Joe Biden is red with rage after being thrown this curveball by Republicans

Joe Biden is attempting to deceive the public. He’s breaking the law through one devious scheme.

And Joe Biden is red with rage after being thrown this curveball by Republicans.

Democrats are in disarray following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Court prohibited abortion-on-demand, relegating the subject of abortion to state legislatures.

Democrats were enraged when red states pushed to ban or severely limit abortion.

President Joe Biden devised an illegal strategy to circumvent the abortion restrictions that had been imposed.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established a new regulation in September that permitted the government to provide abortions to veterans and beneficiaries, citing the decision as a “patient safety decision.”

This is a plot by the Biden administration to circumvent state laws in order to keep the abortion-on-demand industry afloat.

Because the VA is on federal land, it has no legal power to violate state abortion laws.

Pro-abortion campaigners are putting pressure on President Biden to convert federal buildings into abortion clinics in order to circumvent abortion laws in red states.

Republicans in Congress are responding with a new Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution that would repeal the VA’s new abortion rule.

Reps. Michael Cloud (R-TX) and Michael Bost (R-IL) introduced the resolution, which has garnered more than 60 cosponsors.

“No American should be forced by our government to pay for someone else’s abortion,” Cloud told The Daily Caller. “The Biden administration is abusing its authority and ignoring the law to enforce a radical anti-life agenda. The VA should remain committed to providing care to support the lives of our veterans, not be used as a political tool by the Biden administration to illegally provide taxpayer-funded abortions.”

The CRA empowers Congress to approve a resolution blocking federal agency rules.

The Senate version of the CRA was introduced by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).

“It’s shameful to see the Biden administration continue to find ways to blatantly undermine our laws,” Tuberville told The Daily Caller. “The interim final rule from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide taxpayer-funded abortions at its facilities is the latest subversion in a long line of actions from this administration that points to complete contempt for the law. It betrays the convictions of many Americans who value the sanctity of life and don’t want their tax dollars paying for abortions.”

Joe Biden is determined to find ways to circumvent state abortion regulations.

Keep an eye on Conservative Underground News for any developments on this developing story.

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