Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk

Joe Biden saw the midterm elections as a significant success. Then he noticed an issue hiding beneath the surface.

And Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk.

President Joe Biden appeared to be on a high after Democrats’ unexpectedly good result in the midterm elections.

However, voters are suggesting that if he decides to run for a second term, he may have a significant difficulty.

The Biden border issue has been one of the worst disasters of his presidency, and a new survey shows that people will not forgive him in 2024.

On Election Day, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted an exit survey, which revealed that the Biden border crisis is a top issue for Americans, and it might come back to harm Biden if the crisis persists.

According to the exit poll, 62% of respondents want tougher border security and deporting illegal immigrants.

Furthermore, only 32% of respondents backed the open borders attitude of amnesty and allowing additional illegal immigrants in.

Half of voters polled by FAIR said that “securing the border and stopping illegal immigration” should be the top immigration issue for the next Congress to tackle.

“Voters want the border brought under control, the wall built, and our nation’s immigration laws enforced,” FAIR President Dan Stein said.

With Republicans poised to take control of the House following the midterm elections, they will be able to begin addressing the border situation.

“The likely Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, pledged that a border security bill will be the first piece of legislation he brings to the floor next year, and he has a clear mandate to fulfill that pledge,” Stein continued. “Additionally, the House must use its power of the purse to ensure that this administration is not given a blank check to spend taxpayer money to undermine immigration laws, as they have for the past two years.”

Spending bills must be introduced in the House, providing Republicans the authority to halt financing for the Biden regime’s open borders lunacy.

“When it comes to immigration and border enforcement, the Biden administration has betrayed the trust of the American people,” Stein noted. “It is now up to congressional Republicans to show they can earn that trust.”

Some top Republicans appear to be up to the task of confronting the Biden administration over the border crisis.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) stated that border security should be a major priority for Republicans in the upcoming Congress.

“The Biden administration has created the worst humanitarian crisis in modern American history,” Banks said. “Next Congress, Republicans’ top immigration priority will be securing our southern border and voters will reward us for it in 2024.”

With Donald Trump announcing another presidential bid, border security will be front and center amid the Biden border crisis.

In a blow to Biden, the FAIR poll indicated that 64% want Trump to finish his border wall.

If Joe Biden runs for re-election, the border situation will be a huge political issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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