A massive voter fraud arrest pushed Democrats to make a shocking admission

Democrats like to say that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the United States. But that doesn’t hold water anymore.

And a massive voter fraud arrest pushed Democrats to make a shocking admission.

Pennsylvania Democrat Attorney General Josh Shapiro defeated Republican opponent Doug Mastriano in the Commonwealth’s gubernatorial election.

After leading the charge for former President Donald Trump’s charges of election fraud in the 2020 election, and attending the January 6 protest, Shapiro characterized Mastriano as a “election denying, domestic extremist.”

The corporate-controlled media celebrated Shapiro’s victory as a triumph for democracy.

However, one week after the election, Shapiro admitted to election fraud, revealing the arrest of Democrat political strategist Rasheen Crews for gathering fake petition signatures in order to qualify his clients for the ballot in the 2019 Philadelphia municipal elections.

“In advance of the 2023 municipal elections, this arrest is an important reminder that interfering with the integrity of our elections is a serious crime,” Shapiro stated.

“By soliciting and organizing the wide scale forgery of signatures, the defendant undermined the democratic process and Philadelphians’ right to a free and fair election. My office is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the election process across the Commonwealth, to ensure everyone can participate in Pennsylvania’s future.”

Shapiro revealed how Crews recruited aides to fake signatures in order to qualify Democratic candidates for the ballot in a news release.

Following the discovery of the fraud, these candidates withdrew from the contest.

“An investigation by the Office of Attorney General found that in 2019, multiple candidates hired Crews to help them obtain the requisite amount of signatures needed for their nomination petitions for the Democratic primary races,” Shapiro stated.

“Crews recruited individuals to help with the petition work, bringing them to a hotel room and asking them to write names, addresses, and forged signatures on multiple petitions. Crews then had these petitions notarized and filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State on behalf of his clients.”

“Of the petitions that were reviewed, over one thousand signatures were determined to be duplicated,” he admitted.

“Many names and addresses were found repeated on various petition pages, some pages appeared to be photocopied entirely, and some of the listed individuals claimed to have never signed the petitions in question.”

“Due to the questions around the petition signatures, some candidates chose to withdraw entirely from the election,” the Attorney General concluded.

Whether Democrats and the corporate-controlled media want to accept it or not, every American election has some element of fraud.

The true election denial and “threat to democracy” is denying its existence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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