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One Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason

The National Guard are only ever put on alert for emergencies. This one goes far beyond anything we’ve ever seen before.

And one Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason.

The National Guard is one of the last lines of defense in case of a foreign invasion.

Luckily, they are usually only used for disaster response and emergency aid distribution in the case of natural disasters.

But now America is faced with an actual invasion, though not from any military.

Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has directed the deployment of 100 Virginia National Guard troops to assist Texas in reducing the flow of illegal drugs and people trafficking into the United States at the southern border.

“The ongoing border crisis facing our nation has turned every state into a border state,” Youngkin said in a Wednesday news release.

“As leadership solutions at the federal level fall short, states are answering the call to secure our southern border, reduce the flow of fentanyl, combat human trafficking and address the humanitarian crisis.”

Youngkin signed the executive order to help Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, which will begin combating drug smuggling and human trafficking in 2021.

“Given the intensive resource demands on Texas, the dangers posed by the fentanyl crisis, and impact of the border crisis on criminal activity to the Commonwealth, Virginia will do its part to assist the State of Texas’ efforts with the coordinated deployment of Virginia National Guard soldiers to assist in key aspects of their mission.”

Youngkin asserted that five Virginians die each day from fentanyl overdoses, and enormous quantities of the narcotic are transported across the border.

“We cannot allow Texas to take on the sole responsibility by themselves,” he said.

According to local media, Democrats in Virginia slammed Youngkin’s decision, calling it ludicrous and hypocritical.

“Youngkin for President has officially jumped the shark — our VA National Guard troops shouldn’t be used to further presidential ambitions much less fight a MAGA culture war in Texas of all places — Never thought I would see my state so compromised,” Democratic State Sen. Scott Surovell tweeted.

Republican governors, including Florida Governor and 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, have announced intentions to send over 800 National Guard troops and 300 law enforcement officers to Texas in response to an increase in border crossings prompted by the repeal of Title 42.

Despite assertions by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that illegal border crossings were declining, DeSantis cautioned that the situation at the southern border “is going to be really, really bad — potentially very shortly.”

President Joe Biden ordered 1,500 active-duty troops to join the 2,5000 National Guard personnel stationed at the border in early May.

“For 90 days, these 1,500 military personnel will fill critical capability gaps, such as ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support, until CBP can address these needs through contracted support,” Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told Fox News in a statement.

“Military personnel will not directly participate in law enforcement activities.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Democrat says the dumbest thing you’ll hear all year

Democrats are constantly trying to out “progressive” one another. That leads them to say some really wild stuff.

But you need to hear this Democrat say the dumbest thing you’ll hear all year.

Former Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has said some pretty dumb stuff in recent years.

You may remember that she once claimed that the sound of a heartbeat of a baby in the womb is actually an invention of the patriarchy.

That’s pretty bad, but another Democrat is trying to one-up her stupidity with another level of stupidity that we didn’t think was possible.

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) recently went on CNN and found himself discussing fossil fuels with CNN’s Wolf Blizter.

Bowman outright claimed that America needs to ban fossil fuels right now to prevent “severe weather events.”

“We need to stop drilling for fossil fuels completely … we need an expedited way to get us to clean, renewable energy, or we will continue to have these severe weather events,” Bowman said to Wolf Blitzer.

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp (R), took to twitter to put Bowman on blast noting that banning fossil fuels in America would literally cause a collapse of the economy as it would put millions upon millions of Americans out of work in an instant.

“Far left Democrats are doubling down on policies that would destroy the American energy sector and hurt hardworking Americans struggling through 40-year-high inflation,” Kemp said on Twitter.

This just might take the cake for one of the dumbest things a radical progressive in Congress has said in recent months.

There is absolutely zero evidence that fossil fuels are leading to “catastrophic weather events” like the radical climate extremists would have you believe.

No respected scientist has ever tried to attribute any tornado, hurricane, or tsunami to the use of fossil fuels in America.

Furthermore, banning fossil fuels would quite literally destroy the American economy once and for all.

So many factories are reliant on fossil fuels to be able to produce their products. It’s not just cars that rely on fossil fuels to operate.

So-called “natural resources” like wind and solar do not have the infrastructure to support the American energy grid and our economy as a whole. Bowman’s suggestion would be the end of America, simple as that.

But we wouldn’t expect a dense Democrat like Bowman to be able to understand that.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris made one move that sent Dianne Feinstein spiraling

Feinstein’s mental competency has come into question recently. And she couldn’t have ever guessed Kamala would do this to her.

And Kamala Harris made one move that sent Dianne Feinstein spiraling.

According to a report on the problems the elderly legislator encounters as she wants to continue serving, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was perplexed by the sight of Vice President Kamala Harris presiding over the upper house last year to cast a tie-breaking vote.

The New York Times report comes as the California Democrat fights to reassert herself in her position after recovering from shingles and encephalitis.

According to Times White House writer Annie Karnie, Feinstein voiced surprise to her colleagues when she saw Harris appear in the Senate in one of the numerous tie-breaking votes the vice president has had to cast in fulfilling her constitutional job.

“What is she doing here?” Feinstein inquired about the report’s specifics. According to the publication, the observation was made by “a person who witnessed the scene.”

Feinstein’s continuous health fight has been well documented, according to Breitbart News.

She only returned to work in D.C. earlier this month, following a three-month leave during which she apparently experienced “several complications,” many of which were not publicly acknowledged, after being hospitalized for shingles.

During her absence, several Democrats asked for Feinstein to resign from her seat, which she flatly refused.

She agreed to have her place on the Judiciary Committee temporarily filled, but Republicans blocked Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) from replacing her with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) in April.

Despite the calls to quit, Dianne Feinstein has stayed strong – or at least her staff has – in the idea that she should remain in office.

Meanwhile, 52% of registered voting Democrats in California believe she should resign.

Among Democrats, two-thirds believe she is unfit to serve regardless of if she resigns or not.

Despite this, Feinstein has one steadfast friend left in the political realm.

According to Breitbart News, Hillary Clinton has warned her to stay in the face of Republicans who would seek to obstruct Democrats from filling a vacancy on the Judiciary Committee and stall President Joe Biden’s judicial choices.

You read that right, Hillary Clinton doesn’t even care that Feinstein is nearing the end of her life.

Instead she wants her to be wheeled around Capitol Hill on life support if it means sticking it to Republicans.

A word of advice, maybe don’t take tips from a two-time failed presidential candidate.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s military has been attacked by an unexpected enemy

President Biden is in no way fit to be commander-in-chief. What’s happened now proves it.

Because Joe Biden’s military has been attacked by an unexpected enemy.

There’s certainly a lot of threats that America has to deal with right now.

China is growing bolder by the day in it’s threats not only against Taiwan, but against the United States as well.

Russia fears basically no one and will continue to wage its war on Ukraine which the Biden administration has become involved in as well by proxy.

Iran now openly admits that they are trying to enrich uranium to a point that it can be used for nuclear weapons.

International relations are a mess and it’s a real threat for America’s safety and our military.

But the greatest threat comes from within, at least according to Ron DeSantis.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, now a Presidential candidate, has attacked Joe Biden’s military as a “woke” mess that has become a shell of what it once was.

DeSantis called out Biden’s radical political ideologies as the reason why military recruitment has fallen off a cliff.

What’s noteworthy is that Ron DeSantis served in the military as an officer in the U.S. Navy back in 2004.

He was even promoted to lieutenant back in 2006. So he knows a thing or two about the military.

“The military I see is different from the military I served in,” DeSantis lamented.

DeSantis said that the United States has “great values” and that we have a “great Constitution” but that those great American ideas need to be defended by the military.

Otherwise there will come a day when there is no more American ideals left because America’s enemies will close in.

He pointed to the rapid drop off in military recruitment as a major problem facing the U.S. military today.

The U.S. Army Secretary, Christine Wormuth, noted recently that the Army is way behind schedule with regards to recruitment goals.

“The No. 1 priority, in my mind, for this year — is fixing our recruiting problem,” Wormuth said at a public event.

“The sacrifices that people have made throughout history matters. We would not be free people without those sacrifices,” DeSantis added with regards to the military.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat betrays Joe Biden on live TV

Biden’s list of allies is growing thin. They can see the writing on the walls and they’re jumping ship.

And now this top Democrat betrayed Joe Biden on live TV.

The polls are showing that Joe Biden’s career is on life support.

His FiveThirtyEight poll average is at a dismal 41.8% approval and 54.4% disapproval.

And the trend line has been going down for months. Back in mid-March, his approval was 44% – awful, but notably higher than it is today.

This has led many to question not only if he is going to win re-election against the Republican candidate, but if he’ll even be able to secure the Democrat nomination.

With so much uncertainty swirling around, the vultures are out to capitalize on anything they can.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) chastised President Joe Biden for negotiating the debt ceiling with House Republican leaders, stating he is “frustrated” with the president’s approach to the problem.

Since the outset, Biden and Democrats have advocated for a “clean” debt ceiling rise that does not address expenditure, whereas Republicans advanced a bill in the House in late April that would cut spending and strengthen work requirements for social welfare programs.

Some Democrats, including Bowman, have criticized the Republican plan and urged Biden to invoke the 14th Amendment to avoid talks with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and other GOP leaders.

“I’m very frustrated,” the member of the “Squad” told CNN.

“I called on the president to invoke the 14th Amendment and mint a coin and do not negotiate with hostage-takers.”

“I mean, we don’t negotiate with terrorists globally. Why are we gonna negotiate with the economic terrorists here that are the Republican Party?” Bowman went on.

However, the White House stated on Thursday that the “only option” for averting a debt default is to talk with Congress and reach a solution.

When asked if the president may invoke the 14th Amendment, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that the best course of action is “for Congress to do their jobs without conditions.”

The House is leaving for Memorial Day, with the assumption that it will return early next week to vote on a revised debt ceiling bill.

Biden and Republicans have stated that the conversations are progressing positively, but they remain far apart on key issues such as job requirements and budget.

The United States is anticipated to default on its debt as soon as June 1.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Supreme Court hit Joe Biden with a truly devastating blow he didn’t see coming

Gone are the days of the Supreme Court being an arm of the Democrat establishment. That spells bad news for the Democrats.

And the Supreme Court just hit Joe Biden with a truly devastating blow that he never saw coming.

If there’s one thing Democrats hate the most about Donald Trump’s four years in office, it’s that he got to nominate three judges to the Supreme Court bench.

That completely flipped the Supreme Court back to a strong conservative, 6-3 majority.

No longer can the Democrats look to the Supreme Court to do their bidding and strike down popular conservative laws, particularly on the state level.

Every once in a while, though, a ruling will come a long that really sends shockwaves through the political world.

The Dobbs ruling from June of 2022 was one of those as it sent the issue of abortion back to the states by effectively overturning Roe v. Wade.

The Supreme Court’s latest ruling is another one of those, but not because of what it does, but because of how it was ruled.

On Thursday this week, the Supreme Court ruled in the favor of Idaho land owners who were stuck in a feisty lawsuit against the EPA over whether certain land falls under the regulation of the EPA.

What’s notable about this ruling is that it was a unanimous decision from the Supreme Court. All nine Justices ruled in favor of the Idaho couple.

Justices Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, all liberal Justices, agreed with their conservative counterparts on most of the details in the case.

You’ll remember that Ketanji Brown Jackson was even nominated by Joe Biden back in the first half of 2022.

Joe Biden called the ruling “disappointing” and said that the Supreme Court is “defying the science.”

The Supreme Court over the past two years has been handing down rulings that the radical Left have been losing their minds over.

The Dobbs case really set off the firestorm with regards to the Supreme Court.

There’s been calls from the Left for Justice Clarence Thomas to be impeached from the Supreme Court because of phony ethical violation charges.

And they’ve also been working around the clock trying to figure out a way to pack the Supreme Court and drown out the opinions of the conservative Justices.

But in recent months, the Supreme Court has shown unity that has dealt a real blow to Joe Biden and the Democrats.

The Supreme Court all agreed in an official statement that Clarence Thomas has violated no ethical rules and that the calls for his impeachment were uncalled for.

And now they’ve ruled unanimously on a major case against the Biden EPA.

It’s amazing how quickly the tables have turned.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump blindsides top Republican with ruthless statement

Former President Trump wants nothing more than to get back in the White House. He’s willing to do anything to make that a reality.

And Donald Trump blindsided a top Republican with this ruthless statement.

Trump has made it clear that if Republicans don’t stand behind him, they will feel his wrath.

Unfortunately for him, those warnings fell on deaf ears when it came to Ron DeSantis.

The conservative firebrand from Florida announced his candidacy for president Wednesday evening in a massive Twitter even with billionaire owner, Elon Musk.

As expected, the fight between Don and Ron amped up with Trump sending his first barrage against the official DeSantis campaign.

President Donald Trump shared a spoof video showing a phony list of persons who were listening to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-FL) campaign launch, including Adolf Hitler, the Devil, and others.

The video, which was shared on Instagram and Truth Social, included a false audio conversation that showed the guests arguing with each other while the governor’s doctored voice attempted to make his big announcement. The false tape also included Trump’s own doctored voice, which cut into the call.

“Hold your horses, Elon [Musk]. The real president is going to say a few words,” the fake Trump said.

“The Devil, I’m going to kick your a** very soon. Hitler, you’re already dead. [Former Vice President] Dick Cheney sounds like he’ll be joining Hitler very soon. [World Economic Forum Chairman] Klaus Schwab and [billionaire] George Soros, I’m putting both your a**** in jail. And Ron DeSanctimonious can kiss my big, beautiful 2024 presidential a**. Trump 2024, baby! Let’s go.”

The bogus film also featured an avatar claiming to be the “FBI,” who only appeared for a brief minute. Apart from being posted on Trump’s own accounts, it is unclear who made the film or who was involved in it.

The video was released shortly after DeSantis launched his candidacy for president in 2024. The governor’s real announcement contained technological issues, which drew derision from Trump supporters.

“Ron DeSantis’ botched campaign announcement is another example of why he is just not ready for the job,” Trump-aligned Make America Great Again Inc. spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in a press release titled “Failure to Launch” on Wednesday.

“The stakes are too high, and the fight to save America is too critical to gamble on a first-timer who is clearly not ready for prime time. President Trump is the proven leader that will be ready on day one to turn the country around.”

More than 400,000 Twitter users attempted to follow DeSantis’ announcement after 6 p.m., but it abruptly crashed.

Twitter Spaces crashed roughly 20 minutes after its first introduction, however it was soon restored.

Others saw the technical difficulties as good news for DeSantis, pointing to the overwhelming server traffic that shut down Twitter.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden just had the rug pulled out from under him by this military order

Joe Biden refuses to lift a finger on the southern border crisis. But now a decision has been made for him.

Because now Joe Biden’s had the rug pulled out from under him by this military order.

Across the country, Republican Governors have grown sick and tired of Joe Biden’s failure to address the very real problems at the southern border.

Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border, and crimes and drugs have devastated the southern cities in states like Texas and Arizona.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced weeks ago that Florida would be sending National Guard troops to Texas to help contain the southern border crisis as best they can.

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves followed suit with the same action as well.

Now, the National Guard is getting another order, this time from the Governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee.

Bill Lee has announced that Tennessee will be sending 100 of its National Guard troops to Texas to help them address the spiraling southern border crisis.

Bill Lee said that since the federal government refuses to address the issue, he is authorizing the troops to Texas to provide the “critical support”.

“America continues to face an unprecedented border crisis that threatens our nation’s security and the safety of Tennesseans,” Lee said in an official statement.

“The federal government owes Americans a plan to secure our country, and in the meantime, states continue to answer this important call to service. I am again authorizing the Tennessee National Guard to help secure the Southern border, and I commend these troops for providing critical support,” he continued.

Governor Bill Lee’s team says that the National Guard members will be helping with border patrol, patrolling roads, as well as assisting with local operations.

Tennessee’s Adjutant General says that the troops are “capable” and will “continue” to respond to the “call for aid”.

Lee previously sent around fifty troops to the Texas southern border back in December of 2021.

This doubling of that aid indicates just how serious the southern border crisis is getting.

The Biden administration is saying that since Title 42 has ended, the southern border has been completely “under control” and “quiet.”

But we all know that’s a bald-faced lie.

The Americans actually in the southern states like Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, all know that the issue is getting out of hand.

But it’s not like you can expect Washington, D.C. suits to understand a lick of that.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden just did the unthinkable to an IRS whistleblower

The Biden administration is known for being vindictive. But this went way too far.

Because Joe Biden just did the unthinkable to an IRS whistleblower.

On Monday, records given to Congress revealed that all of the investigators probing into tax fraud and related offenses committed by President Biden’s son Hunter Biden had been fired.

The new whistleblower is a former IRS special agent who worked on the Hunter Biden case from the time it was initiated in 2018 until last week, when he was suddenly removed from the case for unknown reasons.

Like his superior, who will testify privately before the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday, this agent has gone public with his displeasure with the Justice Department’s handling of the probe.

In new disclosures to Congress, the two IRS whistleblowers detail lengthy charges of retaliation and say they raised concerns internally for years that the issue was being pushed under the rug.

Despite receiving millions of dollars from overseas associates who communicated with then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter, 53, allegedly refused to pay taxes on the money.

After the IRS supervisor in charge of the investigation since January 2020 contacted Congress on April 19 to complain about “preferential treatment” and false testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland, he and his 12 colleagues were removed from the case.

After a heated meeting in October where IRS and FBI concerns about delay were discussed with an anonymous US attorney, new records given to Congress reveal investigators were kept out of discussions with prosecutors much earlier.

Last week, the Office of Special Counsel and the U.S. Congress received a fresh whistleblower retaliation complaint.

The newer whistleblower, who has been involved in the investigation since 2018, emailed seven high-ranking IRS officials on Thursday, including Commissioner Daniel Werfel, saying he was fired for doing the “right thing,” which he says is raising internal worries about the Justice Department “acting inappropriately.”

The government doesn’t appear to care about the human repercussions of its decisions, the agent added.

The IRS commissioner has not responded to the second whistleblower’s email despite assurances from his representatives last week that he will not react against legally safeguarded internal disclosures of misconduct.

However, the DC field office’s number two criminal investigations official chastised the agent and suggested that he may have committed a crime.

In a letter sent out on Friday, Lola Watson, the IRS’s assistant special agent in charge of the DC field office, stated, “You have been told several times that you need to follow your chain of command.”

Monday, lawyers for the first IRS whistleblower sent a letter of worry to Werfel, expressing their fear of “reprisals” that are “unacceptable and contrary to the law.”

Though congressional sources have named Hunter Biden as the subject of the IRS inquiry, neither whistleblower has done so publicly.

New documents given to congressional leaders suggest that the supervisor has been voicing concerns internally since the summer of 2020.

Newly released documents reveal that he also claims to have been the victim of retaliation in the form of January’s being passed over for a prestigious task committee in favor of a less experienced colleague.

The first leaker claims that on October 24, 2022, an assistant US attorney and a DOJ tax division attorney demanded that the IRS hand over “all his emails related to the case” and “made a similar request of the FBI.”

Supposedly, the FBI was “shocked by it, and the FBI refused.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking betrayal sends Donald Trump into a blind rage

Donald Trump has enjoyed being the front-runner in the 2024 Republican race. But this could change everything.

And this shocking betrayal sent Donald Trump into a blind rage.

If there’s one person that Donald Trump has set his crosshairs on other than Joe Biden, it’s been Ron DeSantis.

As the only real threat to Trump in the polls, it only makes sense that Trump would throw some jabs out there.

While it can get messy, what everyone has to remember is that anyone who puts their hat in the ring for the presidency is in it to win it – sometimes it gets heated.

For DeSantis’ part, he is set to announce a formal campaign this week, and with it comes a report that many of Trump’s former allies are jumping ship.

According to a source, more than 100 former Trump administration employees have formed an organization to support Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ likely White House candidacy in 2024.

Based on his record as governor of Florida, supporters of the so-called “Eight-Year Alliance” contend that DeSantis is a “proven winner” who “does what he says.”

Fox News reported on Monday that the new coalition is supporting DeSantis because they believe he is a viable contender who could serve two terms as president.

Members told the news site that they want to prevent their former boss, former President Donald Trump, from “immediately becoming a lame-duck president” if he wins a contest against President Biden in 2024.

Former acting Assistant Attorney General Jesse Panuccio, former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Will Bushman, former Counselor to the Secretary and White House Liaison at the Department of Labor Pedro Allende, former Senior Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce James Uthmeier, and Principal Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Commerce David Dewhirst are among those named in the report as members of the “Eight-Year Alliance.”

The full list of ex-Trump administration personnel expected to back DeSantis has not been released.

According to Fox News, Trump administration veterans are “proud” of their work for the 45th president and do not wish to criticize him, but they are now “wholeheartedly” supporting DeSantis.

DeSantis is likely to file the necessary papers with the Federal Election Commission and formally enter the presidential race this week, setting up a high-stakes showdown with Trump.

Most 2024 GOP primary polls show Trump leading DeSantis by double digits, but some recent polls suggest that in head-to-head matches versus Biden, the Florida governor wins while Trump loses.

If he runs, DeSantis will join Trump, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and conservative radio talk show personality Larry Elder in the GOP race in 2024.

But really it boils down to DeSantis and Trump.

As it stands, the Morning Consult primary support tracker has Trump at 58% and DeSantis at 20% of support among Republicans.

The next highest is Mike Pence with 6% – basically dead-on-arrival.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden lashed out a reporter for asking one simple question

President Biden can’t stand when he’s given anything other than softball questions. One journalist didn’t get the memo.

And Joe Biden lashed out a reporter for asking one simple question.

When you build your policy behind closed doors away from the eyes of the public, it makes answering questions almsot impossible.

That’s part of the reason Joe Biden has rarely done live press conferences, opting to send his Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, out to do his dirty work.

But he had nowhere to hide this time.

President Joe Biden instructed reporters to “shush up” while answering a question about debt limit negotiations during a news conference at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, on Sunday.

“Are Republicans negotiating in good faith?” a reporter asked.

The President started to say, “It goes in stages,” before he was interrupted by another reporter. He responded with “Shush up okay.”

“This goes in stages, and what happens in the first meetings wasn’t all that progressive.” he continued.

“The second ones were, the third one was, and then what happens is the carriers go back to the principles and say this is what we’re thinking about and that people put down new claims.”

“I still believe we’ll be able to avoid default and we’ll get something decent,” Biden concluded.

Can you imagine the media field day if President Trump had spoken to a reporter like that? It would’ve made headlines on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and the rest.

Congress is now negotiating an increase in the national debt limit. According to Reuters, the Treasury Department has warned that if an agreement is not reached by June 1st, the US will default on its debts.

During the press conference, the President called the Republicans’ proposals “unacceptable.” He said, “It is time for Republicans to accept that there is no bipartisan deal to be made solely on their partisan terms. They must also relocate.”

According to NPR, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and President Biden chatted on the way home from Japan on Sunday.

“My discussion with the president, I think, was productive,” McCarthy said.

“Look, he’s sitting on Air Force One, he had been sitting in meetings with other world leaders, and it’s hard to try to get that update as we’re going across there. I think we can solve some of these problems if he understands what we’re looking at, but I’ve been very clear to him from the very beginning, we have to spend less money than we spent last year.”

Before meeting with President Biden on Sunday, Speaker McCarthy stated, “Unfortunately, the White House moved backward,” adding, “He actually proposed spending billions more next year than we spend this year.”

Republicans want to raise defense expenditure while reducing all other expenditures. According to sources, they are also pressing to extend the Trump-era tax cuts.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump is furious about what DeSantis just did to him

Trump versus DeSantis is proving to be a major showdown. Tensions are already heating up.

And now Donald Trump is furious about what DeSantis just did to him.

Recently, the Trump campaign cancelled an event in Iowa citing concerns for the weather interrupting the campaign stop.

Ron DeSantis was also scheduled to go to Iowa during that time, but instead of cancelling, he proceeded with his scheduled stops there.

He attended a Sioux Center event that brought hundreds of conservatives to watch Ron DeSantis speak in lieu of Trump’s missing appearance in the city.

What happened there is quite interesting and might shock you.

DeSantis spoke about how he approaches governing Florida and what he thinks governing should be about versus what most politicians make it out to be.

“Governing is not about entertaining. Governing is not about building a brand or talking on social media and virtue signaling,” Ron DeSantis said at the event.

“It’s ultimately about winning and producing results,” he added.

A couple of Americans attending the event were caught on camera approaching Ron DeSantis to give him their two cents.

One gentleman advised DeSantis to not “worry about Trump” and “tell people what they need to hear” instead.

Another gentleman approached DeSantis and said that he was prepared to vote for Trump again, but has instead switched his opinion to be in support of Ron DeSantis.

Of course, these are just two anecdotal pieces of evidence that don’t share the whole picture of where conservative voters are at in terms of supporting Trump or DeSantis.

But what’s interesting is that the critical state of Iowa for the primaries seems to be up in the air for the most part.

A poll conducted in the state found that about 74% of Iowa Republican voters would vote for Trump but are completely open to voting for other candidates like Ron DeSantis.

So while Ron DeSantis may be leading the polls at this time, there’s a ton of voters who may yet change their mind because both Trump and DeSantis are strong picks.

While the media wants to make Trump and DeSantis out to be sworn enemies, the truth is that they are caught in a very important race for President.

Obviously both men want to have a shot to beat Joe Biden and both men believe they are the ones to do it.

The good part in all of this is that conservative voters have two incredibly strong men to pick from to kick Joe Biden out of office come November 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.