CNN’s dark secret exposed by one incriminating exposé

Everyone knows that CNN does the bidding of Democrats. But that pales in comparison to this.

And CNN’s dark secret was exposed by one incriminating exposé.

The Left’s alliance with mainstream media outlets has been common knowledge for decades.

Just take the case of Rep. Adam Schiff from California. Throughout Trump’s term, he made the rounds on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and others claiming Trump’s impeachment was an open-and-shut case.

He said there was no doubt that Trump colluded with Russia, but all of that turned out to be false.

After lying straight to the faces of the American public, you would think journalists would be hesitant to give him a platform.

Of course, that’s not the case:

CNN hired former BBC and New York Times CEO Mark Thompson as its new CEO on Wednesday, hoping to revitalize the faltering media company.

While Thompson has accomplished much in his long career, he has also been the subject of some controversy.

Most famously, at the end of his eight-year tenure at the British public broadcaster, he became embroiled in a scandal when the network canceled a program about an inquiry into longtime presenter and suspected pedophile Jimmy Savile.

The segment was scheduled to appear on BBC Newsnight in 2011, however, it was canceled by higher-ups.

Thompson denied knowledge of the decision, claiming that he was “never formally notified about the ‘Newsnight’ investigation and was not briefed about the allegations they were examining and to what extent, if at all, those allegations related to Savile’s work at the BBC.”

Nonetheless, as Director General, he drew criticism from both the general public and lawmakers.

During a parliamentary hearing on the subject, MP Roger Gale questioned Thompson’s ability to “not know what was going on under his own roof.”

Former Culture, Media, and Sport Committee chairman John Whittingdale, on the other hand, noted that testimony from individuals involved in decision-making demonstrated that the director general “doesn’t get dragged into these things.”

Thompson called other executives after learning of the aborted segment, who informed him that they “had decided not to proceed with it on journalistic grounds.”

When Arthur Sulzberger left the BBC to become chairman of the New York Times in 2012, he stated that Thompson “played no role in the cancellation of the segment.”

Savile, who died in 2011, was accused of abusing hundreds of children over the course of his decades-long career, the majority of which he spent at the BBC, where he hosted a number of famous shows.

The Metropolitan Police initiated an inquiry into his actions in 2012, and ITV aired a program about him that same year.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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