Merrick Garland was sent a threat from the U.S. Senate that has him terrified

Joe Biden’s DOJ head, Merrick Garland, has gone off the deep end. He’s completely ignoring the law.

But now Merrick Garland has been sent a threat from the U.S. Senate that has him terrified.

The Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which the U.S. Supreme Court used to reverse Roe v. Wade, was released a little more than a year ago. Despite the fact that the verdict wasn’t really delivered until late June, the leak’s outrage sparked illegal rallies and even threats against conservative justices. Sharp criticisms of the Biden administration’s response, particularly when it comes to the Department of Justice, have been made as a result.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who spoke to Townhall about the leak and its effects, highlighted the significance of giving the justices with the security “that they clearly need.” The senator also emphasized how crucial it is for Attorney General Merrick Garland to carry out his duties considering that the situation is at a “fever pitch” and that unlawful protests are “still going on.”

In order to “make clear to him he needs to do his job and enforce the law,” Hawley said that Garland “needs to enforce the law” and even added that “and if anybody needs to have their funding denied, it’s Merrick Garland, maybe we need to zero out his salary.”

Reports swirled that had caught up on Hawley’s worries that Democrats were aiming to slash $10 million in financing for the Supreme Court and that that could come from the money required for security, which he had stated last week.

Along with acting in a particularly feeble manner to defend the justices from unlawful protesters, Attorney General Merrick Garland also acknowledged in training slides recently brought up by Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) that Marshals were instructed to refrain from conducting arrests.

Hawley claimed that the leak, along with the unlawful demonstrations, murder attempts, and Democratic attacks on the Supreme Court and its conservative justices, are all part of a campaign to undermine the “independent judiciary.”

Hawley stressed the significance of discovering the identity of the leaker while also issuing a warning about what many Democrats are attempting to do as they “try to pressure the Court to compel and force the Court the way they want.”

That is what is happening, the senator stated.

Hawley also stated, “I think we are at a dangerous moment,” adding, “We’ve got to say whether you love the Court’s decisions, hate ’em, or somewhere in between, our Constitution gives us an independent judiciary and I think we gotta stand on that principle and trying to coerce the Court is dangerous and it’s wrong.”

Democrats have stepped up their criticism of the Supreme Court and of the conservative justices, particularly Justice Clarence Thomas, at an alarming rate. The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing last week on “Supreme Court Ethics Reform,” and throughout it, Republican members emphasized how overt these political crusades have grown to be.

“That’s why all the attacks on the justices that are clearly coordinated, especially Justice Thomas, that’s why the leaker did what he or she did. It is clearly to try and strong-arm the Court,” Hawley suggested to the media.

Hawley has made it abundantly clear that he disagrees with some of the decisions this Court has rendered, but he also stressed that “there is a big difference between saying ‘you know what, I don’t agree with that’ and then saying ‘I’m going to try to pack the Court, or intimidate the Court, or change the Court, so they’ll do what I want them to do. That’s not an independent judiciary. That’s not our Constitution.”

Even more, Hawley said, “I do think this assault on the Court, by the left, is dangerous, very dangerous, and I think that leak is part of that, as well as these recent attacks on Justice Thomas.”

The urgency of the issue has reached “a fever pitch from the left,” according to Hawley, who also cited threats made against Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch by then Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in March 2020 if they did not vote the way he wanted in an abortion case.

In addition to unlawful demonstrations, a person was detained in June of last year for expressing interest in killing Justice Kavanaugh as well as two other conservative justices.

Hawley stressed the need to “just follow the law” when it comes to the protests by holding them in a public setting rather than illegally holding them at the justices’ homes, including late at night and while endangering their children.

Finding out who the leaker is is still doable and imperative, as Hawley said, exactly as Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) stated in a phone conversation with the Daily Signal last week. Hawley stated that he “wasn’t surprised at all” that Justice Samuel Alito thinks he knows who leaked the Dobbs opinion in reference to remarks Alito made to the Wall Street Journal in an interview last month.

Hawley himself added, “I don’t think it’s that hard to find the leaker,” and mentioned how few employees there are at the Court based on personal experience. Hawley worked as a law clerk for Chief Justice John Roberts before, while Sen. Lee worked as a law clerk for Justice Alito.

The regular employees, whom Hawley highlighted were “wonderful, wonderful people,” are only 36 in a given year, and even then, he made it apparent that “numerically, there just aren’t that many of them,” and “it’s not really a very big staff at all.”

The reason Hawley said, “I just don’t buy this, this ‘oh, we can’t tell who it is,'” is because of the small quantity.

Similar urgency was voiced by Sen. Lee as well. If the leaker is not caught, the issue might worsen, as Lee had previously told the Daily Signal. “This sort of thing will continue if there’s no consequence to it,” he had said. A January investigation had produced very little information, and it was determined that the leaker could not be found.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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