A major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats

Democrats know they can’t win the argument over their most radical policies. Instead, they go on campaigns of character assassination.

But a major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) symbolizes the Republican Party’s upstart side, which is less interested in endless wars overseas and more interested in focusing on popular conservative programs at home.

That is why the ruling class establishment in Washington, D.C. despises him.

Establishment politicians thought they had rid themselves of him after he was caught in a sex scandal, but Rep. Gaetz was re-elected, and the Department of Justice has now dropped its investigation into the alleged affair.

“The Department of Justice has confirmed to Congressman Gaetz’s attorneys that their investigation has concluded and that he will not be charged with any crimes,” Gaetz’s office wrote in a statement.

The Department of Justice investigated Gaetz for sex trafficking with a 17-year-old girl, a claim the Congressman adamantly disputed.

In addition to the charges against Gaetz, his family was the focus of a $25 million extortion attempt relating to the claims.

Joel Greenberg, a former Congressman’s associate, pleaded guilty to similar charges and was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

CBS News reported that “federal investigators were trying to determine whether Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old.

According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the woman was introduced to Gaetz by Joel Greenberg, a former Florida county tax collector and associate of Gaetz who pleaded guilty in May 2021 to six federal charges, including trafficking of a minor.”

The DOJ, however, discontinued the case of Gaetz because there was insufficient evidence to back up the claims.

Congressman Gaetz’s survival in the scandal is likely to irritate the ruling class establishment, as he has proven to be a thorn in their side.

Gaetz and a few other Republicans prevented Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from being sworn in as Speaker of the House until he agreed to concessions that reduced the establishment’s authority and returned it to the people’s elected Representatives.

Rep. McCarthy has a reputation as an establishment hack, so conservative holdouts needed reassurance that he would not betray Republican supporters.

McCarthy subsequently won the Speaker’s gavel on the 15th vote, and with Republicans regaining control of the House, Rep. Gaetz may have an opportunity to turn the tables on the DOJ.

GOP members are pushing for the FBI to be investigated in connection with various recent incidents, such as the Bureau sitting on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” for a year and then insinuating to social media sites that the tale was phony when it wasn’t.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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