Trump’s promise to the American people leaves Democrats terrified about their future

It is no secret that Democrats have been trying to destroy America, and since Biden took office, they have been succeeding. But now their chances at more destruction might be hindered.

Because Trump’s promise to the American people has left Democrats terrified about their future.

During a recent rally in Iowa, Trump gave a speech that left Democrats worried and speechless.

We are in a time of so much political unrest in the United States, and the world is in the middle of multiple conflicts that American troops have found themselves mixed up in as well.

There are countless anti-Israel protests erupting around the world and even in the United States there are anti-Semitic rallies.

US troops are also experiencing attacks in the Middle East, and the unrest across the entire world has reached a fever pitch.

During his speech in Sioux Falls, Iowa, Trump declared, “Our constitution is being ripped to shreds. Israel is under attack. And now we have terrorist sympathizers chanting their jihad slogans on our streets, all over our streets. With your vote, we will defend our country, we will defend our Judeo-Christian values, and we will defend Western civilization.”

This speech certainly left the Radical Left shuddering, since Trump promised to stop everything the Democrats are trying to achieve.

Trump emphasized that “We have to keep our country safe, and we do it not because we want to start wars. We do it because we want to stop wars.”

He went on further to emphasize, “If you try to kill our citizens, we will kill you. That’s the way we’re going to keep our country safe.”

Trump has been a critic of Biden’s foreign policies, and during a recent speaking engagement in Nevada Trump shared a message to the victims of Hamas brutality.

He said, “To every Israeli and every American touched by these barbaric activities: We love you, we’re with you, we grieve with you, we share your anger and we stand with you 100%.”

Joe Biden has made it clear that he does not care much about Israel, and many on the Radical Left are pushing terrorist propaganda and lies.

The American people have realized that Joe Biden is not the leader America and the world needs right now.

A weak leader in the White House leaves America and its allies open to devastating attacks as shown by the horrific attacks on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas.

Trump also spoke on Biden’s immigration policies that are flooding the country with terrorist empathizers.

Trump stated “We don’t want to be like Europe. If you sympathize with jihadists then we don’t want you in our country.”

Americans know that Joe Biden is trying to destroy American lives in order to promote his radical and harmful agenda.

It is time to fight back against these harmful policies that are destroying everything America stands for.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue brining you the TRUTH even as the Left refuses to do so.

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