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Nancy Pelosi may never recover from this shocking attack at a town hall


Former House Speaker Pelosi has been a leading Democrat for decades. But that all came to an abrupt end.

And Nancy Pelosi may never recover from this shocking attack at a town hall.

The Democrats have a leadership problem.

Most of the establishment leaders of the party are aging out of their posts – just take a look at Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer.

With all of those years of experience comes either a history of failures or successes.

And unfortunately for Nancy Pelosi, her career has been marred with failure after failure.

Hecklers at a local town hall made sure she’ll never forget that fact.

Several hecklers interrupted Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) speech with economist Paul Krugman, accusing her of being a “war criminal” and a “sad old drunk.”

On Monday evening, Pelosi and Krugman appeared at The City University of New York’s Graduate Center. Yet, Pelosi’s address was interrupted four times by hecklers. The hecklers yelled at Pelosi about foreign policy and corruption.

One heckler said Pelosi belonged in the “hellholes.”

“You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell,” the heckler screamed as she was removed from the event.

“For some reason, you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war. Hey, why is it that you did not admit that there were no WMDs in Iraq?

“You lied us into a war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan. Now over 90 percent of those people are impoverished and are dying,” the heckler continued. “Why don’t you tell the truth about Nordstream?”

According to a video released on Twitter, Pelosi’s supporters in the audience were heard booing the heckler.

“Why did we destroy Nordstream? You’re leaving millions of Germans without energy,” the heckler continued. “People like you should be arrested, you are a war criminal!”

Once security removed one heckler, another stood up and resumed the yelling.

“Hey congresswoman, I came to see a warmonger but you’re a sad old drunk! What happened? When you went to Taiwan, were you looking for Ukraine? Did we blow up the Nordstream on accident or on purpose?” The man shouted. “Did you know about that? … You’re a war criminal by definition Ms. Pelosi. You got some nerve.”

“You goddam war criminal! How many people have died in your f***ing name?” the heckler added.

After that, two more hecklers stood up but were soon removed by security.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis has Joe Biden freaking out because of one poll

Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to carve their path to victory for 2024. That’s what the Trump indictments are all about.

But Ron DeSantis has Joe Biden freaking out because of this one poll.

The American people can see the Trump indictments for what they really are: a politically-motivated move to get Trump out of the 2024 picture.

Their scheme may not even work as there’s no legal precedence for being able to charge a former President they way they are, especially with the statute of limitation in mind.

But even if the Democrats succeed, they have a new problem that is not going away anytime at all that has Joe Biden sweating bullets.

A new poll that just came out this week shows that Trump may not be the biggest opponent for the Democrats over the next several years.

A Mason-Dixon poll of Florida voters has indicated that Ron DeSantis is leading Donald Trump in a hypothetical primary match-up.

The results were fairly close, but Ron DeSantis had a statistically five point significant lead over Trump at 44-39%.

The poll also found that DeSantis is more popular among Republican voters in Florida by about sixteen points with DeSantis getting a favorability rating of 87% compared to 71%.

According to the poll:

Even among regular Republican primary voters, DeSantis is significantly more popular than Trump. Among GOP voters, DeSantis’s favorable recognition is 87%, compared to 71% for Trump. Trump’s negatives with Republicans (19%) are almost triple those of DeSantis (7%).

It’s noteworthy that as far as the hypothetical match-up goes, the study carries a 4 point margin of error either way, which does make up the majority of DeSantis’s five point lead.

Yet, the study does show that it is statistically probable that, at least in Florida, Ron DeSantis would edge out Trump during the primary.

How the rest of the Republican primaries would go is anyone’s guess, but Florida is one of the most important states to win for a Republican seeking the Presidential nomination.

What’s more important here than the fact that Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump would be in a very close race against each other in the Republican primaries is that Joe Biden and the Democrats shouldn’t be so quick to assume their troubles are gone if Trump is out of the picture.

Even if Trump was found to be convicted, which many legal experts are saying is unlikely to say the least, Ron DeSantis would be waiting in the wings with a campaign that’s just as powerful as Trump’s, if not more.

We all know Joe Biden’s approval ratings are down in the tubes. The two biggest factors of Presidential re-electability have always been approval rating and the state of the economy.

If you combine that with two other major factors in Ron DeSantis having a very high approval rating and the reality that the economy is struggling, and Joe Biden is going to have a tough time being re-elected in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden makes sick joke, and no one’s laughing


President Biden is a gaffe machine. It’s like he’s never been let out in public before.

And Joe Biden made a sick joke, and no one’s laughing.

With all eyes on Donald Trump as he’s arrested and indicted on 34 felony charges, many in America have forgotten about Joe Biden.

But just when Biden thought he could get away with a lie, conservatives jumped on him.

President Joe Biden frequently uses Twitter to boast about his achievements while in office, particularly in the area of the economy. But when he made a similar boast on April 1, things took a turn for the worse, and critics immediately dismissed it as an April Fools Day hoax.

Biden started off by asserting that the economy was in a mess when he came office, as he has done on several occasions. He omitted, however, that COVID regulations were to blame for many Americans’ unemployment as well as the closure of numerous small businesses.

“When I took office, the economy was reeling. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses had closed – and millions of Americans had lost their jobs,” Biden tweeted. “We got relief to small businesses fast to jumpstart the strongest recovery of any major economy in the world.”

Biden’s tweet was sent on April 1st, and a lot of detractors quickly seized on this coincidence to claim that it was a joke.

“I love a good April Fool’s joke,” the U.S. Ministry of Truth tweeted in response.

The president’s Twitter account received praise from Doug Powers for sharing “the best April Fool joke” of the day.

Others merely pointed out the inaccuracies in Biden’s remarks, highlighting the context that was absent (specifically, the forced lockdowns and closures brought on by COVID), and contended that the economy would have stabilized once things opened whether or not Biden had taken any action.

“Small businesses were closed and people lost their jobs by mandate. The small relief program the SBA put forth under your admin was sued for discrimination, and promised funds were pulled from them last minute in a disgraceful maneuver. Otherwise, great tweet,” Carol Roth tweeted.

“When you took office, inflation was at 1.4% and gas was $2.39/gal. Today, inflation is at 6% and gas is $3.50/gal. Real wages have fallen for 23 straight months. The list goes on and on and on,” Jake Schneider added.

Twitter’s Community Notes even fact-checked the president, noting that the missing context actually made a big difference.

“Context is needed to remind readers that President Biden took office in January 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which had started to spread early in 2020, causing significant business closings and job loss,” one of the noted read.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top lawyer releases stunning statement about Trump indictment


Many political talking heads are weighing in on the Trump fiasco. But none as big as this one.

Because a top lawyer just released a stunning statement about the Trump indictment.

Americans are watching with bated breath to see how the Donald Trump indictment situation plays out over the next several weeks.

Of course, Trump has his enemies who are saying he’s just being “held accountable” for his actions.

Meanwhile, many conservatives have been coming out in support of Trump calling the indictments from the Manhattan grand jury a sham and an attack on our justice system to target Trump.

You may be curious what a respected lawyer and constitutional scholar thinks about the Manhattan DA’s actions, because ultimately, this will be a battle played out in the legal space rather than a purely political one.

Such a lawyer has in fact now weighed in, and his answer doesn’t look good for the Democrats.

Mark Levin is one of the most well-respected constitutional scholars and lawyers in the nation, and that includes his colleagues who disagree with him politically.

Levin weighed in on the Trump indictment situation saying that the attempts to indict Trump were a “war” on conservatism. He also said that the Manhattan DA should be “disbarred.”

Appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Levin said that this is the time for conservatives and the Republican party to come together to fight the Democrat Party’s nonsense.

“Every Republican in the country, every conservative in the country — I don’t care what kind of conservative you are — we must circle the wagons and defeat the Democrat Party,” Levin said on Fox News.

“… this is a battle where the Democrat Party has now dragged the country into tyranny,” Levin added.

Levin continued on, saying that the Democrat Party is the party of “Pravda”, which was the official newspaper for the communists in Soviet Russia.

“Now, they want to decide who the Republican nominee for president will be,” Levin ranted. “The Democrat Party is the party of Pravda, it’s the party of Stalin.”

Then Levin argued that Alvin Bragg, the New York County D.A., should be held accountable for this injustice and “disbarred” altogether so they can never use their legal status to target anyone else unfairly ever again.

“Their D.A.s are out of control. Alvin Bragg should be disbarred. Rather than wringing our hands, let’s take some action.”

Lastly, Levin noted that the reason this is ultimately happening is because it benefits Joe Biden and the Democrats in the 2024 election because Trump is the leading candidate.

Joe Biden is an extremely vulnerable incumbent with awful approval ratings and he could very well lose to Trump in a 2024 rematch.

“The only person this benefits doesn’t benefit justice, it benefits Joe Biden. That’s it,” Levin finished.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying plot against a conservative uncovered


The world is going to hell in a hand basket. And the Left is spearheading it all.

And a terrifying plot against a conservative uncovered.

The Left will use political violence whenever they find it politically useful.

Back during the BLM riots, they acted as if the rioters had no other option than to burn down cities and loot.

But when January 6th happened, they claimed that conservatives were instigating an insurrection to take over the government.

Their rhetoric is dangerous and putting everyone’s lives at risk.

And this conservative found that out the hard way.

Alfred Ferrara, 59, of Cleveland, and Mary Schroeder, 67, of Hudson, Ohio, were charged with resisting arrest, inciting terror, and criminal trespass after threatening to shoot up a restaurant where Steve Bannon was presenting his talk program on Tuesday.

According to WKBN News, after threatening Bannon, the two drove away and smashed their car into a nearby sewer plant, becoming entangled in human waste and various raw filth.

According to WFML News, the two headed to the Original Roadhouse in East Palestine, where Bannon was recording his show, and Ferrara threatened to “get his gun and shoot up the place.” 

According to police, Ferrara was escorted from the premises by a security team.

Ferrara is then said to have fled in a car driven by Schroeder, who later drove the car into a solids-holding tank at the sewer plant, submerging it.

Ferrara was able to exit the vehicle, but Schroeder, who was inebriated, was trapped inside and was later liberated by cops.

Ferrara was discovered hiding behind a building and resisted arrest, according to WFMJ. 

While authorities were arresting Ferrara, Schroeder allegedly talked back to the policemen and became stuck in human feces, which required police to get her out before they arrested her as well.

Ferrara was released on bond after pleading not guilty to inciting panic, trespassing, disrupting public business, and resisting arrest.

Schroeder was released on bond after pleading not guilty to trespassing.

They are currently being held at the Columbiana County Prison.

East Palestine, Ohio is the American town dealing with the fallout from a Norfolk Southern 50-car train wreck on February 3 that spilled dangerous chemicals into the community.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis has huge news for Donald Trump that changes his future


Donald Trump has been poking fun at Ron DeSantis for months now. But he might want to extend an olive branch.

Because Ron DeSantis has huge news for Donald Trump that could change his life.

Almost everyone in the conservative circles came out in support of Donald Trump against the sham indictments that the Manhattan DA office brought against the former President.

Everyone can see that this is injustice on display that the Democrats have been behind all along.

Even one of Donald Trump’s likely opponents in the 2024 Republican primary cycle, Ron DeSantis, has said that the indictments are garbage.

But he’s also made something else very clear that could help Donald Trump legally. So Trump may want to change his tune about Ron DeSantis very quickly.

Ron DeSantis took to Twitter to make known the fact that he thinks the way the Democrats are using the justice system to attack their political opponents is simply wrong.

“The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head,” DeSantis wrote. “It is un-American,” he added.

DeSantis went on to say that the Manhattan DA is “bending” and “stretching” the law to get what he wants for his political agenda.

“The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent.”

Finally but critically, DeSantis said that Florida would “not assist in an extradition request” for Donald Trump from the Manhattan District Attorney.

“Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda,” DeSantis said.

This could be a pretty important friendship for Donald Trump should he seek protection from the Democrats who are obviously bypassing the rule of law to get what they want.

Some outlets have reported that Trump will be turning himself in for an arraignment on Tuesday of next week, so it’s unlikely that DeSantis will even have to deny an extradition request.

But this does signal that Ron DeSantis is more interested in seeing justice served here for Donald Trump rather than holding a grudge just because Trump called him some names.

DeSantis may be an ally that Trump could lean on in this process, and Trump would be wise to lean on the massively popular Florida Governor as much as he can.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Breaking: Nine American servicemen lost in line of duty


The military was dealt a devastating blow. Americans’ hearts go out to the fallen.

Because nine American servicemen were lost in line of duty.

As members of the United States Armed Forces, America’s servicemen are tasked with defending this great nation.

They go through months of grueling training to prepare for anything our enemies throw at us.

No matter what, there is always a risk involved.

And unfortunately, America just learned that once again.

Two Army HH-60 Black Hawk helicopters collided in Kentucky on Wednesday night during a training exercise, killing nine military men.

There have been few facts provided concerning the crash, which occurred at 10:00 p.m. Local time difference between two helicopters from the 101st Airborne Division.

The accident occurred in Trigg County, near Fort Campbell.

“The crewmembers were flying two HH60 Blackhawk helicopters during a routine training mission when the incident occurred. The status of the crew members are unknown at this time,” the 101st Airborne Division announced in a statement.

“The command is currently focused on caring for the servicemembers and their families.”

The division first verified many “casualties,” but an Army officer subsequently informed ABC News that everyone on both helicopters had died.

“We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected. @kystatepolice, @KentuckyEM and local officials are responding. We will share more information as available. Please pray for all those affected,” Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said on Twitter.

Beshear announced early Thursday morning that he would be traveling to Fort Campbell in response to the crash.

“This morning I will be traveling to Fort Campbell to support our troops and their families after last night’s tragic incident. More information will be released later this morning,” he said.

The crash occurred in the woods, according to Kentucky State Police. At 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, Fort Campbell will hold a press conference. to share further facts about the occurrence.

Local resident Nick Tomaszewski told WSMV that he heard the accident after seeing the helicopters fly by.

“So it’s nothing out of the norm to see helicopters, we see them all the time, but tonight there were two that were coming kind of straight up over our house, headed straight northbound,” he said.

“I told my wife, ‘wow, those look really close tonight’ for whatever reason … about a minute later, they were coming across and there was a large explosion in the sky almost look like a firework went off. And then the entire tree line lit up.”

The nation mourns and prays for the families who lost their loved ones.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Elon Musk just betrayed conservatives with one devastating blow


After buying Twitter, Elon Musk promised free speech would reign. That turned out to be a lie.

Because Elon Musk just betrayed conservatives with one devastating blow.

In the wake of the shooting of a Christian school that rocked Nashville, Tennessee, conservatives have highlighted that the school was targeted for its beliefs.

Democrats, on the other hand, want nothing more than to kick this story to the curb after finding out the shooter identified as transgender.

Republicans aren’t going away that easily – they’re highlighting a so-called “Trans Day of Vengeance” against those who disagree with gender ideology.

But Elon Musk appears to be silencing their voices.

Elon Musk’s Twitter has restricted accounts of prominent conservative politicians, journalists, and activists who are raising awareness about radical transgender activists calling for a “Trans Day of Vengeance” ahead of a mass shooting at a Nashville Christian school carried out by a transgender woman.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s was suspended after she allegedly tweeted an image of a poster advertising the impending “Trans Day of Vengeance” event, which is held by the Trans Radical Activist Network.

“My Congressional account was suspended for 7 days for exposing Antifa, who are organizing a call for violence called ‘Trans Day of Vengeance,’” Greene said. “The day after the mass murder of children by a trans shooter.”

Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, stated in a second tweet that photos of the billboard are being automatically removed for fear of inciting violence. Conservatives and others raising awareness about the issue are the ones whose photographs are being erased. Until the latest crackdown, Elon Musk’s censors had no problem with the initial tweets of the poster uploaded by transgender activists.

“We had to automatically sweep our platform and remove >5000 tweets /retweets of this poster,” she said. “We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them. ‘Vengeance’ does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok.”

Irwin also stated in another tweet, “We have not applied any strikes to anyone.” Just restricted the media,” to which Greene responded by saying, “This is a lie.”

Greene is not the only Twitter account that has been suspended for raising awareness about what extremist transgender radicals are planning.

Sean Davis, the CEO of the Federalist, was also suspended for allegedly breaking Twitter’s policies surrounding “violent speech.”

“The cold-blooded mass murder at a Christian school in Nashville by an apparent transgender person came just days before a planned ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ organized by the Trans Radical Activist Network,” Davis tweeted.

Andy Ngo, a journalist and novelist, was also barred from using Twitter after reporting on the “Trans Day of Vengeance.”

The “Trans Day of Vengeance” banner promotes a rally taking place this weekend in Washington, D.C.

The radical transgender activists are apparently planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” protest outside the Supreme Court on Saturday, where they will complain about the purported “hate from the world.”

“We need more visibility,” the banner says, before urging people to rally in Washington, D.C. to “stop trans genocide.”

The tragedy comes just days after 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale — who reportedly thought she was a man — walked the halls of Covenant School in Nashville, killing three children and three adults before being apprehended by authorities.

Police reacting to the horrific shooting fired many times at the transgender until she was eventually taken down, bringing her mayhem to an end at Covenant School.

When reporters questioned if there was “any reason to believe that how she identifies has any motive for targeting the school,” Nashville Police Chief John Drake responded, “There is some theory to that,” implying that transgender propaganda played a factor in Hale’s motivation.

“We have a manifesto,” Drake revealed. “We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date of the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Host on “The View” exposes herself as a babbling buffoon


The View has never been a very highly regarded show for political commentary. But now they’ve really stepped in it.

Because this host on The View just exposed herself as a babbling buffoon for all to see.

Leftists always seem to think that countries in Europe like France, Switzerland, or Sweden are somehow utopias where everyone works about 30 minutes a day and lives in mini mansions with no worries in the world.

This is, of course, not the case.

While the Left secretly hates America and wants to demonize the United States at every chance they get, the reality is that there’s no nation quite like America.

No other country in the world has any law in their constitution or constitution-like documents that guarantee the rights that Americans are guaranteed with the First Amendment.

Something like free speech is something that radical Leftists take for granted anytime they criticize America as an evil state.

But this is the opinion you’ll see from the hosts of the show “The View.”

The women on The View are in freak out mode now that there’s a bunch of states that have outlawed abortion since Roe v. Wade was effectively overturned with the Dobbs ruling that came down from the U.S. Supreme Court bench in June 2022.

In fact, one host on the show said that she is “upset 24 hours a day” because she lives in the deep red state of Florida.

Co-host of The View, Sunny Hostin, started out by saying that she thinks Finland is such a great place to live because they have free health care and offer a year of guaranteed maternity leave to the women who work in their country.

Nevermind the fact that their population is literally 60 times smaller than that of the United States.

Their military is also laughably small compared to America’s military as well.

“All those life stresses that we worry about — like, ‘How am I gonna pay for my kids’ school? How am I gonna pay for my house? How am I gonna do this?’ — they don’t have it! They’re just hanging out!” Hostin ranted.

According to Hostin, everyone’ just rich over in Finland and no one ever worries about paying for housing or schooling. Sorry to break it to her, but that’s not the case.

Then Ana Navarro chimed in lamenting the fact that she lives in Florida. But she didn’t just say she doesn’t like it, she said she is upset “24 hours a day.”

“Maybe if you lived in Florida you would be upset 24 hours a day too,” Navarro said.

Behar also said “time to move” in response to Navarro.

Navarro would later go on to say that maybe Finland isn’t a great option because they have far too many white people and complained about the fact that they don’t have “Cuban restaurants” and tacos to her liking.

She also then seemingly talked herself out of moving to Finland because of how cold it is there compared the Florida.

So it almost seems like Finland isn’t such a great idea for her, right? That’s the thing with radical Leftists and “progressive” ideologues.

They are insufferable because there is not contentment with them. Everything is about how racist, sexist, and bigoted everyone else is compared to them.

So living in Florida has become a nightmare for her that she can’t wake up from. When in reality, Florida has actually become one of the most desirable places to live in the entirety of the United States, and thus the world.

Ron DeSantis certainly has had a hand in seeing that happen over the past few years.

But sure, Ana Navarro and Sunny Hostin, continue to be mad because you live in a conservative state that doesn’t let kids get indoctrinated into “woke” gender ideology.

We bet you won’t leave, though.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

All hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie

Democrats have a proven track record of lying to the American public. Some things never change.

And all hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie.

One of Joe Biden’s biggest failures as president has been his utter failure at the southern border.

Thanks to his leadership, over six million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since he took office.

For reference, that’s more people than the entire population of Colorado – and it’s more people than the population of 29 other states.

That also doesn’t factor in the the number of illegal immigrants who “got away” from Border Patrol and the ones already living in the United States.

After years of failure, you would think the Biden administration would admit defeat and reverse course…you’d be wrong.

Instead, Biden is pushing the laughable claim that it’s actually Republicans who have caused the crisis at the southern border.

President Biden was subjected to the wrath of the Twitter ratio. Republicans want to eliminate federal funding for border security after he declared “MAGA” on Saturday.

“MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security – a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country,” the president tweeted. “We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.”

Biden’s tweet contained a photo of himself shaking hands with a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer from his first and only trip to the border in January, in El Paso, Texas. Getty Images saw Biden briefly speaking with CBP officers seated inside a mobile X-ray truck on the Bridge of the Americas border crossing.

Conservatives quickly took notice of the post, and Twitter users heavily “ratioed” it, giving it significantly more unfavorable replies than retweets and likes.

Biden made a quick trip to El Paso in January after facing harsh criticism for not visiting the border since entering office, despite the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants continue to enter the country unnoticed every day.

After nearly two years in office, the president stated in December that he had not visited the US-Mexico border because “there are more important things going on.” He’d already made 59 trips to Delaware and had stopped for ice cream at least eight times.

Border Patrol authorities collected more than 800 pounds of fentanyl between ports of entry this fiscal year, which began in October, despite ongoing concerns about the deadly substance entering the country.

The commissioner of the United States Border Patrol told senators earlier this month that the agency does not have operational control of the country’s southern border and that migration levels were “crisis” in some areas. This week, it was also announced that Border Patrol has already encountered one million migrants in fiscal year 2023.

On March 9, Biden unveiled his budget proposal, and while House Republicans have yet to release a plan, the president has targeted a proposal from the House Freedom Caucus.

“MAGA House Republicans put out extreme budget proposals that would eliminate funding for over 2,000 border patrol agents – undermining our ability to combat drug trafficking,” Biden tweeted on Tuesday. “My budget keeps our borders secure while expanding legal pathways for migrants seeking asylum.”

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., blasted Biden’s claim, tweeting, “A total fabrication. In your 2024 budget proposal, you call for billion-dollar cuts to border security operations and ICE. By the way, it took you 80 years to get that picture.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden’s heart stopped when he heard this news

Biden’s ability to serve as Commander-in-Chief has come into question lately. Now we suddenly have our answer.

Because President Biden’s heart stopped when he heard this news.

Despite every attempt by Democrats to shift focus away from Biden’s age and mental competency, it’s destined to take center stage.

Every day seems to bring a new gaffe, misstep, or creepy story from President Biden.

Major media personalities outside of the fake news media are starting to broadcast their disdain loud and clear.

As he discussed potential Biden family links in China and the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Joe Rogan claimed Wednesday that President Joe Biden has been “in that lying business forever.”

During Wednesday’s episode of Spotify’s “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the presenter was discussing the absurdity of attacking former President Donald Trump while disregarding Biden and his family with his guest, mixed martial artist Jorge Masvidal.

“They just don’t want him [Trump] president again,” Rogan said. “Biden is so old … you hear him talk. He’s so old. He’s so compromised. You watch him talk years ago, he was never an impressive guy.”

“He lied a lot about his record and his education background, he lied about a bunch of things,” the podcast host added. “He’s a goofy old politician. … He’s been in that lying business forever.”

Masvidal said “the China money that he’s [Biden’s] been getting for years, hooking up his son [Hunter Biden], the computer — denying the computer — when it’s like ‘Bro, you can see it!’ Before the FBI declared that this was real, I was already watching videos of him.”

Rogan agreed and said, “They suppressed it off of Twitter, and the fact that the liberals keep saying that there’s nothing to that, like, ‘What are you talking about?’ If that was Trump and Donald Trump Jr. was doing street crack with hookers in Vietnam and getting foot jobs, you’d be —”

“And getting $10 million from these places where he’s not equipped to have those types of jobs,” Masvidal interjected, with Rogan mentioning Hunter’s work with the oil and gas company Burisma in Ukraine.

“Yes, he [Hunter] was getting money from China and from Ukraine,” Rogan agreed. “I mean, it’s wild.”

“And those are the same people that he’s [Biden’s] giving our tax dollars to,” Masvidal replied, before the podcast host admitted he’s terrified the president is going to get the U.S. into a war.

“It’s terrifying to me that the Left are the ones that are behind this, encouraging it, when the Left was always anti-war,” Rogan concluded.

As previously noted, the podcast host has been a critic of Biden and has expressed concern that the president’s cognitive abilities are “deteriorating.”

Following the president’s comments about defending Taiwan against China and expressing “solidarity against Russia’s aggression against Ukraine,” Rogan earlier stated that having Biden in office is “f***ing dangerous.”

With Joe Rogan’s podcast being one of the largest shows in the world, Democrats are sweating.

If more people learn just how bad off Biden is and how corrupt he has been, their 2024 hopes are shot.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House was CAUGHT red-handed in this ridiculous lie

Americans are waking up to the lies Joe Biden and his administration are pushing on the public. What just happened will only add fuel to the fire.

Because the White House was CAUGHT red-handed in this ridiculous lie.

Think back to the summer of 2020…

Remember when Black Lives Matter was burning down American cities, causing billions of dollars in damages and killing countless people?

What about the mob of Democrat politicians who called to defund the police and instead replace them with social workers?

Or the fact that Baltimore, Minneapolis, Portland, and many other liberal cities DID defund the police and have since reversed course thanks to crime increases?

Well, the Biden administration says this never happened…it’s actually Republicans who want to defund the police.

The Biden administration is accusing House Republicans of wanting to “defund or abolish” law enforcement, putting a new twist on a contentious issue normally championed by more progressive Democrats.

According to a statement obtained by Axios, the White House is preparing to claim that the House Freedom Caucus’ recently released budget would “make communities less safe” because it proposes cutting funding for 11,000 FBI personnel and freezing hiring at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

The reduction in budget for the FBI and ATF follows the rhetoric of numerous prominent Republican senators and committees alleging that these agencies are being weaponized to target conservatives. Since obtaining control of the House, Republicans have been scrutinizing the “weaponization of the federal government,” with a special focus on the FBI and the Justice Department as a whole.

Several Conservatives, including Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), have called for the abolition of the FBI and the Justice Department entirely.

“These same House Republicans who opposed the President’s bipartisan reforms and are now threatening to defund or abolish law enforcement agencies,” White House spokesman Ian Sams said in a statement.

The White House’s remarks and the publishing of the Republicans’ budget came before of a House Judiciary Committee joint subcommittee hearing titled “ATF’s Assault of the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?” chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). The hearing will start at 10 a.m. Thursday is the day.

Some Republicans hope to make big cuts across the government as they strive to raise the debt ceiling, which Congress reached on January 19.

During a statement on the House floor, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) expressed concern that new ATF guidelines under President Joe Biden, such as limits on pistol bracing, could put gun owners in legal danger.

“It’s going to render millions of Americans felons,” Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) stated last month in an interview with Axios.

Since Republicans began starting probes against the Biden administration left and right, the White House has been actively pushing back, with officials criticizing “MAGA Republicans” for attempting to cut funding in critical areas.

Every day this week, the White House will release information demonstrating how the House Freedom Caucus’ budget will harm individuals. Monday and Tuesday were devoted to cuts to police and healthcare funding, respectively. The White House highlighted on Wednesday that reductions in incentives for manufacturing investments could harm American workers.

The White House is anticipated to focus on Medicare cuts that would harm seniors, a common Biden argument that began during his State of the Union speech, when he pushed Republicans to publicly denounce his accusations that GOP lawmakers sought to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Republicans have stated that until Biden agrees to massive cutbacks across the board, they will not vote to lift the debt ceiling, perhaps leading to the US defaulting on its debt.

Congress has until the end of the summer to raise the debt ceiling.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.