Top Democrat declares state of emergency over Biden’s biggest failure

It’s no secret Biden’s administration is incompetent. Even Democrats are starting to wake-up to the reality.

And now this top Democrat declares state of emergency over Biden’s biggest failure.

Everywhere you turn, President Biden seems to be implementing policies that destroy America and everything it stands for.

Since Biden took office, there have been questions raised over his mental and physical fitness as President of the United States.

He has made countless questionable decisions and policies that seem to make almost every matter worse.

One of these has been his dealing with the US border.

His policies are destroying the economies of border cities and states as they are flooded with thousands of illegal immigrants every day.

For the longest time, it has only been the Republicans who have called out Biden’s terrible border and immigration policies, but now that has all changed.

On Tuesday, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency due to Joe Biden’s enormous border crisis.

With the most recent influx of illegal immigrants flooding her state, Governor Healey had no choice but to call for help.

Democrats criticized Republicans for questioning the state of our border, but they aren’t criticizing Healey now.

Governor Healey stated in a letter to Homeland Security that “rapid and unabating increases in the number of families with children and pregnant people – many of them newly arriving migrants and refugees – living within the state but without the means to secure safe shelter in our communities” caused this state of emergency.

“These trends are driven by many factors, including a confusing tangle of immigration laws,” Healey continued.

You know your system is broken when even your close supporters acknowledge that the immigration laws are confusing.

She also said that “Over the past six months, the demand for emergency shelter has skyrocketed.”

In a recent Twitter post, Healey stated that Massachusetts “shelter system is stretched thin.”

Biden’s immigration policies have always left our border bleeding and our states overwhelmed, but now that a Democratic governor has had to declare a state of emergency, surely this means he will do something about the border crisis, right?

This is a very real problem that is threatening to overrun cities and states and now both sides are demanding a change.

Will Biden help during this crisis or will he continue to sit there and do nothing?

Tune in to Prudent Politics to watch this story unfold.

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