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Biden’s newest immigration scheme has American taxpayers outraged


Joe Biden’s handling of the immigration crisis in America has been a disaster. And leaders on both sides of the aisle are demanding a change.

But Biden’s newest immigration scheme has American taxpayers outraged.

It is not news to anyone that Joe Biden and his entire administration have horribly failed with the immigration and border crisis in America.

But with more and more Democrats and allies begging Biden to change things, people were hopeful that he would maybe listen.

However, this newest announcement is the exact opposite of the sort of things that anyone wanted to hear.

Joe Biden has announced that he will be rolling out a new “welfare” program for 6 million immigrants monitored by ICE.

This program is going to cost American taxpayers billions of dollars and will cripple our economy even more than it already is.

Before Biden became president, ICE was overseeing 3.3 million immigrants, but since Biden has become president, that number is up to 5.7 million.

The Biden administration planned a program called “Release and Reporting Management” that will provide free food, housing, and medical services to illegal immigrants.

The program is being compared by many to “welfare for illegals” and will come from taxpayer money and will need billions of dollars to be funded.

American taxpayers are suffering immensely already under Joe Biden, and he wants to make things even worse for us.

Energy prices, gas prices, cost of living, groceries, etc. are all at record high prices because of Joe Biden, and his solution is to take even more from already struggling Americans and give it to illegal immigrants.

Former ICE director Tom Homan said, “The RRM [Release and Reporting Management] is just a push by the open border advocates to provide welfare benefits to 6 million people.”

Homan further claimed, “They’re going to give legal assistance to illegal aliens at the taxpayers’ expense to fight the government.”

According to an RFI form, all participants of the program will receive, “legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services.”

The form also claims “These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support. Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance.”

Joe Biden continues to prove his incompetence and frankly, his hatred for America and all Americans as he creates more and more issues that do nothing for Americans but destroy their lives.

Biden’s actions are treasonous and are proof that he and his entire administration wants to dismantle and cripple America.

Americans are suffering more now than they have in decades, but Joe Biden continues to make things worse on purpose instead of trying to help in any way at all.

It is time for the American people to take the power back from these corrupt politicians and hold them accountable for their treason.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH even as the LEFT refuses to.

Shocking House Speaker announcement leaves many blindsided


The situation in the House has already been going on long enough. And people are getting desperate for a new speaker.

And now a shocking House Speaker announcement leaves many blindsided.

With the nation facing so much uncertainty, Democrats and Republicans alike are pushing to elect a new Speaker sooner rather than later.

Earlier in the week, Steve Scalise was nominated for the House Speakership in a secret vote.

He was expected to face off against Democrat Hakeem Jeffries in the election on the House floor.

However, as more and more Republicans announced their support for Jim Jordan or other potential candidates, things took a dramatic turn.

Just one day after being nominated, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise dropped out of the race for Speaker.

Scalise told reporters, “It’s been quite a journey. And there’s still a long way to go. I just shared with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for the Speaker designee.”

The House is nearing 10 days without an elected Speaker, and many people are wondering where the fractured House will go next.

Scalise added: “This country is counting on us to come back together. This House of Representatives needs a Speaker, and we need to open up the House again. But clearly, not everybody is there. And there’s still schisms that have to get resolved.”

These “schisms” are prominent in the House, and clearly on public display.

When Jim Jordan lost the nomination in a 113-99 vote, he endorsed Scalise and gave him his support, however many of his followers refused to do the same.

Rep. Dan Meuser stated that countless lawmakers encouraged Jordan to continue to run for the Speakership again after Scalise’s announcement.

Meuser said, “There are a number of people encouraging him — I’m one of them.”

Jordan said he would wait to make any announcements, but even if he does choose to run again, the opposition to his candidacy is once again mounting rapidly.

Scalise, for his part, declared that he would keep his House Majority position, but would wait to support any other candidate.

Scalise told reporters, “I’m not getting involved right now.”

However, Scalise shared his frustrations with fellow Republicans in this scathing remark:

“There’s some folks that really need to look in the mirror over the next couple of days and decide: Are we going to get it back on track, or are they going to try to pursue their own agenda? You can’t do both,” he said.

In the midst of all of this uncertainty with the speakership, the government is rapidly approaching yet another shutdown, Israel (one of the United State’s strongest allies) has declared war, and countless other issues are overwhelming the nation.

Scalise wrapped up his statements saying, “You still need to get a Speaker. And I’m going to continue to push as hard as we can to make that happen as quickly as it has to happen. But it wasn’t going to happen. It wasn’t going to happen today. It wasn’t going to happen tomorrow. It needs to happen soon.”

Many Representatives declared their surprise at Scalise’s decision to step down with House Majority Whip Tom Emmer stating “I did not expect Steve to do that.”

Regardless of who the speakership will pass to, it is clear and obvious that America needs a strong leader to step up and lead the nation in such times of uncertainty.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on the developing story.

Antifa’s ties to terrorism uncovered in alarming exposé


It is no secret that Antifa has terrorized America’s cities for years. Meanwhile, the Left pretends it doesn’t even exist.

And now Antifa’s ties to terrorism uncovered in alarming exposé.

A planned attack at the University of Pittsburg against Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles was recently thwarted, and the results have been astounding.

According to AntifaWatch, two residents of Pittsburgh were indicted regarding their actions in April.

The indictment targets married couple Brian and Krystal Dipippa and charges them with “ felony conspiracy, civil disorder, and use of an explosive to commit a federal felony.”

The two first came under suspicion when anonymous tips alerted university police that “anarchists were planning to attack the event.”

According to The Post Millenial, “The tip reportedly stated that the group met at the Big Idea Bookstore, a store in Pittsburgh that displays anarcho-communist and Antifa fliers, flags, and symbols.”

Apparently, members of the group promised to not allow the event to happen and started to share with the crowd details of incendiary devices.

During the event in April, Brian is seen throwing a large explosive object into a group of officers and then ducking behind his wife Krystal.

Once the FBI tracked down the couple and obtained warrants, they took laptops, cell phones, and thumb drives as evidence.

In an October 3 motion filed by federal prosecutors, they stated that DiPippa is an “anarchist who wants to harm police officers.”

They also added that “His actions on April 18, 2023 were not the result of a momentary lapse in judgment by a young man. Defendant Brian DiPippa is 41, not 21.”

They went on further to state, “He is all about anarchy and harming law enforcement officers. His residence displays the flag of anarchy. He espouses and celebrates the hurting and/or killing of law enforcement officers.”

In a journal obtained by law enforcement, DiPippa stated that “Kneecaps, groin, throat, and eyes — we get happy when cops keel over and die.”

In another section of the journal he writes, “I am a comedian who has made websites that aren’t funny, mostly serious-*ss political ones like idg, kolektiva, couple more, can’t say shh. I werk for the movement now, y’all made me a hundredaire. Never dols out to Soros, all though this bio is supposed to be about me, but see that’s how that sh*t happens, hence the rioting.”

This admittance is the tie that liberals refuse to acknowledge: extremists and terrorists are the ones behind Antifa.

The Radical Left tries to claim that Antifa is merely a social group and that there is nothing dangerous or wrong with its members, but this proves that many of these groups are backed and funded by extremists and terrorists who want to harm, maim, and kill.

Americans should know the truth and the truth is something that the Radical Left does not want people to know.

Antifa, BLM, and other radical extremist groups are not here to peacefully protest or exercise their First Amendment right; they are here to take over and destroy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the left will not.

Marjorie Taylor Greene makes shocking House Speaker announcement that is turning heads


The Speaker of the House position is becoming more and more important the longer it remains empty. However, no one knows who the Republicans will vote for.

But Marjorie Taylor Greene made a shocking House Speaker announcement that is turning heads.

On Wednesday, during the secret ballot vote, House Republicans nominated Steve Scalise to be Speaker of the House.

The vote was 113-99 for Scalise, however many are worried that he will not have the votes to win the speakership.

Jim Jordan is still receiving major endorsements for the speakership over Scalise, and many House members are worried that there will be a repeat of the situation with McCarthy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has made a major endorsement and announced her support of Jordan over Scalise.

MTG stated that even though Jordan did not receive the nomination during the secret ballot, she would still be voting for him on the House floor.

Greene wrote, “I like Steve Scalise, and I like him so much that I want to see him defeat cancer more than sacrifice his health in the most difficult position in Congress.”

She claims that the House needs a leader who can focus their entire efforts on issues that are weakening America.

She said, “We need a Speaker who is able to put their full efforts into defeating the communist democrats and save America. We must stop funding foreign wars – Ukraine. We must stop the weaponized government and hold them accountable. We must secure our border. We must protect our kids.”

While Scalise won the nomination, it appears that many other Republicans agree with Greene and they want a speaker who is fit and ready to dedicate their full attention to problems the nation is facing.

On Monday, Rep. Ralph Norman told reporters “I was honest with Scalise. I think his health is an issue. I don’t want somebody that is gonna deteriorate in the job. This is a tough job. You’ve got to be everywhere.”

However, Rep. Tony Gonzales endorsed Scalise and claimed that his wife had supported Scalise’s decision.

Jennifer is the one that has said, ‘I wouldn’t allow him to do this if he wasn’t healthy enough to do this,'” Gonzales said. “When his wife says, ‘We’re in this to win this’ — that’s all I needed to know.”

Scalise won the nomination and will face off against Democrat nominee Hakeem Jeffries, but many are worried about what will happen if Scalise does not receive the full support of House Republicans.

With MTG and other prominent House Republicans pledging to vote for Jordan, it will certainly be an interesting situation on the House floor.

Regardless of what happens, the needs of the American people remain the same, and voters are putting their trust in their elected officials to make the right decision.

America needs a strong leader right now, and we won’t get that from the White House.

So all many of us can do right now is look to the House of Representatives for that leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing situation.

Biden’s terrifying test results are in and they’re worse than you think


President Biden’s ability to lead has been in question for years. But now there’s no room for doubt.

But Biden’s terrifying test results are in and they’re worse than you think.

A recent poll has shown just how bad Americans believe the Biden border crisis really is.

While Joe Biden and many on the left want to act like there is no problem or crisis, American voters have made their voice heard and they believe there is.

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, the majority of Americans (54%) think that the current immigration influx under Joe Biden is making life harder for everyone.

The recent poll is a major jump from July when Reuters reported that “Some 48% of respondents said they agreed with a statement that immigration is making life harder for native-born Americans, compared with 37% who disagreed and the rest who were not sure.”

Rob Law, the director of the Center For Homeland Security & Immigration at the America First Policy Institute said that the shift from July til now has been stunning.

He said, “The poll reflects the reality that everyday Americans face, which is downward pressure on their wages from mass immigration, both legal and illegal. Americans are pointing the finger and place the blame squarely where it belongs, which are the open borders and mass migration policies orchestrated by the Biden administration.”

This poll highlights the real opinions of the people… no matter what the media and the liberals try to say.

The poll paints a very dire picture for Joe Biden as he is running for President again in 2024.

Biden’s support is failing across the board, and voters are blaming him (rightfully) for more and more issues.

Law highlighted this fact too and said, “If the Republican nominee hammers home those issues — not just the need for border security — but the pocketbook negative impact on American workers, there’s an opportunity to welcome more voters for into the [GOP] camp.”

Republicans know that Joe Biden is losing support, and they are using that against him to campaign.

Republican nominees are presenting solutions to numerous problems that Joe Biden has created in order to win over the average American.

It is not a hard task since so many Americans blame Joe Biden for so many of the issues facing us today: inflation, immigration, skyrocketing prices, regulations on air conditioning instead of helping America, etc.

Joe Biden is an utter failure and his time as president is swiftly and thankfully coming to an end.

The American people have had enough of his radical policies and his destructive methods, and polls are showing it.

Democrats leaders across the nation are starting to worry more and more as more Democratic voters have shifted their opinions and have started to blame Democrat politicians for so many of the issues they are facing.

In places like Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts, voters are making their voices heard and Democrats don’t like it.

The American people are taking back the power from these corrupt officials, and in 2024 Americans will win… not Democrats.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat mayor betrays own party with one major move


Democrats are not known for good or safe policies. And they do not seem to care about their own citizens.

But one Democrat mayor has betrayed their own party with one major move.

One major epidemic in Democrat cities is homelessness. It seems to be a problem pretty much predominately where the leadership are Democrats.

In a recent publicity stunt, one resident of Denver resorted to leaving fecal matter on the steps of city hall to show his immense frustration with the problem.

Thankfully, although the mayor of Denver is a Democrat, he seems to understand that there is a problem… something that most Democrat leaders are unable to do.

Mayor Mike Johnston may be a Democrat, but he calls himself a “nonpartisan mayor” for Denver, which is good news for the many citizens fed up with the homeless crisis.

Even though Joe Biden took nearly 80% of the deep blue city’s vote in 2020, the script is definitely flipping, and more and more voters are expressing their outrage towards the president.

The cost of living has skyrocketed to an unbelievable rate, the homeless epidemic is destroying the city, and more and more citizens are blaming Biden and his failed policies.

When Johnston took office in July, he immediately declared the homeless crisis to be what it really was: an emergency.

Johnston stated, “One of the things I love about this job as a nonpartisan mayor and about this task is people from all ends of the spectrum care deeply about this and getting it done.”

He then called his plan to curb the homeless problem “ambitious” to which many across the aisle have agreed.

According to recent reports from the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report from late last year, Denver has the 10th largest homeless population in the nation and was the fourth worst outside of cities from California.

Johnston declared “We now have one of the highest commercial vacancy rates of any city in America. We’re tied with San Francisco, which also has a very significant homeless population. So we know this is one of the major drivers that changes how people feel about their downtown. It affects visitors, affects tourists, affects who wants to work downtown, affects who wants to keep their businesses downtown.”

The mayor has done what almost no other Democrat has: admitted there is a problem, and sought out ways to fix the problem.

Places like Portland, LA, San Fransico, and many other Democrat cities are suffering similar fates: homelessness, crime, etc.

But unlike Denver, the Democrat leadership of these cities fails to admit there are any problems, and they never do anything to address the issue.

According to Johnston, the city of Denver has seen a 300% increase in the homeless population in the past five years alone.

“We view that as a crisis on all fronts,” he said. “That also means more encampments. It means more businesses who have people living or sleeping in front of their business, or in front of their home, or in their public parks.”

While Johnston’s plan might not be the best plan to tackle the homeless problem, he is acknowledging that there is a problem, and he is trying to fix it.

That is something that the Radical Left does not know how to do.

Mayor Johnston hopes that Denver will be an example for other cities facing similar problems and that they can work together to tackle the issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

This shocking bid for U.S. Senate could turn the tables


Senators are extremely important to the United States, and Democrats are always trying to control the Senate. But nobody saw this next move coming.

And this shocking bid for the U.S. Senate could turn the tables.

A former gubernatorial candidate for Arizona has announced her bid for a seat in the U.S. Senate.

That’s right, Kari Lake has announced to the nation that she will be running for a spot in the United States Senate.

She told supporters in Scottsdale, Arizona “I am not going to retreat. I’m going to stand on top of this hill with every single one of you. And I know you’re on my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the United States Senate.”

Lake announced that “Joe Biden has us on a fast track to total destruction. I’m ready to put him on an Amtrak back to Delaware.”

Kari Lake has been a major supporter of former president Donald Trump, and he has responded by wholeheartedly endorsing her.

In his endorsement of Kari Lake, Trump said, “In the Senate, we have to have a big, strong majority to help me push our America First agenda through and to push it through really fast. And that starts right here, tonight, by helping Kari Lake win in Arizona. She will win.”

Kari Lake will face off against Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb for the GOP nomination and the likely frontrunner for the Democrat party is Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego.

Gallego claims “Arizonans know exactly who Kari Lake is — and that’s why they rejected her the first time around.”

A Twitter account clapped back against Gallego claiming “[Gallego] doesn’t care, he hasn’t done a darn thing to help.”

Arizonans and Americans as a whole need strong leaders in the U.S. Senate, and we need people who aren’t afraid to push back against the Radical Left’s agendas.

Lake said, “I want to protect Arizona, and I want to protect the United States of America. I promise I will make you proud.”

That is the exact sort of leadership that Americans are so desperate for.

We are tired of Joe Biden’s destructive policies, and we need “America First” leaders and policies.

Instead of banning air conditioners and forcing energy prices higher, we need leaders who will secure our border and present policies that will benefit, not harm, America.

Americans must take back the power from the government and exercise our freedoms to elect strong leaders and politicians… not corrupt and weak ones.

We must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions…both good and bad.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news.

Biden has nowhere to hide after being caught explicitly funding terrorists


After what happened in Israel, many were hoping Biden would stop giving money to monsters. Well, that dream was short-lived.

But Biden has nowhere to hide after being caught explicitly funding terrorists

Joe Biden is a disgrace to Americans and the world, and he needs to be stopped at all costs.

His terrible leadership and horrible foreign policies are funding terrorist groups left and right; blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.

Joe Biden recently decided to restore funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which is of course being painted by the left as a “noble” move.

However, the agency has been facing accusations of funding and fueling radical Islamist groups and anti-Semitic hate in Gaza for decades.

Due to the recent attacks in Israel, this agency has faced even more intense scrutiny recently.

Joe Biden’s foreign policies have always been a disaster, but now many are wondering what his true motives might be.

Iran, for decades, has supported Hamas in their goal of the complete and utter destruction of the Israeli state, and Joe Biden willingly gave them billions of dollars.

The horrifying attacks and the blood of hundreds of innocents is on Joe Biden’s hands.

Joe Biden’s administration has boasted that they have given hundreds of millions of dollars to UNRWA which has been heavily criticized for their support of radical terrorist groups.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said in February, “We’ve provided over $890 million for Palestinians, including over $680 in humanitarian assistance for refugees in the region through UNRWA … When Secretary Blinken was in Ramallah, he announced another $50 million in funding for UNRWA.”

Under Trump, the United States cut funding to the agency when rumors surfaced that accused UNRWA of indoctrinating children and teaching them to hate Israel and Jews.

However, as soon as Biden took office, he immediately started up funding again for the agency associated with terrorist groups.

Breitbart claims that “years of evidence exists that, contrary to its claims of providing basic assistance to Palestinians, UNRWA has elevated pro-terrorist voices and indoctrinated children into jihad.”

As far back as 2007, the Jewish Policy Center has warned against the acts of UNRWA.

They warned, “Today, as UNRWA provides assistance in Gaza, it is directly providing financial and material support to the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Joe Biden cannot claim ignorance anymore. There is too much proof that shows he and his administration know the truth about this agency.

A U.N. Watch updated their investigation into the agency in March claiming that they found that the agency’s schools “regularly call to murder Jews, and create teaching materials that glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonize Israelis and incite antisemitism.”

Biden has knowingly funded terrorism and his acts are treasonous.

He is not fit to serve and should be removed from office immediately.

The American people must hold him accountable for his heinous actions and the blood of hundreds and thousands on his hands.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the Left tries to hide from you.

Biden just admitted his twisted priorities and it’s downright scary


The Biden administration has made countless questionable policy decisions since taking office. But this one might be the worst decision of them all.

Now Biden just admitted his twisted priorities and it’s downright scary.

The Biden administration has issued new regulations that once again negatively affect the day-to-day lives of Americans.

The new regulations from Biden will severely impact air conditioners and refrigerators and climate and energy experts alike warn that it will raise prices even more for American families.

The Biden administration is so focused on combating so-called “climate-damaging” hydrofluorocarbons that it has decided to once again cripple the American family.

Joe Biden is the worst leader Americans have ever had, and his “climate first” policies are destroying American lives.

One energy expert put it this way, “This is putting the climate agenda above the best interests of consumers.”

And I think that sums up Joe Biden’s presidency fairly well: putting X agenda over the best interests of Americans.

Joe Biden does not care at all about America or its citizens and instead cares about appealing to the destructive agendas of the Radical Left.

Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, stated “This is likely to raise the costs — it may raise it substantially — of your next new air conditioning system.”

Brett Schaefer, a senior researcher at Heritage Foundation, told Fox News “We’re dealing with a situation now where American consumers are being hit by inflation on goods such as food, fuel, products, appliances, and then we’re going to add on top of that a regulatory restriction that increases costs for all Americans related to something that is really important for people — especially in hot climates in southern states or in the southwest — which is air conditioning.”

The point made here is extremely important and it once again highlights the Radical agenda of the Left.

In a time when Americans are dealing with extreme crises, Joe Biden is going to spend our taxpayer dollars and resources on making things even more expensive for the average everyday American.

Instead of helping to lower the outrageous costs of gas, living, groceries, energy, etc, Joe Biden has made it clear that he wants to do the exact opposite: continue making things even more expensive.

Democrats and the Radical Left are more concerned with air conditioning units than they are in protecting American lives.

Joe Biden wants to ban all sorts of things that Americans use every single day, but he also wants to leave our border wide open to the crippling effects of mass illegal immigration.

He also wants to continue to raise prices and destroy America while sending billions to foreign countries.

When will the American people have enough?

When will we vote out these corrupt politicians who have a personal agenda to destroy our lives?

Americans, it is time to take the power back from the radicals, and we must start by voting these buffoons out of power.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue to bring you the TRUTH.

Lawmakers issue chilling terror attack warning to Biden


With everything happening in the world, terror attacks are on many people’s minds. And with tensions mounting, how will our leaders protect our nation?

Lawmakers have issued a chilling terror attack warning to Joe Biden.

Following the recent atrocities in Israel, both Republican and Democrat lawmakers alike are begging Joe Biden to secure the southern border of the U.S.

Seeing the ease with which Hamas militant terrorists broke across the Israel-Gaza border, many lawmakers in Congress are becoming increasingly worried for the security in America.

House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green has led the call for the U.S. to tighten its border security to help ease the emergencies in states like Massachusetts, New York, and Illinois.

Green stated that “Evil actors, including terrorist groups, are constantly seeking to exploit weaknesses in our national security.”

He went on further to draw up a comparison between the U.S. border and the Israel-Gaza Strip border.

He said, “The horrific and cowardly attacks on our indispensable ally Israel are a sober reminder that we cannot take our own homeland security for granted.”

Another representative from Texas, August Pfluger, stated that Joe Biden should be able to express “unwavering support” for Israel while also being able to acknowledge our own border security issues.

Pfluger stated, “Recognize the fact that his failure to secure our border is putting American citizens at risk as well.”

Since October of last year through August of 2023, border agents on the Mexico-United States border have caught 151 “non-U.S. citizens who, after being processed, were determined to be on the FBI’s terror watch list.”

That is frightening and should be a clear warning to all lawmakers in the U.S. and across the world.

Pfluger claimed, “We know that thousands of special interest aliens from the Middle East, hundreds of known and suspected terrorists, and thousands of criminals have been caught crossing our southern border.”

However, he went on further to say, “But this doesn’t begin to account for the possible terrorists likely to be among the 1.6 million gotaways who have snuck into our country illegally.”

Senator Tom Cotton brought up the fact that it “only took 19 al Qaeda operatives to kill nearly 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001.”

Representative Henry Cuellar, ranking member on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security stated that “Border security is national security. The horrific attacks in Israel reaffirm the need to secure our border and prevent terrorists from entering our country.”

All of these lawmakers are right: the United States needs to secure its own border, and our politicians need to be more concerned about our nation and our well-being than foreign powers.

The overwhelming majority of Democrats today want to send billions in aid to foreign countries while completely neglecting the needs of our own citizens.

And those on the Radical Left are doing this on purpose.

They want to see Americans suffer and they do not care about their oath or protecting their own citizens.

Joe Biden’s agenda is to see the United States fully crippled, and we cannot let that happen.

The American people must stop the Radical Left’s harmful ideologies from doing any more damage than they already have.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republican candidate drops out of race and makes unexpected endorsement


The GOP presidential field is thinning. Which means the competition is really starting to heat up.

And this Republican candidate dropped out and made an unexpected endorsement.

The Republican primaries are closer than you think.

The Iowa caucuses are set to kick off the pandemonium on January 15th, 2024 – just a three months away.

But some in the race have seen the writing on the walls and are throwing in the towel before it even starts.

Former Texas Rep. Will Hurd (R) became the second Republican to withdraw from the Republican presidential race on Monday night.

Hurd, who ranked towards the bottom of the primary field, struggled to garner even 1% in surveys, and never made it onto the debate stage, followed Miami Mayor Francis Suarez in withdrawing from the race in late August after failing to enter the first presidential debate.

“Unfortunately, it has become clear to me and my team that the time has come to suspend our campaign,” he said.

Hurd then went on to lambast Trump and his America First agenda.

“While I appreciate all the time and energy our supporters have given, it is important to recognize the realities of the political landscape and the need to consolidate our party around one person to defeat both Donald Trump and President Biden. I urge donors, voters, and other candidates to unite around an alternative candidate to Trump. Otherwise, we will repeat the same errors as in 2016. If the Republican party nominates Donald Trump or the various personalities jockeying to imitate his divisive, crass behavior, we will lose.”

He stated that he campaigned to protect “this experiment called America” and that the public deserved better options than President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

He also emphasized the importance of important topics that he believes Americans are not paying enough attention to, such as artificial intelligence, the impending Cold War with China, and the crisis on the United States’ southern border.

“Our nation deserves a leader who can unite us and navigate the complex challenges we face, particularly when it comes to our national security,” he said.

“I believe Ambassador Nikki Haley is the best person in this race to do that.”

“Ambassador Haley has shown a willingness to articulate a different vision for the country than Donald Trump and has an unmatched grasp on the complexities of our foreign policy,” he continued.

“I wholeheartedly endorse Ambassador Haley and look forward to supporting her for the remainder of this race.”

Of course, Hurd’s endorsement may not have much of an effect since he had such terrible numbers.

And with Trump at 58.7% according to FiveThirtyEight politics averages, we don’t think he has much to worry about.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump’s made one move that could propel him to the White House


It is becoming more and more clear that Donald Trump will be facing off against Joe Biden again for a bid for the White House. It looks like it will be a tight race.

But Trump’s made one move that could propel him to the White House.

Trump first ran with the campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again” and many would argue that is exactly what he did.

However, now that the Radical Left has held power for a few years, they have been doing everything they can to destroy America.

On Monday, Donald Trump held a rally in New Hampshire where he restated his promise to put America first.

An “America first” outlook and rhetoric could very well be what wins the White House in 2024.

Americans are sick and tired of Sleepy Joe and the entire Radical Left’s harmful agenda that seeks to destroy America and Americans at every opportunity.

Trump stated to the crowd and the world, “When I’m in the White House, the entire world will know that America is strong, America is safe, and that we are going to take care of our people.”

That is the exact kind of thing that Americans want to hear right now.

As Joe Biden and his administration have sent tens of billions to foreign powers while letting their own country rot, Americans are desperate to hear any “America first” rhetoric.

When the tragic Maui fires happened, Joe Biden made it clear where his priorities lay as he sent less than one-tenth of one percent to Hawaii that he had to Ukraine.

Americans have seen this and Trump has seen it too. He slammed Joe Biden in his speech claiming that Joe Biden puts America last.

“Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, environmental lunatics and maniacs first … everyone else is first,” Trump said.

Trump went on to emphasize his desire to put Americans first.

“We’re gonna take care of the women and men of our country; we’re not gonna worry about the rest of the world. We’ll do that where necessary, but we’ve gotta take care of our country because we’re losing our country.”

Many people admire his love for America and his pro-American policies, especially when they are compared with the harmful and dangerous policies of Joe Biden.

Trump understands that we have foreign allies and friends that will need our help, but that our own country will come long before them.

We need to make sure our border is secure, our economy is stable, and Americans are thriving before we can send tens and hundreds of billions to other countries.

That is one thing that Joe Biden cannot seem to wrap his mind around…

Joe Biden’s harmful policies are being felt all across the nation, and his time has come: Joe Biden needs to be removed from office for his treasonous actions.

He has repeatedly made it clear that he does not care what happens to America or its citizens and that his sole goal is to destroy the lives of Americans.

We must take back the power from the politicians and hold them accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that no one else will.