Major legal win for Trump has Democrats worried sick

Trump’s legal battles have been all over the news for months now. And the Radical Leftists are doing everything they can to interfere with his chances of running for President.

But now, this major legal win for Trump has Democrats worried sick.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has been coming after Trump in every way he can, and he is doing everything to thwart Trump in his attempts to run for president again.

However, even with all of the setbacks Trump has faced, he has recently been handed a massive legal win by Jack Smith.

More than a year into the investigation, Special Counsel Jack Smith has dropped his subpoena request from Trump’s campaign.

The subpoena was part of an ongoing investigation into Trump’s campaign to see whether or not he committed any crimes.

Smith has already dropped a similar request to Save America which was a PAC formed by Trump’s aides.

Since November of last year, prosecutors have been investigating the Trump campaign and Save America in order to determine whether or not the campaign committed crimes.

The investigation specifically is looking into whether or not Trump or his advisors committed any crimes related to federal wire fraud statutes during their fundraising.

However, now this withdrawal of subpoenas from both the Trump Campaign and Save America could be further proof that Smith is slowing down his investigation that has lasted over a year.

In a year of investigations into the campaign, it seems that Smith and his team have not found anything significant to condemn Trump.

He believed that Trump and his team violated laws by using election fraud claims as a way to raise funds for his campaign, however, there has been no evidence or proof brought forth.

Townhall reports that “Smith’s office has made inquiries about the Trump PAC before indicting the former president, including examining his campaign’s fundraising after the 2020 election, funds spent on contractors and lawyers, and speaking to witnesses who were connected financially to the PAC.”

Yet, despite the countless inquiries into the matter, they have found nothing and have been forced to remove their subpoenas and accept defeat.

While this may not seem like a major win for Trump, it really is.

This is proof that the Radical Left is slowly falling apart and they have no evidence of wrongdoing on Trump’s part.

So much of the Left’s case against Trump revolves around the idea that he tried to overthrow the election and stay in power.

However as more and more time goes on, it has become increasingly obvious that these accusations are baseless and are not going to hold up in court.

The Radical Left has weaponized the justice system in America to attack their political rivals and push their agenda on the country.

However, American voters are waking up and realizing the TRUTH: the Radical Left wants to see the complete and total destruction of the United States and everything it stands for.

And Donald Trump is pro-America and he wants to see the country prosper, and therefore, must be held in check by the Radical Left, and their way of doing so is by accusing him falsely of crimes he did not commit in order to get him locked up.

When the Left controls the media, they control the narrative, and they control the minds of the people.

The American people must wake up and realize what is going on, and we must fight back against the corruption in politics.

America needs strong leaders who will put the needs of the people and the nation first instead of focusing so much on destroying America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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