Kamala Harris was caught doing the most despicable thing ever in her recent campaign ad

Kamala Harris tries to paint a picture of a put-together and respected politician. But that is not the case at all.

And now Harris was caught doing the most despicable thing ever in her recent campaign ad.

In the latest display of political opportunism, Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled a new campaign advertisement attempting to rebrand herself as a champion of border security. The ad features a shot of the border wall, a symbol of former President Donald Trump’s commitment to securing America’s borders.

This desperate move by the Harris campaign highlights the Vice President’s blatant flip-flopping on an issue that has become one of the most pressing concerns for American voters.

Kamala Harris has long been a vocal critic of Trump’s border wall, even referring to it as a “medieval vanity project” during her 2020 presidential campaign. She condemned the wall, calling it “a waste of taxpayer money” and “ineffective.” Yet, in a stunning reversal, Harris now uses images of that very wall in her campaign materials, attempting to convince voters that she is serious about border security.

The ad in question, which uses footage from a Voice of America news clip, shows the border wall in Sasabe, Arizona—one of the locations where Trump made significant strides in securing the southern border.

This sudden change in narrative raises a critical question: Why would Kamala Harris, who once dismissed the wall as a useless endeavor, now feature it in her campaign? The answer is clear. As the crisis at the border continues to spiral out of control under the Biden-Harris administration, Harris is scrambling to distance herself from her own failed policies and the disastrous consequences they have wrought.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the situation at both the southern and northern borders has reached catastrophic levels. Since they took office, over 10 million people have crossed the border, including an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrants who evaded capture altogether.

These numbers are a stark contrast to the relative order and security seen during the Trump administration. During Trump’s term, there were only 415,000 reported “gotaways” over the span of three years—a fraction of what the current administration has allowed.

The Biden-Harris administration’s lax approach to border security is directly responsible for this crisis. From the moment they took office, they rolled back many of the effective measures put in place by Trump, including the construction of the border wall.

President Biden even went so far as to halt the wall’s construction, leaving critical gaps that have been exploited by human traffickers, drug cartels, and those seeking to enter the country illegally.

Adding insult to injury, the Biden-Harris administration ended DNA testing at the border, a crucial tool that law enforcement used to prevent the trafficking of unaccompanied minors.

This reckless decision has undoubtedly contributed to the surge in human trafficking cases, further endangering the most vulnerable among those crossing the border.

In 2021, President Biden appointed Kamala Harris as the person responsible for addressing the border crisis, calling her the “most qualified” for the role. Yet, instead of taking decisive action to secure the border, Harris has consistently downplayed the severity of the situation. She has avoided visiting the border, opting instead for photo-ops and diplomatic trips that have done little to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Harris’s failure to address the border crisis is not just a political blunder—it is a dereliction of duty. The consequences of her inaction are felt across the country, as communities struggle with the influx of illegal immigrants, increased crime, and the strain on social services. Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration continues to prioritize their open-border agenda over the safety and security of the American people.

As the 2024 election approaches, it’s clear why Kamala Harris is attempting to rewrite her history on border security. Polls consistently show that immigration and border security are among the top issues for voters. Harris’s abysmal track record on these issues is a liability, and her campaign knows it.

By featuring the border wall in her ads and touting her support for Border Patrol agents, Harris is making a calculated pivot to appear tough on immigration.

But voters should not be fooled by this sudden change in tone. Kamala Harris’s flip-flopping on border security is nothing more than a cynical attempt to win votes.

She opposed Trump’s wall when it was politically convenient and now, as the consequences of her administration’s failures become impossible to ignore, she is attempting to distance herself from those very policies.

In stark contrast to Harris’s shifting positions, President Donald Trump has always been clear and consistent on border security. From the moment he took office, Trump prioritized the safety of the American people by taking bold action to secure the border.

He built hundreds of miles of new wall, implemented the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and took a strong stance against illegal immigration.

Trump’s policies worked. Under his leadership, illegal crossings were significantly reduced, and the border was more secure than it had been in decades. The American people knew that they had a president who was committed to protecting their safety and sovereignty.

Kamala Harris’s recent campaign ad is a stark reminder of the hypocrisy and opportunism that define her political career. Her flip-flopping on border security is not just a matter of changing positions—it is a betrayal of the American people.

At a time when the country is facing an unprecedented border crisis, Harris’s attempts to rewrite her record are not only disingenuous but also dangerous.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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