Biden suffered massive attack that has Democrats holding their breath

Many Americans are worried about Joe Biden and his mental and physical health. And the Left is doing their best to prop him up.

But now, Biden has suffered a massive attack that has Democrats holding their breath.

On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court will hear arguments about Biden’s Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) removal of “critical safeguards for the use of chemical abortion drugs.”

Four national medical groups, their members, and four physicians are being represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in their legal battle against the FDA for “unlawfully removing crucial safety standards for pregnant women who use the abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol.”

The FDA, according to ADF, has eliminated “nearly all” of its mandated safety guidelines in the last eight years “that ensured women and girls had ongoing medical care while taking these high-risk drugs.”

The case’s lawyers assert in a court filing that the FDA removed the majority of these safety regulations in 2016 “without any study evaluating the changes under the new conditions of use and without a reasonable explanation.”

The FDA’s 2021 decision to eliminate the first in-person visit was described in the court document as “arbitrary and capricious,” and the 2016 decision, which among other things eliminated two of the three office visits, “fares no better.”

The court brief adds further that in the 2016 decision, the “FDA failed to consider the cumulative impact of removing all these interrelated safeguards at once.”

“The 2021 action cannot stand because two admittedly insufficient rationales do not a reasoned decision make,” it writes.

The ADF writes, “The FDA’s job is to keep people safe, but the agency betrayed women and girls by ending these safety standards and encouraging at-home abortions without ongoing care from a doctor. What’s more, the FDA took these reckless actions while acknowledging that roughly one in 25 women who take these drugs will end up in the emergency room.”

Following the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision that the FDA had behaved improperly, the matter was transferred to the Supreme Court.

Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, Erin Hawley, who is defending the issue before the Supreme Court, stated, “When taking high-risk drugs, women should have the ongoing care of a doctor.”

“When the FDA illegally eliminated the required in-person medical visits that safeguarded women’s health and wellbeing, it betrayed women and girls,” Hawley added.

“The FDA’s own label for abortion drugs says that roughly one in 25 women who take them will end up in the emergency room. Yet the federal government continues to defend its reckless actions that jeopardize women’s health and safety. Women deserve better, and we look forward to advocating on their behalf at the Supreme Court tomorrow.”

Not only is the FDA putting the lives of millions of Americans in danger, they are doing so and touting it as a win for America.

They believe that by allowing women unrestricted access to these harmful drugs, they are helping American freedom.

However, like the ADF has outlined, countless women are being severely harmed because of their absurd hands-off approach.

We cannot allow the US government to keep harming US citizens in order to further their Radical agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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