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Biden’s epic betrayal could mean the end of his campaign


Joe Biden’s campaign is weak barely anyone actually believes he is a good leader. But this recent move could change everything.

And an epic Biden betrayal could mean the end of his campaign.

Shockwaves reverberated across the political landscape this weekend as Muslim American leaders from key swing states launched a full-frontal assault on President Biden.

Their weapon of choice? The #AbandonBiden campaign, a potent cocktail of voter mobilization and righteous anger that promises to leave Biden’s re-election aspirations in smoldering ruins.

The message is clear and it’s delivered with ice-cold fury: they feel as if Biden has betrayed their community, sacrificing their trust and votes on the altar of his feckless Israel-Hamas policy.

“This isn’t a plea, it’s a declaration,” claimed Hassan Abdel Salam, leader of the #AbandonBiden National Coalition.

“The Biden administration’s stance is the final straw, a red line for every Muslim American.”

Tarek Amin from Wisconsin said: “We’ll swing it, Mr. President, but not towards you. We’re taking our votes and sending you packing.”

Hazim Nasareddem from Arizona echoes the sentiment: “Arizona won’t stand with a man who’s turned the blue wave crimson with Palestinian blood.”

Hassan Shibly, a Florida attorney and Muslim leader, says “Florida is lost, Mr. President. Your pandering apologies won’t save you.”

This isn’t just about one state; it’s a coordinated takedown by the Radical Left, a strategic maneuver to turn the entire electoral battlefield into a Biden graveyard.

The Radical Left is tearing itself apart over their hatred for Joe Biden, and it will massively benefit the Republican candidate.

Muslim leaders across America claim that “Genocide Joe” isn’t just a catchy slogan… it’s a burning indictment.

“We’ll never forget October 31st, 2023,” one leader says. “The day you crossed the line, the day you became complicit in the slaughter of innocent Palestinians.”

For her and many others on the Radical Left, Biden is a pariah, and they’ll spend every waking moment ensuring his political demise.

Khalid Turaani, another Michigander, aims for maximum impact: “We’re making you a one-term president, Joe. This isn’t just about Gaza; it’s about sending a message that America won’t stand for your spineless betrayal.” This isn’t just about defeating Biden; it’s about burying him under the weight of his own failed policies.

The #AbandonBiden campaign isn’t interested in playing nice. Jaylani Hussein delivers the final blow: “Your re-election is dead, Mr. President. We’re taking back our communities, our votes, and our future.”

It is becoming increasingly clear that those on the far left hate Joe Biden as well, and they will stop at nothing to never see him in the White House again.

As the left continues its pathetic pro-Hamas charade, the #AbandonBiden movement is not going anywhere, and it will only mean fewer votes for Joe Biden.

They don’t want appeasement; they want a complete reversal, a groveling apology, and a new policy. And if they don’t get it, they’ll burn Biden.

The Radical Left might think this is a smart move for them, but it is obviously a doomed plan and all it will do is help America become great again.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

DeSantis throws curveball that could shake things up for Trump


Trump is dominating in the polls and no one seems to be able to touch him. However, things are always changing.

And now, DeSantis threw a curveball that could shake things up for Trump.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis upped the ante in the Republican race last night, issuing a formal challenge to Donald Trump for a one-on-one debate.

This bold move comes after months of veiled swipes and escalating tensions between the two frontrunners.

“The voters deserve a chance to hear directly from the candidates,” DeSantis declared on “The Ingraham Angle.” “They deserve to compare our visions, our records, and our leadership qualities.”

He pointed to Trump’s recent criticisms – from Florida State’s playoff snub to COVID policy – and countered, “Let’s put it all on the table. Let’s have a real debate, not just Twitter jabs and Truth Social barbs.”

DeSantis’ call resonated with Laura Ingraham, who has long advocated for open and unfiltered candidate exchanges.

“The RNC’s debate rules need reevaluating,” she asserted. “The American people shouldn’t be denied this opportunity to witness a clash of ideas, to gauge the strength and substance of each contender.”

It’s no secret that Trump has opted out of all three official Republican primaries so far. He’s even skipping the upcoming debate in Alabama.

This strategic retreat, some argue, reflects his calculated approach to the race. Others, however, see it as a sign of weakness, an unwillingness to engage with a rising star like DeSantis.

DeSantis, fresh off his impressive dismantling of California’s Gavin Newsom, is riding a wave of momentum.

He’s not afraid to take on tough issues, from parental rights to border security, and he’s proven himself a formidable debater, capable of holding his own against seasoned political veterans.

The question now hangs heavy: will Trump accept the challenge? Will he step out of his self-imposed isolation and engage in a direct confrontation with the man many see as his most potent rival?

This isn’t about egos or theatrics. This is about offering the Republican electorate a genuine choice, a chance to assess the candidates beyond soundbites and social media sniping.

It’s about showcasing who has the vision, the experience, and the fortitude to lead the party and the nation forward.

DeSantis has thrown down the gauntlet. The ball is in Trump’s court.

Will he rise to the occasion, or will he continue to play it safe, leaving the voters to wonder what he might have offered if he’d dared to step into the ring?

The Republican primary race just got a whole lot more interesting. And the American people are waiting with bated breath to see if Trump will answer the call.

Donald Trump has nothing to prove. He dominates the polls, and he has a proven track record that countless Americans are thrilled with.

But even he admits that the RNC debates are a waste of time, so does that mean that we will see a Trump and DeSantis face-off?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics to find out.

New discovery in Hunter Biden case has blown things wide open


The Radical left continue to try and cover for Hunter Biden. However the truth is coming out.

And now new developments in the Hunter Biden case has blown things wide open.

Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings just took a shocking turn when the House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer dropped a bombshell today.

He revealed bank records that show Hunter’s company, Owasco PC, made monthly payments directly to Joe Biden himself.

Not some random account, but Owasco PC – the same entity Hunter used to rake in millions from China and other “shady corners of the world,” as Comer aptly put it.

And now Hunter is under investigation by the Justice Department for using Owasco to dodge taxes and commit other “serious crimes.”

However, there is even more and Comer dropped another bombshell:

Whistleblowers testified that the DOJ tried to block investigators from even asking about Joe Biden’s involvement.

Imagine that – the very department supposedly upholding justice trying to silence questions about the President’s own son. Sounds like a cover-up, doesn’t it?

Well, things just keep getting worse; Remember that “sweetheart plea deal” Hunter tried to cut with the IRS? Turns out, a federal judge rejected it thanks to those brave whistleblowers.

Now, with the lid blown off, Joe’s monthly payments from Hunter’s shady company are exposed for what they are – yet another piece in the Biden family’s influence-peddling puzzle.

This isn’t just about Hunter’s shady business dealings anymore.

This is about Joe Biden, the President of the United States, potentially cashing in on his son’s dirty money.

And the DOJ, the very institution meant to protect us, is trying to sweep it all under the rug.

The American people deserve answers. Joe Biden knew about these shady dealings, he participated in them, benefited from them, lies to the American people, and the DOJ tried to silence investigators?

The House Oversight Committee is demanding answers, and they won’t stop until they get them.

But the real question is, will the mainstream media finally cover this story honestly? Or will they continue to play along with the cover-up?

Enough is enough, and there is more than enough incriminating evidence against the entire Biden family, that they all need to be locked up.

We must demand accountability and consequences for the actions of this corrupt family that is tearing America apart.

Joe Biden is a corrupt, lying, and incompetent fool who is set on destroying this amazing country, and we must stop him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we report on the TRUTH in the news.

Top Democrat sued in a shocking turn of events


Under Democrat leadership, America has fallen into utter ruin. However, people are fighting back against the Radical Left.

And now, a top Democrat sued in a shocking turn of events.

This incident has shaken the Chicago community of Brighton Park with the news that their mayor, Brandon Johnson, has proposed to build a massive tent city for illegal immigrants.

Not only have residents vehemently opposed the plan since its inception, but state officials have now shut down construction after a bombshell report revealed the site may be a toxic landfill.

The proposal, which seeks to house a staggering 1,400 illegal border crossers, has been met with fierce resistance from residents who feel they were never consulted about the project.

They learned about it through the grapevine, a move that has only further fueled their anger. Even their alderwoman, Julia Ramirez, disavowed the plan, claiming she was kept completely in the dark.

As the backlash against the tent city grew, residents discovered that the city never even bothered to get construction permits.

This blatant disregard for city regulations has shocked and angered residents who are now questioning Johnson’s competence.

However, the mayor’s office has shamelessly defended its actions, claiming they don’t have to follow their own building codes for this project.

Well, residents are taking things into their own hands, and they are suing the city.

The final straw came when a newly released environmental report painted a horrifying picture: the proposed tent city sits on a potential toxic wasteland. Mercury-laden soil, anyone?

Johnson’s office, of course, tried to downplay it, claiming “limited” soil removal fixed everything. But the feds weren’t buying it. Construction is on hold, and Johnson’s dream of patting himself on the back for “helping” immigrants is quickly turning into a public health nightmare.

This entire saga exposes Mayor Johnson’s administration for what it truly is: deceitful, incompetent, and utterly out of touch with the people.

Brighton Park residents deserve better than to be treated like pawns in a political game. They deserve a mayor who respects their voices, their safety, and their community.

Johnson’s toxic tent city is a symbol of his failed leadership. It’s time for him to listen to the people, come clean about his lies, and finally scrap this disastrous project.

The health and safety of Chicagoans, not the optics of “helping” illegal immigrants, should be his priority.

This is just the latest example of Mayor Johnson’s disregard for the people he is supposed to serve.

His decision to ignore the concerns of Brighton Park residents and push forward with a plan that is both dangerous and illegal is a clear abuse of power.

The people of Chicago deserve a mayor who puts their needs first, not one who prioritizes political gain over public safety.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Republican leader demolishes Biden with the stroke of a pen


Joe Biden’s administration is a dumpster fire. But people were still shocked by this recent move.

And a Republican leader demolishes Biden with the stroke of a pen.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that he will sign a new law authorizing every police officer in the state to arrest illegal immigrants.

The law, which is expected to be signed in two weeks, comes as Texas continues to grapple with a surge of illegal crossings under President Joe Biden’s open border policies.

“Texas is having to step up and do even more to make sure that we deny illegal entry into the state of Texas and as a result… in two weeks I’ll be singing [the] new law,” Abbott said during an interview with Fox News.

The law, known as SB4, would make it a state misdemeanor to cross the Texas-Mexico border illegally. It would also allow a judge to order immigrants to return to Mexico.

Abbott said the new law is necessary to address the “extraordinarily bad” situation at the border.

He cited numbers from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and Yale University that showed between 16.8 million and 29 million illegal migrants currently living in the U.S. He also noted that about 3.8 million migrants have entered the country under President Biden’s watch.

“The problem is extraordinarily bad,” Abbott said. “The numbers are high, and that is because Joe Biden continues to lay out the welcome mat welcoming illegal immigrants into the United States of America.”

Abbott’s comments come as border sources told Fox News that authorities have encountered nearly 475,000 migrants with just over an additional 60,000 getaways in the fiscal year— some of whom have been reportedly said to be on the FBI terror watch list.

“That’s why Texas is having to step up and apprehend as many of these people as possible to make sure that they’re not posing a threat to our country, but this is a very serious existential threat to our country caused by Joe Biden,” Abbott said. “And that’s exactly why Texas is taking extraordinary steps to try to crack down on it.”

Abbott has taken a number of steps to address the border crisis in recent months.

In addition to sending buses of migrants to Democrat-run cities, he has also deployed deterrence buoys in the Rio Grande River and sued the Biden administration over its border policies.

The new law authorizing all police officers in Texas to arrest illegal immigrants is just the latest step in Abbott’s efforts to secure the border.

He is expected to sign the law into effect in two weeks.

Governor Abbott has taken steps that Democrats refuse to, even though they realize that Joe Biden is crippling the United States with his open border policies.

The cost of the immigration crisis is affecting not just Texas and other border states, but it is crippling the lives of countless Americans.

Joe Biden needs to be held accountable for his horrible actions as President, and there need to be immediate consequences.

Governor Abbott is wise to take matters into his own hands in his state, and more leaders need to do the same across the country.

This issue needs to be resolved immediately.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Biden betrayed in a shocking way and you wouldn’t guess who did it


President Biden has a number of enemies because of how vastly unpopular he is. However, what happened was astonishing.

And now Biden has been betrayed in a shocking way, and you wouldn’t guess who did it.

In a recent tweet, President Biden claimed to view the U.S. economy through the eyes of his hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

However, locals in Scranton say Biden is out of touch with the reality of their lives, and now Joe Biden has been betrayed by the people of his own hometown.

“This economy sucks,” said Robert Jones, a Scranton resident. “Everything’s going up except paychecks.”

Another resident, Kevin, said he is disillusioned with most of the political class. “I don’t think any of them see it through the eyes of the people. I think all of them see it through the eyes of Washington,” he said.

Jason from nearby Moscow, Pa., was not a fan of Biden’s recent tweet. He said it was “not accurate” and that Biden “doesn’t see the economy, period.”

“He has no idea what’s going on – it’s an absolute mess,” Jason said. “He abandoned Scranton when he was 4 years old. So the fact he keeps using Scranton is hysterical.”

The reality is that Joe Biden is massively unpopular, and he continues to drive voters away with his horrible rhetoric and his out-of-touch view on reality.

Joe Biden alone can be blamed for this atrocious mess the economy is in, and his lies that “Bidenomics” is working, are being exposed.

Nellie, of Scranton, was also critical of Biden’s economic policies. “I feel like it’s gotten worse… How could he be seeing it through our eyes?” she said.

Another Scrantonian named Mark told Fox News Digital it is hard to base Scranton on the nation or world when it comes to judging the economy.

“Washington is running all of the United States and should be. I know the governors make their own decisions and other elected officials – but enough is enough. The economy is horrible. Prices are way too high. People are struggling, and it’s just getting worse,” Mark said.

“I don’t understand why. Like, are we going back to Reaganomics that [sic] was so horrible that only the rich purveyed?”

Mark said he recently returned to Scranton after about 25 years living elsewhere, only to find it sadly reminiscent of down days from its past.

“It’s a dump. And it could be so much [better]… When I came back here several years ago, I thought, my God, that building’s still empty… and it’s like the same people sitting on the same barstools, you know, 25 years later,” he said.

“There are a lot of businesses that are wonderful – very expensive – but they’re wonderful. It’s like everywhere: Everyone’s trying to revive their downtown,” he said, adding that he left Scranton because of the lack of work.

When asked his thoughts on the now-81-year-old Biden running for re-election, Mark quipped, “Why don’t we bring back [Jimmy] Carter at 99.”

“I don’t really want to say I’m against him because of his age. But it’s to the point where I’m like: Really?”

These are just a few of the many Scranton residents who are critical of Biden’s economic policies. It is clear that Biden is out of touch with the reality of life for ordinary Americans.

The average American is struggling massively as a direct result of Joe Biden, yet he seems content to act like life is so amazing.

We need to hold this fraud accountable for the damage he has caused to this amazing nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

A Republican governor has just issued a chilling warning about China


The Radical Left wants to make friends with China and force the US to become reliant on the communist country. However, the truth of what is going on is terrifying.

And a republican governor has just issued a chilling warning about China.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has issued a chilling warning about China’s growing influence in the United States, asserting that the communist nation harbors a sinister agenda to “destroy” America.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Noem expressed grave concerns over China’s relentless acquisition of American agricultural land, particularly near strategic Air Force bases and other critical national defense assets.

She pointed to a staggering 5,300% increase in Chinese purchases of U.S. farmland over the past decade, highlighting a deliberate strategy to gain strategic control over America’s food supply and weaken its military infrastructure.

“They’re buying up our land near our strategic Air Force bases, our national defense resources,” Noem declared. “And they’re doing it in a way to continue to build this agenda to destroy the United States of America. They want to become the world’s dominating power. The only way that they do that is by eliminating the United States of America.”

Noem’s remarks underscore the growing threat posed by China’s economic and geopolitical ambitions.

The communist nation’s relentless pursuit of dominance has extended beyond military expansion and technological espionage to include strategic acquisitions of land and critical industries within the United States.

The governor’s call for action is both timely and urgent. Congress must heed her warning and take decisive measures to safeguard America’s national security and economic independence.

Chairman Mike Gallagher’s bill, which would empower the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to review and potentially block foreign land purchases near sensitive national security assets, is a crucial step in this direction.

The American people must also recognize the gravity of this threat and demand that their elected officials act with resolve to protect the nation’s sovereignty and economic vitality.

China’s aggressive agenda to undermine America’s interests cannot be ignored. It is time for the United States to wake up and take a stand against this insidious threat.

Governor Noem’s warning about China’s strategic land acquisitions should serve as a wake-up call for the American people and their elected representatives.

The communist nation’s relentless pursuit of power poses a clear and present danger to the United States, and it is imperative that action be taken to counter this threat.

China’s economic and geopolitical ambitions are well-documented. The nation has engaged in a pattern of predatory behavior, seeking to dominate key industries and gain strategic control over critical infrastructure.

The Biden administration has been far too accommodating, allowing China to advance its agenda at the expense of American interests.

A more robust approach, including stricter scrutiny of foreign investments, is necessary to protect the nation’s security and prosperity.

The American people must also be vigilant in safeguarding their nation’s sovereignty. We must demand that our elected officials take a firm stand against China’s predatory practices and uphold the nation’s economic independence.

The future of America depends on the ability of its citizens and leaders to recognize and confront the threats posed by China’s aggressive agenda.

The United States must heed this warning and take decisive action to protect its national security and economic independence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Obama official betrays Biden in high profile interview


Biden gained national fame as Barack Obama’s Vice President. Now it’s coming back to bite him.

Because this Obama official betrayed Biden in one high profile interview.

During the Obama administration, Leon Panetta, the CIA Director and Defense Secretary, advocated for a “more aggressive” response to attacks on US personnel in the Middle East.

He made the remarks on Saturday at the Reagan National Defense Forum, with former National Security Advisors Stephen Hadley and Robert O’Brien.

The moderator, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer, raised the issue of dealing with Tehran after dozens of attacks on US soldiers in Iraq and Syria by Iranian proxies in recent weeks.

“I would basically determine where those missiles are coming from — and we have the capability to do that … and then attack those positions immediately in order to make sure that they don’t do it again,” Panetta said.

“I would be much more aggressive about going after those that attack our U.S. forces,” he added before contending that Iran would rather lean on terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas rather than enter a war.

Retaliatory strikes by the United States on weapons facilities and other targets in response to the attacks, which have increased as Israel wages war on Hamas, have been “a little bit too selective.” Panetta explained.

“I want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile — they are going to die,” he added.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke at the same gathering in California, where he urged boosting US forces in the Middle East to support Israel and build up regional deterrence.

“As we are working to stabilize the region, Iran is raising tensions,” Austin said.

“And after attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria, our forces repeatedly struck facilities in Iraq and eastern Syria used by Iran’s [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] and by militias affiliated with Iran.”

He continued, “We will not tolerate attacks on American personnel. And so these attacks must stop. And until they do, we will do what we need to do to protect our troops — and to impose costs on those who attack them.”

Republicans in Congress have put pressure on the Biden administration to respond more firmly to the attacks by Iranian-backed groups.

“We’ve only hit back a few times. When we do hit back, it’s almost always at empty proxy warehouses or maybe proxy forces in Iraq and Syria,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said in a “Fox News Sunday” interview last week.

“It seems like the president wants to go out of his way to avoid Iranian casualties. I would target Iranians who are operating in Iraq and in Syria. I would also send a clear message to Iran if these attacks don’t stop immediately, then we’ll begin to threaten their assets.”

He went on to say: “The way to stop these attacks is not be fearful and hesitant and cautious in a response, but massive retaliation to make it clear we will not tolerate these attacks on Americans.”

It’s a scary day when a former Obama official sounds conservative compared to Joe Biden and his cabinet.

Unfortunately, Biden has no plans to defend the American people like he should.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This January 6th discovery completely flips the tables on the Democrats


Even years after the happenings of Jan. 6th, the Radical Left is still trying to punish people. However, the truth is being uncovered and people are shocked.

And now, this January 6th discovery completely flips the tables on the Democrats.

Explosive allegations have been made by Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, who claims that the FBI was deeply involved in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021.

He specifically asserts that the FBI had over 200 agents embedded within the crowd, including some dressed as Trump supporters before the doors were opened.

Higgins further alleges that the FBI infiltrated online chat groups, websites, and social media accounts across the country to monitor groups discussing objections to COVID-19 oppression.

He claims that the FBI effectively infiltrated these groups and initiated suggestions of potential violence or an act of occupation of the Capitol on January 6.

These allegations raise serious questions about the FBI’s role in the events of that day, and Higgins is not alone in his suspicions.

Others have also questioned the FBI’s involvement in the Capitol protest, including former President Donald Trump.

The FBI has denied Higgins’ allegations, but the evidence does raise major concerns. For example, recently released surveillance footage from that day shows protesters entering the Capitol after being let in by Capitol Police.

The footage also shows further police violence against those protesters, including beatings, tear gassing, and the shooting of an unarmed woman who was subsequently killed.

Over 1,200 Americans were arrested and charged for their participation in the protest.

Many of them were charged with misdemeanor trespassing, and many who did not even enter the building were charged as well.

The narrative from the Biden administration is that it was a “deadly insurrection,” but no one has been charged with insurrection, and the only person killed that day was an unarmed Trump supporter.

In light of these facts, it is understandable why there are questions about the FBI’s role in the events of January 6th.

If Higgins’ allegations are true, it would mean that the FBI was not only monitoring the protest but that it was actively involved in instigating and directing the violence.

This would be a major scandal, and it is something that needs to be thoroughly investigated. We cannot allow the FBI to get away with such a serious breach of public trust.

The FBI’s actions on January 6th raise serious questions about the agency’s commitment to upholding the law and protecting the rights of Americans.

If the FBI was indeed involved in instigating the violence at the Capitol, it would be a betrayal of public trust that cannot be tolerated.

We demand a full and transparent investigation into the FBI’s role in the events of that day.

The American people deserve to know the truth, and those responsible for any wrongdoing must be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Joe Biden just betrayed American veterans with the stroke of a pen


Biden’s policies have been so bad, it calls into question his sanity. You only need to look around to see the mess he’s made.

And Joe Biden just betrayed American veterans with the stroke of a pen.

It is no secret that Joe Biden hates this country, but now he has taken things too far and resorted to kicking veterans out of their houses.

In a move that has sparked outrage and resentment among American citizens, a 95-year-old Korean War veteran, Frank Tammaro, and over 50 other senior citizens, including seven other war veterans, were forced to leave their assisted living home, Island Shores Senior Residence, in Staten Island, New York, in September 2022.

The reason for their eviction? Making room for the illegal immigrants that Joe Biden has flooded this country with.

Tammaro, who served his country with honor and dedication during the Korean War, now finds himself displaced from his longtime home, struggling to obtain the healthcare aid he needs.

His daughter, Barbara Annunziata, expressed her outrage at the situation, stating, “It’s not fair to anybody.” She further criticized the city officials for prioritizing migrants over American citizens.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the Biden administration’s misguided policy of placing illegal immigrants at the forefront of its priorities.

The administration has recklessly opened the border to an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants.

Not only has Joe Biden completely opened our borders wide open, but he has been providing these illegal immigrants with an array of benefits, including free healthcare, housing, and education.

Meanwhile, American citizens are grappling with economic hardship, facing skyrocketing living costs and the agonizing choice between food and medicine.

This heartbreaking story poignantly illustrates the administration’s blatant disregard for American veterans and citizens.

Displacing a 95-year-old veteran to accommodate illegal immigrants is not only disrespectful and unfair but also a wasteful misuse of taxpayer dollars.

The Biden administration must immediately redirect its focus toward American citizens, prioritizing their needs and well-being.

It is imperative to secure the border to stem the flow of illegal immigration and address the pressing concerns of its own people.

The administration’s current approach is a disgrace and demands accountability for its detrimental actions.

The Biden administration’s misplaced priorities have resulted in countless stories like Tammaro’s, where American citizens are pushed aside to make room for illegal immigrants.

This pattern of neglect and disregard must end. It is time for the administration to acknowledge the plight of its own citizens and take decisive action to address their needs.

The American people deserve an administration that prioritizes their interests and well-being, not one that turns a blind eye to their struggles while showering illegal immigrants with benefits.

The Biden administration must rectify its misplaced priorities and work towards the betterment of all American citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates in the news.

New development in Trump’s NYC trial will leave your jaw on the floor


The Radical Left is pursuing Trump like nothing else. And they will stop at nothing to hinder him from running.

But now, a new development in Trump’s NYC trial will leave your jaw on the floor.

The civil fraud case against former President Donald Trump brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James is quickly unraveling.

Testimony from Deutsche Bank executives this week has directly contradicted the state’s allegations, making it increasingly clear that the case has no merit.

One executive testified that it is not unusual for loan clients to overstate their net worth and that the bank does its own due diligence in determining eligibility for loans.

This directly undermines James’s claim that Trump intentionally inflated his net worth to deceive the bank.

Another executive testified that the bank had benefited from its business relationship with Trump and had wanted to continue that relationship.

This also runs counter to James’s claim that Deutsche Bank was harmed by Trump’s alleged fraud.

The case is particularly troubling because it is the first in New York history in which a borrower is being sued for fraud when no one is claiming actual harm.

The state is seeking a $250 million fine against Trump and wants him to be forced to give up control of his businesses.

This is an outrageous overreach of power by the state. There is no evidence that Trump committed any fraud, and there is no reason to punish him for simply trying to do business.

The testimony from Deutsche Bank executives is further evidence that James’s case is a political witch hunt.

She was elected on a specific promise to use the courts to pursue Trump, and this case is nothing more than an attempt to fulfill that promise.

The people of New York deserve a better Attorney General than Letitia James. They deserve someone who is focused on upholding the law, not on pursuing political vendettas.

The testimony from Deutsche Bank executives is not only damaging to James’s case, but it is also damaging to the credibility of the entire legal system.

When politicians can use the courts to attack their political opponents, it undermines the rule of law.

The people of New York need to send a message to James and other politicians like her that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

They need to demand that the Attorney General’s office focus on its job of prosecuting criminals, not on harassing political opponents.

This civil fraud case against Donald Trump is a sham. There is no evidence that Trump committed any fraud, and there is no reason to punish him.

This is nothing more than a political witch hunt, and it is a stain on the legal system and it has shown the whole world what Democrats truly care about.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat is forced to eat his words after this spectacular failure


Democrats do everything in their power to deflect blame away from themselves. But sometimes you just can’t hide it anymore.

And this top Democrat was forced to eat his words after this spectacular failure.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is once again blaming “right-wing extremism” for the hellscape that is his crime-ridden city.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Johnson said that “right-wing extremists” have “targeted democratically run cities, and quite frankly, they have been quite intentional about going after democratically ran cities that are led by people of color.”

He also said that these “right-wing extremists” aim to create “division and chaos because that is what that particular political party has been about.”

The mayor’s comments are just the latest in a series of bizarre statements in which he has blamed right-wing extremism for Chicago’s problems.

In October, he said that “right-wing extremists” had been captured by an “unclean spirit.”

It is clear that Johnson is simply looking for scapegoats to blame for Chicago’s problems. The city has been plagued by crime for decades, and it is disingenuous to suggest that “right-wing extremism” is suddenly to blame.

The real problem is that Chicago is a poorly run city with a long history of corruption and mismanagement. Johnson is simply not up to the task of fixing it.

In addition to blaming “right-wing extremism,” Johnson has also blamed his predecessor, Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot, for the city’s problems. He has claimed that he inherited a “mess” from Lightfoot.

However, it is important to note that Lightfoot only became mayor in 2019. Chicago’s problems have been around for much longer than that.

The fact is that Chicago is a Democrat-controlled city that has been run by Democrats for decades. If anyone is to blame for the city’s problems, it is the Democrats.

Johnson’s comments are nothing more than an attempt to deflect blame from himself and his party.

He is a weak and ineffective leader who is more interested in playing politics than in solving the problems facing his city.

Johnson’s comments are not only outrageous, but they are also dangerous. By scapegoating “right-wing extremism,” he is only going to further divide the city and make it more difficult to address the root causes of crime which all stem from liberal policies.

The mayor’s comments are also a slap in the face to the hardworking people of Chicago who are struggling to make ends meet in a city that is constantly under siege by crime because of his actions.

Chicago is a great city with a rich history and a bright future. However, it is being held back by its inept and corrupt leadership.

The people of Chicago need a leader who is willing to take on the tough challenges facing the city and who will put the needs of the people first. Brandon Johnson is not that leader.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is a disgrace to his city. His comments about “right-wing extremism” are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to deflect blame from himself and his party.

The people of Chicago deserve better than Brandon Johnson. They deserve a leader who is focused on solving the problems facing the city, not on playing politics.

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