Merrick Garland is hyperventilating over this giant FBI scandal being leaked

The United States Attorney General Merrick Garland has been an utter failure. On his watch, the DOJ and the FBI have been out of control.

And now Merrick Garland is freaking out over this giant FBI scandal being leaked.

A game-changing lawsuit against Big Tech and the government has revealed the FBI’s complicity in yet another big incident.

Missouri Attorney General Erich Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry launched a complaint against the Biden administration, accusing officials of breaching the First Amendment by collaborating with Big Tech to restrict issues such as the flu and the 2020 election.

A federal judge ordered that the Republican Attorneys General could proceed with their case by subpoenaing Biden officials and employees of Big Tech to testify in depositions as part of pre-trial discovery.

Elvis Chan, the FBI’s assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Cyber Branch, was one of the officials deposed in the case.

During the fall of 2020, Chan informed lawyers, he maintained a “command post” for the FBI in San Francisco to coordinate the Bureau’s nationwide censorship activities against disinformation.

The Left’s euphemism for speech they don’t like and believe should be banned by Big Tech is disinformation.

The censoring effort, according to Chan, included FBI field offices, federal prosecutors, and FBI and Justice Department lawyers.

His office would make the final decision on whether to contact Big Tech companies to delete anything that was purportedly misinformation or breached a company’s ambiguous terms of service agreement.

“We would receive some responses from the social media companies,” Chan noted.

“I remember in some cases they would relay that they had taken down the posts. In other cases, they would say that this did not violate their terms of service.”

Chan’s deposition is the most damning proof yet that the FBI was collaborating with Big Tech to influence the 2020 election.

Incoming House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) expressed worry over the FBI’s conduct.

“Should be very concerning to everyone who cares about the First Amendment, who cares about civil liberties,” Comer said to Just the News. “This is wrong.”

The FBI’s meddling in elections, according to Comer, might be stopped by closing a loophole in the Hatch Act.

The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from participating in most partisan political activities.

“This should be a violation of the Hatch Act,” Comer added. “Apparently, there’s a loophole in the Hatch Act that doesn’t impact social media. We’re going to change that legislation next year.”

In court records, Republican Attorneys General disclosed that Chan and another FBI agent participating in the censoring operation made political contributions to a number of Democratic candidates.

Comer stated that censorship will be a top issue for his Committee next year.

“We’re going to do everything we can to hold people accountable, because there’s no excuse for what the FBI has done with respect to limiting speech,” Comer said.

Elvis Chan’s testimony is yet another blot on the FBI’s already tarnished reputation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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