killed in action at the Abbey Gate due to Biden’s incompetence. So much for the right to petition our government for the redress of grievances.”

“To this day, no Biden official has been dismissed or demoted as a result of the deadly and catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. I will not stop until the Biden Administration is HELD ACCOUNTABLE for its disastrous policies,” Mast continued.

He highlighted that Biden has refused to address his failed retreat from Afghanistan, and has refused to say the names of the 13 troops lost.

“For the last three SOTU speeches, Joe Biden REFUSED to say the names of the 13 U.S. service members who were killed by his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. I couldn’t support this effort more. Say their names!”

The Capitol Police, through a spokesperson, said, “Tonight, at approximately 10:15 pm, a man disrupted the State of the Union Address by yelling. Our officers warned him to stop and when he did not, the man was removed from the House Galleries and was arrested.”

Nikoui was charged with a misdemeanor of “crowding, obstructing or incommoding.”

This charge could see up to 90 days of prison time and a $500 fine.

Joe Biden and his administration are silencing everyone who disagrees with them, and they are weaponizing the police in order to carry out their orders.

We cannot allow free speech to ever be silenced in this country.

The names of the 13 Americans lost because of Biden during his failed withdrawal will never be forgotten:

Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, 25
Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23
Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31
Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22
Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23
Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22
Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20
Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20
Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20
Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20
Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20
Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22
Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden faces major setback in election campaign


Now that Super Tuesday is over, it appears that a Biden and Trump rematch will take place this November. But all of that could change.

Because Biden just suffered a massive setback in his election campaign.

President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday performance was the subject of a recent opinion piece from The Daily Beast, which also explored how Minnesota’s 19% “uncommitted” voter population could be problematic in November.

The headline of J. Patrick Coolican’s piece read, “Why Minnesota’s ‘Uncommitted’ Vote Is a Real Threat to Biden’s Re-Election.”

“Despite no money and a bare-bones, last-minute organization, the ‘Uncommitted’ line pulled nearly 19 percent, as progressive voters sought to send a message to Biden that he needs to change his policy toward Israel and its ongoing war in Gaza if he’s to earn their vote,” Coolican wrote.

Some Democrats, such as a state senator from Minneapolis, Democrat Omar Fateh, claimed that his “uncommitted” vote was a “warning to the Biden administration that, unless they are to take immediate and dramatic action to stop Israel from continuing the genocide, they cannot expect support of progressives.”

The state of Minnesota has a substantial Muslim population from its Somali-American community, many of whom disapprove of the president’s support for Israel in its war on Hamas in Gaza.

However, Coolican also notes that the president has “problems extended to white progressives, especially in the Twin Cities.”

This explains a large portion of the “uncommitted” votes cast in Minneapolis.

Democratic strategist Jim Manley in Minnesota stated, “I hope this serves as a wakeup call for the Biden folks, and that they make a decision to pour money and resources into the state.”

In addition to Minnesota, Michigan also presented difficulties for Joe Biden on Tuesday night, as more than 100,000 voters selected “uncommitted” in a state where Dearborn is home to a sizeable Muslim community.

Breitbart News stated that “With 95 percent of the vote counted, Biden won the primary with 618,006 votes, which only adds up to 81.1 percent of the total vote — a terrible showing for an incumbent.”

“Those 100,995 ‘uncommitted’ votes add up to 16 percent of Biden’s total vote. In the upcoming presidential election, Biden cannot win this crucial swing state if 16 percent, or even ten percent, of Democrats stay home. By comparison, only 33,383 Republicans voted ‘uncommitted’ — that’s only around four percent of Donald Trump’s vote total of 756,636,” the report added.

Joe Biden is losing support rapidly, and his own party is turning against him.

Even those on the Radical Left cannot rally behind this mentally unfit man.

It is a telling sign.

And even as the media tries to act like Biden will dominate Trump in a matchup, that simply isn’t the truth.

Donald Trump’s support is only growing, and Joe Biden’s support continues to drop.

The American people are so sick of Joe Biden, that there is no way he will be re-elected.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat makes a shocking policy reversal that stuns America


Liberal policies are always horrible. And they never seem to learn their lesson.

But now, a top Democrat made a shocking policy reversal that stuns America.

San Francisco voters approved two ballot propositions on Tuesday that sought to address the city’s epidemic of addiction and crime.

Measures E and F—both of which Mayor London Breed ardently supported—passed beyond the 50 percent mark in spite of efforts by opposition organizations, such as the American Civil Liberties Union.

Although preliminary polling data indicated that both bills were likely to succeed, the final results demonstrated how widely supported they were.

40.1 percent of the 99,871 people who cast ballots opposed Measure E, with 59.9 percent voting “yes.”

Measure F received a slightly higher number of votes—100,434—with 63.3 percent voting “yes.”

The goal of Measure E was to “allow the Police Department to hold community meetings before the Police Commission can change policing policies, reduce recordkeeping and reporting requirements for police officers, set new policies for police officers to report use-of-force incidents and to engage in vehicle pursuits, authorize the Police Department to use drones and install public surveillance cameras without further approval, and authorize the Police Department to use new surveillance technology unless the Board of Supervisors disapproves.”

For measure F, voters were asked whether or not the city should “require single adults age 65 and under with no dependent children who receive City public assistance benefits and whom the City reasonably suspects are dependent on illegal drugs to participate in screening, evaluation, and treatment for drug dependency for those adults to be eligible for most of those benefits.”

The goal of Measure B, which failed, was to establish minimum levels of police personnel and to set aside money for officer recruiting.

At a bar in the Hayes Valley, Breed celebrated the outcomes with supporters, according to CBS News.

“Enough is enough,” the woman declared. “We need change.”

The city was “in the midst of a voter revolt on public safety,” according to supervisor Matt Dorsey, who also praised Breed’s leadership.

This is simply the most recent in a long list of Radical Liberal cities reversing their Radical policies.

Countless cities and states that sought to decriminalize hard drugs or defund the police have reversed their opinions once they have felt the effects of their policies themselves.

Liberals cannot handle their own failed ideas, yet they want us to have to deal with them anyway.

So many Democrat leaders were pro-open border policies, yet are now begging for help from Biden.

Countless cities claimed they were “sanctuary cities,” but are now reversing that.

And even more Radical politicians spoke out against the police and called for them to be defunded, including San Fransico, but now that they are dealing with the after-effects, they cannot handle it.

This just goes to show how stupid the Left really is.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Biden admin caught in disturbing Radical propaganda effort


Democrats treat the media as their own personal propaganda machine. And the effects are terrifying.

And now, the Biden administration has been caught in a disturbing Radical propaganda effort.

The National Institutes of Health has funded over $200,000 to a transgender professor and two speech therapy specialists to conduct research and develop a “transgender voice training app” that attempts to make biological males sound more feminine.

A University of Cincinnati team received $213,878 in taxpayer cash from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders to develop the program.

According to the study’s abstract, “Transgender and gender-diverse people exhibit a significantly lower quality of life than the general public. One reason for this is voice dysphoria: distress because a person’s voice does not match their gender identity (e.g., trans women with deep voices).”

Under the project “Improving the Accessibility of Transgender Voice Training with Visual-acoustic Biofeedback,” computers or smartphones to provide “accessible GAVT [gender-affirming voice and communication training].”

It would do this through software “that delivers information about voice, suggests exercises, and provides feedback on exercise performance.”

The goal was to “first develop novel GAVT software that combines visual-acoustic biofeedback about pitch and resonance (two main indicators of voice femininity/masculinity) with exercises for these targets.”

Associate Professor Vesna Novak, together with Victoria McKenna of UC and Tara McAllister of New York University, who specializes in speech-language pathology, will serve as the research’s leaders, according to Fox News.

During an announcement of the grant, McAllister stated, “Some trans people can be negatively impacted if their voice is perceived as incongruous with their gender identity, and they may choose to work with a speech pathologist to achieve a vocal presentation that is comfortable for them.”

“In addition to the pitch of the voice, male and female vocal tracts also differ in their resonating characteristics, but resonance is harder to understand than pitch, and harder to target in therapy. The staRt software allows learners to visualize the resonant frequencies of the vocal tract, which could make it easier to adjust them to match a target that is appropriate for their personal speech goals,” McAllister continued,

Forty transgender males will be divided into two groups: an experimental group using the researchers’ program, or a control group using a generic voice analysis app.

For GAVT, they will have a once-weekly remote meeting with a speech-language pathologist, receive homework, and self-report on how much practice they get each day, how confident they are in their abilities, and how motivated they are.

“In the long term, GAVT software may become an essential tool to reduce gender dysphoria in transgender and gender diverse individuals, thus improving quality of life for this marginalized population. Furthermore, advancements in this area may generalize to computer-aided therapy for communication disorders, increasing potential impact,” the abstract added.

People are outraged that once again, hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are being used to brainwash people and push a Radical agenda.

We cannot sit idly by anymore while the Left continues to steal our money in order to spread their absurd, radical, and harmful propaganda.

We must fight back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Trump issues challenge that has Biden running in terror


The Radical Left is terrified of Trump. And they are worried at what he can do.

But now, Trump has issued a challenge that has Biden running in terror.

Former President Donald Trump has challenged incumbent Joe Biden to a debate “anytime, anywhere, anyplace” in the wake of Nikki Haley withdrawing from the Republican primary.

“It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People. Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE! The Debates can be run by the Corrupt DNC, or their Subsidiary, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). I look forward to receiving a response. Thank you for your attention to this matter,” said Trump on his platform Truth Social.

Trump is the only significant candidate for the GOP nomination that is still in the running after Haley withdrew from the contest.

With Biden as the final viable Democratic candidate, the 2024 election cycle will see a rematch between the two.

The formal debate dates have been announced as follows:

September 16 at the University of San Marcos, Texas; October 1 at Virginia State University in Petersburg; and October 9 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, according to the New York Times.

Shortly after Donald Trump’s post, Biden’s campaign manager issued a reply via Fox News.

“I know Donald Trump’s thirsty for attention and struggling to expand his appeal beyond the MAGA base—and that’s a conversation we’ll have at the appropriate time in this cycle. But if he’s so desperate to see President Biden in prime time, he doesn’t have to wait!”

“He can join the tens of millions of Americans who will tune in to watch the State of the Union…He might even learn a thing or two about bringing people together and actually delivering for the American people.”

This is not the first time that Biden has run from a chance to debate Trump.

Earlier this year, in February, Trump made it clear that he did not want to wait to debate Biden.

“I’d like to debate him now because we should debate. We should debate for the good of the country,” said Trump.

Yet, Biden and his team have made it clear that there will be no debate with Trump.

Joe Biden’s mental health is so poor that he cannot even answer basic questions let alone debate anyone.

Trump has repeatedly shown that he is willing to do whatever it takes to help this country, and Joe Biden continues to prove that he cannot even walk without falling over.

We cannot allow this senile fool to continue any longer.

He and his entire administration are destroying this country.

We must rally behind a leader who can speak, debate, walk, and will put the needs of this great nation first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

DeSantis makes a major comeback with massive win in Florida


Since DeSantis dropped out of the primary, not much has been heard from him. But now, he has made headlines everywhere.

Because DeSantis has made a major comeback with a massive win in Florida.

This week, an illegal alien who was wanted in Oregon for r*pe and sexual assault was apprehended in Florida.

Federal immigration officials first refused to take the suspect into custody, but eventually gave in to pressure from Governor Ron DeSantis.

A few weeks ago, Juan Jose-Sebastian, a 26-year-old national of Guatemala, was taken into custody by the Martin County Sheriff’s Office in Florida for driving without a license.

Police discovered that he was wanted in Oregon on three charges of r*pe and sexual assault just before he was scheduled to be released from jail.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) advised Martin County Sheriff William D. Snyder late last week that ICE would not seize the illegal aliens since they were released from detention owing to the massive influx of illegal aliens into the country as a result of President Joe Biden’s policies.

Oregon, ruled by Democrats, declined to extradite him.

“The reason I get up every day and the reason I’m sheriff is to keep the people of my county safe,” said Snyder.

“It’s my responsibility and for me to have to release a felon who’s wanted in another state for such serious crimes was painful and it was not something I wanted to do and if there was any other mechanism for me to keep the suspect I absolutely would have done it.”

The DeSantis administration, which has taken a harsh stance against illegal immigration, moved swiftly to put pressure on the Biden administration to apprehend the suspect and take him off Florida’s streets.

“We had to really pull teeth to be able to get the federal government to detain an illegal alien who was apprehended in South Florida,” said DeSantis during a press conference on Tuesday.

“It was a relatively minor offense. They had held them for as long as they could, but he was wanted on charges involving r*pe and sexual abuse in Oregon. And Oregon did not want to accept this individual.”

“They weren’t interested in seeking justice apparently on behalf of the victims of his crimes. And so the plan was just to release him on the streets of Florida. Well, that is unacceptable. And so, we fought back,” he added

He said that senior members of his administration exerted pressure on Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner to place the person under detention, so enabling the illegal alien to be apprehended again by the Martin County Sheriff’s Office.

DeSantis called it “pathetic” that Oregon wouldn’t want to return the suspect to face punishment and that the United States was in a position where ICE wouldn’t carry out its duties.

The Radical Left continues to prove their hatred for America, and they have once again shown that they care more about illegal criminals than US citizens.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer.

We must elect officials who will protect America and her citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying infiltration by China has been exposed and Republicans are horrified


It should come as no surprise that Joe Biden’s weak foreign policies have opened America up to attack. But people are shocked that it went this far.

And a terrifying infiltration by China has been exposed and Republicans are horrified.

According to a new book, many of the protests that took place in the United States in the summer of 2020 following George Floyd’s death were actually coordinated by members of obscure radical groups with ties to China.

The book, written by a Breitbart News Senior Contributor, describes how organizations supported and funded by Beijing orchestrated a number of seemingly unplanned violent rallies and riots against police brutality that far-left activists staged in the United States during the previous ten years.

The covert pro-Beijing Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is one of those such outfits.

Following several high-profile incidents, such as the 2012 and 2014 deaths of black teenagers Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Trayvon Martin in Florida, there were riots and protests.

The chairman of the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) in St. Louis, Montague Simmons, was one of the main organizers of the protests in Ferguson.

Later, he would reveal in a presentation that he had recruited about ten thousand people from outside the state to take part in the demonstration.

According to reports, Simmons was also a part of the FRSO spinoff group Liberation Road.

The authoritative history of the radical movement was written by left-wing historian Max Elbaum, who claimed that FRSO had a long history of “taking their cues from Beijing.”

According to the author of the book, FRSO members were instrumental in driving protests toward violence over the course of the following five years, starting with the Ferguson demonstrations.

The fingerprints of the Black Lives Matter movement were all over the demonstrations that followed George Floyd’s death in May 2020.

Jess Sundin, the wife of FRSO political secretary Steff Yorek, boasted of arranging night rallies and clearing out Target, the police station, and other major retailers a few weeks after the BLM protests started in Minneapolis.

She described it as “absolutely tied to, connected to, and part of the movement.”

“We were all extremely happy to see the Third Precinct destroyed,” she remarked.

Michael Sampson, a member of FRSO, planned a demonstration in Jacksonville, Florida, and the organization was involved in riots in August 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where its chapter is located.

FRSO would publicly declare its backing for the Chinese Communist Party in 2022 at the party’s Twentieth National Congress, sending out a statement that said:

“Dear Comrades,

Freedom Road Socialist Organization congratulates the leadership of the Communist Party of China, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, for the great successes achieved at the 20th National Congress. . . . Socialist China is an example to oppressed people everywhere who yearn for a better future. Again, congratulations on a successful 20th Congress. The CPC is truly a great political party that has proven its ability to do great things. Long live the Communist Party of China! Long live the unity between the people of China and the people of the U.S.!

With fraternal greetings.”

Since Ferguson, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), another covert organization with ties to Beijing, has stoked social unrest in the United States.

The reality of the situation is chilling, and all Americans need to understand what is happening.

The Radical Left is siding with communist China.

They are joining together to take America down from the inside.

We must be vigilant.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.