Joe Biden could step down as President after he was slapped with this massive truth bomb

Joe Biden keeps telling everyone who will listen that he will run for office again in 2024. But there’s a good reason to think that won’t happen.

And Joe Biden could step down as President after he was slapped with this massive truth bomb.

Joe Biden has to say that he wants to be president again.

Biden’s Presidency would be over as soon as he said he wouldn’t run for re-election. This would make him the biggest “lame duck” President in U.S. history.

Americans do not, however, want Biden to run for re-election, according to polls.

According to a CNN poll, 75% of Democrats want the party to choose a different nominee.

Biden will be 86 at the end of a probable second term, and Democrats believe that his advanced age makes him more likely to lose to Donald Trump or the GOP nominee in 2024.

On Monday, Bloomberg revealed that according to its economic model, there is a 100% possibility that the United States would experience a recession over the next 12 months. This was more bad news for Biden.

According to Breitbart:

The U.S. economy is effectively certain to enter a recession in the next 12 months, according to model projections from Bloomberg Economics.

Bloomberg News described this as “a blow to President Joe Biden’s economic messaging ahead of the November elections.”

The probability models maintained by Bloomberg economists Anna Wong and Eliza Winger had earlier shown just a 65 percent chance of a recession over the coming 12 months.

A separate Bloomberg survey of 42 economists predicts the probability of a recession over the next 12 months rose to 60 percent recently, up from 50 percent a month earlier.

Many Americans think that a recession is already underway.

Technically, a recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of declining gross domestic product for the economy.

But Biden and the Democrats can say that the economy is not in a downturn by pointing to the fact that economists have not proclaimed a recession.

That fig leaf will vanish the next year as real-world circumstances compel even left-wing economists to acknowledge that America is in a recession.

The parameters of the 2024 election will be set by a recession that begins in earnest in 2023.

Additionally, Joe Biden won’t be able to compete for reelection if Democrats suffer a heavy defeat in the midterm elections, even if there will be a severe recession.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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