Disgusting censorship attempts show just how scared of the truth Democrats are

Radical Leftists hate the truth more than anything. And they refuse to let free speech win.

And now, new disgusting censorship attempts show just how scared of the truth Democrats are.

The Radical Left has always done its best to hide the truth and censor the news.

However, especially over the past few years, the entire situation has gotten so much worse, and the news outlets cannot be trusted to report on anything.

But now, things have reached a new extreme as recent reports detail just how far the world is willing to go to silence the truth.

For decades, American journalists have been interviewing political leaders across the world, and for decades it has never been a problem.

But now, all of a sudden, a top Eurocrat, Guy Verhofstadt, is calling for Tucker Carlson to face sanctions because of his recent interview with Putin.

Verhofstadt said, “As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well.”

While the process of sanctioning an individual is typically a long one, Verhofstadt has been making these calls since even before the interview.

He even called for Carlson to be banned from the EU altogether.

“Tucker Carlson is surely on the path to being labeled a propagandist for the Russian regime. If he enables disinformation for Putin, the EU should explore a travel ban!”

Although the US, EU, and NATO are not at war with Russia, many have called Carlson all sorts of things for being willing to interview Putin.

U.S. Congressmen Adam Kinzinger claimed Carlson was a “traitor” and Verhofstadt said Tucker was “an enemy of everything the US stands for.”

Others have joined in with Verhofstadt including former Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet saying, “Carlson wants to give a platform to someone accused of crimes of genocide—this is wrong.”

It seems shocking just how strongly the world has reacted to a single interview.

From all we can tell, Tucker has taken no sides, enabled no disinformation, and is simply doing his part as a journalist.

The media has become so accustomed to spreading lies that anytime anyone tries to allow the free flow of information, Radical Leftists’ brains explode!

Tucker himself has assured the public countless times that he interviewed Putin not to enable Russia but simply to inform the American people about the Ukranian war.

This hatred against Tucker for simply an interview should be something that scares all Americans…

We cannot allow for this to continue, and we cannot enable the Radical Left in their battle to stop the spread of the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news no matter how badly the Left wants to stop us.

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