

Hunter Biden is terrified after a pair of Republicans made this unexpected move

Hunter Biden's issues continue to mount with no end in sight. But with this one decision, he was given a curveball. And Hunter Biden is terrified...

Joe Biden was stabbed in the back by the Fake News Media with these five words

Everyone knows the Fake News Media covers for Joe Biden and the Democrats whenever they can. But they are also trying to cover their...

A judge just unleashed on Nancy Pelosi for saying this massive lie

Nancy Pelosi is trying to fool the American people. But her plan just hit a major snag. That's because a judge just unleashed on Nancy...

Liz Cheney humiliated herself on national TV with this one ridiculous statement

RINO Liz Cheney has become a laughingstock among Republicans. But she has no plans on leaving quietly. And Liz Cheney humiliated herself on national...

A leading Democrat just made a stunning disclosure that could cost her the election

Democrats' political situation is getting worse every day. Races they thought were safe are now within the reach of Republicans. And a leading Democrat just...

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