

Mitch McConnell was booed off stage for this humiliating reason

Senator McConnell is worse for wear. His failing health have led many to question if he's fit to lead. And Mitch McConnell was booed off...

Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty surprise he never saw coming

Rep. Schiff has been a thorn in Trump's side for years. He isn't going away anytime soon. And Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty...

Top Senator has medical emergency and now all hell is breaking loose

Congress is in shambles. One of their own may not be around for long. And a top Senator had a medical emergency and now all...

Joe Manchin ripped Joe Biden to shreds for this massive failure

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin is basically a Democrat in name only. He may still end up switching parties. Because Joe Manchin ripped Joe Biden to...

Chuck Schumer is worried sick about what this Army veteran is about to do to him

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer believes he's invincible. He's about to get a reality check. Because what this Army veteran is about to do to...

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