Donald Trump could shut down CNN with this stunning move

CNN’s been on a bumpy ride the past few years. The network’s ratings are taking and their bank accounts are dwindling.

And now Donald Trump could be the one to shut down CNN with this stunning move.

The last 6 or so years have been game-changing for the all Fake News Media outlets.

The distrust Americans have for news reported by the Fake News Media has reached an all-time high, and that only seems to be getting worse.

The overall trust in the news reported on cable is around 30% these days, and there very well could be a dip into the 20s in the near future.

One of the major parties responsible for this slip is most certainly CNN.

CNN has ramped up its radical antics in the past few years. And it all started when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President and won in 2016.

What little credibility they had before the Trump administration, they completely destroyed by having the network dedicated to committing character assassination of President Trump.

It still happens today as they prepare for a potential Trump 2024 run. But apparently, Trump has had enough of the games.

Donald Trump has now filed a lawsuit against CNN, seeking damages for the network slandering Donald Trump because they are fearful he will run in 2024 and beat the unpopular incumbent, Joe Biden.

The real bad news for CNN is that he wants $475 million.

Newsmax reports:

News reports from various wire services say Trump is seeking at least $475 million in damages.

As reported by Bloomberg, the suit, filed by Trump lawyers Monday in a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, asserts that CNN has attempted to taint Trump “with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler.’”

This is a major problem for CNN considering how poorly the network is doing as of late.

Reports have shown that CNN’s profits will be dipping below $1 billion for the first time since 2016 to around $956.8 million.

That’s much lower than their modest target of around $1.1 billion or more. And considering how bad inflation has been, their real profits are atrocious.

A lawsuit like this one from Trump could be downright crushing for the network and put it in a serious financial bind.

CNN could decide to settle outside of court with Trump to prevent the network’s credibility from taking a hit if the court were to side with Trump.

But even then, it seems CNN would be forced to cough up a lot of money to make it worth Trump’s while.

At the end of the day, no one is to blame for this except CNN.

They are the ones who decided to be the Trump Derangement Syndrome network – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are consequences for that. Now their viewers are tired of it, and so is Trump.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on this story and more.

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