The Pentagon is on lockdown after one nation made this shocking threat

Joe Biden has made a complete mess of foreign policy. But this threatens to send us into outright war.

And the Pentagon is on lockdown after one nation made this shocking threat.

Joe Biden doesn’t have many laurels to rest on when it comes to leading this great nation on the world stage.

Early in his presidency, he oversaw the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that left over a dozen US servicemen dead and the Taliban back in control of the country.

Since then, Russia invaded its neighbor Ukraine, leaving tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands dead or wounded.

And that says nothing about the depletion of the US military’s ammunition stockpiles to supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces or China’s constant expansionism in the South China Sea.

Rather than point out the obvious catastrophe we’re witnessing, the media is too busy lobbing softballs at Biden.

Meanwhile, another one of America’s security risks, North Korea, just revealed they have a new weapon that can strike anywhere in the country.

North Korean state media revealed on Thursday that dictator Kim Jong-un had presided over the launch the day before of a new model of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), dubbed the “Hwasong-18,” designed to terrify the United States and South Korea into abandoning war actions.

“A series of stronger military offensive [sic] will be launched until the U.S. imperialists and the south [sic] Korean puppet traitors admit their shameful defeat,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Pyongyang’s flagship regime media outlet, vowed in its announcement of the Hwasong-18’s allegedly successful launch.

According to ballistics experts, the missile’s range looks to be capable of striking “the entire US mainland,” according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap on Thursday.

On Wednesday, South Korean, Japanese, and American military officials confirmed the launch of a missile that appeared to be an ICBM.

The missile traveled for about an hour before crashing into Japanese waters near the northernmost island of Hokkaido, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry.

The missile launch looked to be timed to disturb multiple meetings of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol at the NATO conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.

South Korea is not a member of NATO, nor is Japan, whose Prime Minister Kishida Fumio also attended the summit, but the country maintains a connection with the military alliance, which Yoon strengthened this week with a series of improved intelligence-sharing agreements.

America’s National Security Council (NSC) issued a statement on Thursday condemning the launch of the Hwasong-18.

“This launch is a brazen violation of multiple [United Nations] Security Council resolutions and needlessly raises tensions and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region,” NSC spokesman Adam Hodge said on Thursday, according to the Korea JoongAng Daily, a South Korean newspaper.

The NSC urged North Korea to “immediately cease its destabilizing actions and instead choose diplomatic engagement.”

That’s what we need…more strongly-worded statements.

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