Texas Governor Greg Abbott is being threatened with jail after doing this to Kamala Harris

As “border czar” for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is supposed to solve the Biden border crisis. Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, tried to remind Harris of this.

And now Texas Governor Greg Abbott is being threatened with jail after doing this to Kamala Harris.

Under President Joe Biden’s watch, a record number of illegal immigrants have come into the country.

And since President Biden won’t even admit that there is a crisis at the border, things will only get worse.

Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has been fighting back against the Biden border crisis at the state level for the past few months.

Abbott has sent thousands of illegal immigrants by bus to places like Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, and Denver that are run by Democrats and are called “sanctuary cities.”

Overall, Governor Abbott says that his decision to bus in illegal immigrants has saved Texas taxpayers billions of dollars by putting the burden on Democrats in so-called “sanctuary cities” who want to show how good they are.

Biden won’t do anything to fix the border crisis he caused, even though Abbott is trying.

Vice President and “border czar” Kamala Harris recently claimed that “the border is secure.”

But Governor Abbott sent Harris a Christmas gift to show her that, despite what she said, the crisis at the Biden border is getting worse.

On Christmas Eve, Abbott sent three buses with 150 illegal immigrants to the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., which is the home of the Vice President.

And Democrats are very angry about Abbott’s surprise for Harris on Christmas Eve.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said that Abbott was “useless” and a “POS.”

“Worthless @GovAbbott dropping off people with no money and no means on Christmas Eve in 15-degree weather near the VP’s residence,” Castro wrote on Twitter. “How Christian of you, Greg Abbott. Being a heartless POS isn’t going to make you the next Republican President.”

Castro didn’t go as far as they did, though.

Scott Dworkin, an activist on the left who helped start The Democrat Coalition, asked President Biden to throw Governor Abbott in jail for driving illegal immigrants to Harris’ house.

“Gov Abbott abandoning children on the side of the road on Christmas Eve will go down as one his most despicable acts ever,” he wrote. “Abbott should go to jail.”

Occupy Democrats, a radical left-wing group, agreed with Dworkin and asked Biden to start a criminal investigation into the Texas Governor.

Of course, if anyone deserves to be locked up, it’s Joe Biden and the rest of his administration because they won’t enforce our country’s immigration laws.

Governor Greg Abbott did nothing but bring the Biden border crisis back into the public eye.

And Democrats are mad at him for letting it all out.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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