The U.S. Senate just released a report that has the White House panicking

President Biden’s trying to keep the lid on a major scandal. But the cover’s been blown.

And the U.S. Senate just released a report that has the White House panicking.

You probably remember Donald Trump being dragged through the mud for proposing the idea that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China.

Three years later now, it’s started to become more common knowledge that the Chinese lab-leak theory is actually most credible.

Several U.S. federal agencies have conducted investigations and reached the conclusion that COVID-19 did not pop up naturally and likely came from a Chinese lab.

The White House, however, has been denying this reality and refuses to acknowledge the evidence.

But U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has dropped a report that basically proves that the COVID-19 virus came from a lab leak in China.

The 328-page report describes how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was particularly vulnerable to a lab leak due to chronic incompetence on the part of scientists in addition to pressure from Chinese Communist Party authorities.

Additionally, according to Rubio, senior Chinese Communist Party leaders sought to keep the public from learning about a “serious biocontainment failure or accident” that occurred at the Wuhan Institute for more than a month.

Internally, Beijing was alerting its authorities to the high probability of SARS-CoV-2 laboratory-acquired illnesses, the paper claims, “just as Beijing was rejecting the lab leak theory of the origin of COVID-19 in international settings.”

Early in the pandemic, public health experts rejected the “lab leak” notion as a hoax, but an increasing number of virologists and federal officials now believe that the virus was manufactured.

The lab leak theory has been supported by studies from the Department of Energy and the FBI, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a former opponent of the notion, admitted in December that he had initially discounted it out of concern for rising “tensions” with China.

The CCP tried to hide what happened next because it occurred in a chronology that was earlier and more urgent than what the rest of the world was aware of at the time.

In 2018, the Chinese government provided funding to the Wuhan Institute for the investigation of two unnamed coronaviruses. According to the study, Beijing has long been interested in these diseases because they are widespread in the country and because the military worries that enemies may create bioweapons to disseminate them.

The paper makes no mention of a specific incident that resulted in COVID-19 escaping from the Wuhan Institute, but the lab’s numerous safety flaws were well known among Chinese scientists.

The source claims that in 2018, Xi cautioned Chinese Communist Party officials to be on the watch for a SARS-like virus, despite the fact that a synopsis of the speech released by state media excluded that part of the Chinese leader’s statements. Soon after, American diplomats went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and returned home with safety worries.

Up until September 2019, when the facility erased its online virus database, there were persistent reports of safety hazards at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Wuhan experienced an increase in hospital traffic in September and October of that year. Anecdotal evidence, according to the paper, points to a coronavirus as the cause of the hospitalizations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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