Top Republican’s shocking 2024 election plans could completely shake up the race

2024 is another election year, and with the stage seemingly already set, any changes at this point are shocking. But is it too late?

Now this top Republican’s shocking 2024 election plans could completely shake up the race.

It seems to be too late for a person to be shaking things up for the election next year, but Glenn Youngkin has done just that: shaken everything up.

He has decided to conduct a litmus test for 2024 by urging state Republicans to support a 15-week ban on abortion.

Virginia’s November 7 elections see all 140 seats of the General Assembly up for grabs, and Youngkin is attempting to help GOP candidates in that race.

He has urged legislators to support this 15-week ban calling it a “reasonable” and “common” approach.

The ban has exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the pregnant women, and outlines plans for cutting down on abortions and saving the lives of the unborn.

There is a $1.4 million ad blitz that Gov. Youngkin is running funded by Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia has said: “Here’s the truth: There is no ban.”

The Virginia election is the only major one in the country before next year’s presidential election, so many are seeing this as a sort of litmus test for GOP candidates.

Fox News refers to this as “a critical test for national Republicans who have struggled on a common pro-life message since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.”

While Democrats outraised Republicans in September, Youngkin is using his own surge in support to the advantage of Republicans in Virginia.

Youngkin’s surge comes as he himself flirts with the idea of a Presidential run, and he has used this to back Republicans in order to flip the Democratic VA Senate.

If he succeeds in keeping control of the House and flipping the Senate in VA it will give him more leeway to push a more conservative agenda and be able to make his own moves more freely.

When Roe v Wade was overturned, Democrats used that as an opportunity to rally support for themselves, while many Republicans seemed unable to use the situation to their advantage.

A spokesperson for Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia PAC said, “There was no Republican response, none, and the results were tough in the ’22 midterms.”

He continued, “Republicans didn’t talk about where they were. They didn’t swat back the misstatements, the sometimes outright lies.”

While Youngkin is hoping to use this strategy as a positive thing for Republicans, some Democrats are using it to help themselves.

The Democratic Party of Virginia chairwoman Susan Swecker told reporters “I hope they keep it up. We’re the only Southern state that doesn’t ban abortion and [protecting access] is something that resonates across the commonwealth in all social, economic and diverse communities.”

A media tracking company found that 42% of ads aired by Democrats referenced abortion while only 3% of ads aired by Republicans did.

While this move might be risky for Youngkin’s own attempts in the political world, he is set on his push and wants to see VA fully flipped.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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